International city of police raids
International city of police raids


Within days of Derry being named as an ‘International City of Peace’, British forces have engaged in yet another militarised assault in the Creggan area of the city.

A dozen PSNI gunmen attempted to force their way into the home of a political activist, before ultimately using a mechanical saw to get through the front door.

The target of the operation was the current chair of Saoradh in Derry, who wasn’t home at the time. A number of items were seized and the property damaged significantly.

“While trying to gain access to the home of the Saoradh member, these armed Crown Force members saturated the area trying to intimidate members of the community,” said Saoradh representative Paddy Gallagher.

“Saoradh representatives, local residents and other community activists were quickly on the scene and challenged Crown Force personnel regarding their behaviour.”

Ironically, Derry was named last week as an “inspiring case study” of a “deep commitment to peace-building” by the UN-backed International Cities of Peace Network.

That came despite riots erupting earlier this month following similar PSNI raids in the Creggan.

Gallagher condemned Sinn Fein and the SDLP for “constantly and consistently” forcing the PSNI on the republican people of the Six Counties.

“While this has been the case, Derry has borne the brunt of this force facing daily harassment, stop and searches, house raids, trumped up charges and cases of internment.

“Those pro-establishment parties and clergy who actively call on our communities to support these heavily armed thugs have lost all credibility. Saoradh call on all Republicans to reject this occupying armed militia.”

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