Remembering 1916 this Easter
Remembering 1916 this Easter


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions across Ireland, many republican and community organisations have abandoned plans for commemorations to mark the 1916 Easter Rising.

Among them is the 1916 Relatives Association - their cancellation recalls the fateful countermanding orders of the 1916 rebellion with their order to ‘cancel manoeuvres’. It is pictured above, alongside the original.

For our own part, we encourage republicans everywhere to recall the Easter Rising in your own personal manner and to remember all those who fought for Irish freedom in every phase of the struggle.

Despite this current crisis, we all must remain focused on the goal of Irish self-determination.

For those who are quarantined or self-isolating, and in tribute to those who took on the British Empire, the Republican Bookshop offers a special Easter 1916 collection of books and other items. It is online here.

We have reclaimed the spirit of 1916! Now we must complete the journey.

Beannachtaí na Cásca oraibh - Easter blessings to you.

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