MI5 device found in Lurgan
MI5 device found in Lurgan


A device believed to be a military grade British listening device has been found in a working class housing estate in Lurgan, County Armagh.

According to Saoradh, local residents were walking near an allotment area by a working class housing estate in the town when they noticed a small mound of soil and grass which looked to have a microphone and an ariel attached to it.

No other devices were found.

“As the images show, at first glance it looks to be a harmless piece of equipment. But on greater inspection it is believed to be a high tech and advanced military grade listening device,” they said.

“It is clear to see and identify the extremely powerful and sensitive microphones, that we believe are voice activated and have an extended range magnitude.”

They believe the device was capable of saving months of audio recordings.

“[MI5] then collect the device to charge and extract the collated data and return it to a spot of their choice.

“The real sole intention of this activity was to set up Republicans and incarcerate them in their MI5 controlled gaol. Once again the true face of our occupation comes to the fore.”

They asked if Sinn Féin, who they said “have direct lines of communication to the Crown Forces”, knew about the device.

Referring to the recent attempted recruitment case of local woman Aimee Duffy, they said the people of Lurgan had “seen first-hand the true nature of the so-called intelligence services in this country”.

“They are not welcome here in Lurgan, nor anywhere else for that matter.

“The British war against the Republican struggle has not stopped or eased in the midst of these unprecedented times. It would be remiss of the occupation to think this struggle is over.

“Saoradh would urge people, Republican or otherwise, to be vigilant of such nefarious activity and to report any such activity to your local Saoradh representative.”

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