MI5 is dictating judicial direction
MI5 is dictating judicial direction


If ever there was a reminder needed that the British judicial system work in tandem with MI5 then this week was it, as they flex their muscles when it comes to dealing with Republicans.

In two separate cases British judges dismissed legal representatives and their defence arguments.

Despite ‘Lady Chief Justice’ Siobhan Keegan stating that there is no judicial direction in place around the granting of bail to Republicans, it’s clear this is not the case.

In the first instance this week, barrister Joe Brolly attempted to highlight the judicial direction by stating in a British court “There is a cause for concern in the legal profession that dissident Republicans don’t get bail because they are dissident Republicans.”

The response by the British judge came as no surprise as he shouted “I don’t want to hear it, sit down.”

What Joe Brolly said in court is of huge significance. He said like in other cases he is involved in, there is little to no evidence against Republicans but the Crown creates a prejudicial atmosphere within the court with propagandist theories that put an enforced incentive on the media and the judge “to do the right thing” by remanding and interning Republicans before trial.

In the second instance, which relates to a Christmas window display at Junior McDaid House, two Derry Republicans received jail sentences due to an image depicting a snowman turning on Christmas decorations.

In his usual incoherent ramblings British judge Barney McElholhm showed his hatred for Republicans and again showed the MI5 dictated judicial direction by saying “the very fact they were outside Junior McDaid House was enough to show support for a proscribed organisation”.

To say that because someone stands outside a political parties headquarters that they are supporting proscribed organisations is absurd. Saoradh helps local people deal with a wide range of issues including welfare rights advice, housing advice and general community enquires amongst many other socioeconomic issues.

It’s clear that the British state are pursuing a relentless strategy to jail as many Republicans as possible. A punitive policy to take activists away from their families and communities; out of sight and out of mind.

When Republicans are targeted by the British occupation forces, backed by their political mouth pieces in Stormont, they can expect to held for anything up to 5 years on remand in a British gaol away from their families, communities and comrades. Many of these cases are built on sand and eventually collapse before trial, although the end result is that those Republicans are held in gaol for several years despite being innocent.

Saoradh call on all Republicans, Nationalists, those who champion human rights and the ever silent Catholic Church to open your eyes, see what is happening in front of you and speak out about it.

Being a Republican is not a crime!

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