Break the connection with England!
Break the connection with England!


By AIA Ireland

The irony of British Imperialism pontificating about ‘illegal Occupations’ of Sovereign Nations can not be lost on many.

For more then 850 years, British Imperialism and principally English Imperialism has maintained an illegal occupation of Ireland. Today, Britain maintains its illegal stranglehold on Ireland through a direct and colonial military occupation of 6 Irish Counties and a semi colonial rule over 26 Irish Counties.

You won’t hear much about this ongoing occupation in the compliant mainstream media, or from the subservient free state administration that is but a puppet of Britain in Ireland.

But the truth today is that there are 5,000 full combat British Troops in Ireland, 9000 members of a paramilitary police, thousands of MI5 spooks and many thousands of members of loyalist death squads controlled by British Imperialism. The head of the Free State Police is an MI5 agent meaning that British Military Intelligence controls policing across Ireland. The British Navy are responsible for policing Irish costal waters and the British Airforce are responsible for policing Irish Skies, with the full compliance of Leinster House. Many of the shops in the towns and cities in Ireland are English and English feudal lords still own vast tracts of land in Ireland.

Yet where is the talk of sanctions against British Imperialism for its ongoing illegal occupation and partition in Ireland?

Dean Swift once had a tactic to deal with English Imperialism in Ireland, he advocated that the people should ‘Burn Everything English, But their Coal!’. An economic boycott of English goods in Ireland is a tactic that can hit the occupation and imperialism where it hurts and is worth being considered by all opposed to the British presence in Ireland.

The Irish People want no part in an imperialist war with the people of the Donbas or Russia. Our fight is against British Imperialism and the Occupation of our country as the primary contradiction, along with the fight against North American and European Imperialist Interference in Ireland.

Our people should not be misled by Anglo-American propaganda and warmongering. Our enemies remain those that hold our country in chains and oppress and exploit our people. Our struggle is to drive the British Occupation and its imperialist allies out of Ireland.

As western imperialism marches ever closer to war, the focus in Ireland must be on rebuilding the struggle for National Liberation and Socialist Revolution into a mass movement across the country, a movement that will not accept Ireland being used as an imperialist pawn.

All Republicans should rally to the cause to drive Britain out of Ireland once again. It is only by addressing the primary contradiction that all other contradictions in Ireland can be resolved

For National Liberation and Socialist Revolution- Break the Connection with Imperialism- Brits Out Now!

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