Bloody Sunday March 2021
Bloody Sunday March 2021



The Bloody Sunday March Committee is organising a week of online events and a virtual march for justice for the 1972 massacre of 14 civilians by British forces in Derry, under the banner ‘It’s Never Too Late For The Truth’. It has published a context and programme of events for the week.


We know now that there were spies on the civil rights march which ended in massacre 49 years ago.

The State sees every campaign for the rights of the people as a threat to its power. State agents are sent in to snuff out the challenge.

The “SpyCops” inquiry has revealed that MI5 agent “Sean Lynch” was operating within the march organisers, the NI Civil Rights Association, since the late 1960s. His successors are still prowling among us.

Even after almost half a century campaigning and two public inquiries, the top-brass ringleaders of the atrocity in the Bogside have not been brought to book.

It is for this reason that we refused to join with others in saying after Saville that “this is as good as it gets.” We won’t let up until the full truth is laid out for the people to see. We owe this not just to the bereaved of Bloody Sunday but to the families of all those martyred across the world in the endless struggle for justice.

What message would we send to the families of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and thousands of others if we were to signal that we accept the bit of truth that we have managed to drag out from the British ruling class as full and final settlement of the debt in suffering which they owe to the ordinary people of the North?

From Memphis to Gaza by way of Bloody Sunday, we are all one as we march forward with eyes fixed on a shining future in which truth is the only law-giver.



(Please see bloodysundaymarch.org for updates and links to live events)


Where to now for justice? - Jan 25, 7.30pm

We are honoured to be opening this year’s programme of events with a panel discussion that connects Palestine/Israel and Ireland/Northern Ireland. We do this through the lens of two egregious stories of state injustice. Bloody Sunday in Derry in 1972 and October 2000 within the state of Israel.


SpyCops - Jan 26, 7.30pm

Recent revelations have come to light in relation to one of the country’s most high profile miscarriage of justice cases since the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four. What are the implications for justice for the Craigavon Two?


Free Derry - Free London - Jan 27

In a time of blatant racial discrimination, a local restaurant owner finds himself and his drug-free business the brunt of relentless police raids. In a bid to stop the discrimination and ruination of their community base. They take to the streets in peaceful protest in 1970, only to be met by police aggression and a justice system weighted against them. (Viewing recommendation)


State Capture - Jan 28, 7.30pm

This event will explore the concept of ‘state capture’ and the challenges it poses for social justice activists here. What are the interests at play? What and who is ‘at it’? What and who is being ‘captured’? And how is all that affecting everyday life on the ground?


Spies on the March - Jan 29, 7.30pm

Eamonn McCann will speak to the theme for this year’s commemorative events. Do revelations at the “SpyCops” inquiry in London, have implications for our understanding of Bloody Sunday and the struggle for democracy, truth and justice?


Oscar Wilde: Anarchism, Anticolonialism & Art - Jan 30, 1am

Deaglán Ó Donghaile (author, Oscar Wilde and the Radical Politics of the Fin de Siècle) Drawing on his new book, Oscar Wilde and the Radical Politics of the Fin de Siècle and his forthcoming study, Revolutionary Wilde, Dr Deaglán Ó Donghaile will discuss how the themes of anarchism, anticolonialism, and art are key to Oscar Wilde’s literary writings.


The politics of anarchism, burnout & collective care - Jan 30, 12pm

Nicole Rose is an anarchist organiser, former prisoner and the author of Overcoming Burnout and The Prisoner’s Herbal. Nicole will take part in the Derry Radical Book as part of an online event exploring the politics of anarchism, burnout & collective care.


The state we are in. Is the Hague an option? - Jan 30, 2pm

Has the UK as a ‘State Party’ got a case to answer for its deliberate actions in Northern Ireland, in violation of its UN obligations? The place for such a determination is the Court of International Justice at the Hague. Do the victims of the UK State collectively have a route to the Hague?


Ben Fletcher, The Life & Times of a Black Wobbly - Jan 30, 4pm

You are welcome to join this years Derry Radical Bookfair as we introduce the virtual book launch of Peter Cole’s ‘Ben Fletcher: The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly’, hosted by the Derry Radical Bookfair.


Creating Justice - Jan 30, 7:30 pm

The campaign for justice for Bloody Sunday is in its 49th year, with no end in sight. Much of the evidence that would reveal the truth about that day is embargoed by the state. Many within Northern Ireland do not support the cause of justice for Bloody Sunday because they don’t believe any injustice was done. An ‘In Conversation’ Zoom Event with Jim Keys in conversation with Helen Henderson.


Bloody Sunday Virtual March For Justice 2021, Jan 31, 2:30 pm

This year’s commemorative march for justice will be virtual. Filmed footage of this virtual “march” suggesting the route of the original march will go live at 3pm on Sunday 31st January 2021. Additional information on this will be posted closer to the day.

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