Saoradh condemns use of child informers amid Derry clashes
Saoradh condemns use of child informers amid Derry clashes


Saoradh representatives in Derry have been contacted by concerned parents following revelations that young people between the ages of 13-16 have been working as what has been termed “Juvenile Covert Human Intelligence Sources”.

The revelations came amid heightened tensions in the city involving local youths. PSNI vehicles came under attack following raids and searches in the Ballymagroarty area last weekend. Rocks, petrol bombs and paint were thrown at PSNI patrols after two men were arrested over an alleged arms find in the area last week.

Following what Saoradh described as “difficult conversations” involving the parents, community workers and the young people of concern, it transpired that some were in receipt of sums of money ranging from £60 upwards from British Crown Forces in return for information on a number of local people, including Republicans.

“Despite alleged safeguards for child informers, it’s clear that the actions of the Crown Forces are putting young people directly at risk of harm, and in situations which their mental state simply could never be able to comprehend,” they said.

They called on parents of young people, particularly between the ages of 13-17, to be extra cautious and wary if their children appear to have more money than usual.

“We also encourage anyone who has concerns surrounding the use of child informers, or believe that their child may be involved in this type of activity to come forward and speak to your local Saoradh representative immediately.”

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