Parties wary after ‘fundamental realignment’
Parties wary after ‘fundamental realignment’


Following an election count which lasted six days, the new Dublin parliament will meet next Thursday to elect a new Taoiseach, although no new government is expected to be formed for several weeks.

The final results show a remarkable electoral swing away from the right-wing political establishment, which failed to secure 50% of popular support for the first time in Irish history.

Fine Gael’s deeply unpopular policies, particularly the introduction of their corrupt water tax regime which regularly drew protests of up to 100,000, saw the party throw away the largest majority it had ever secured. Its Labour coalition partners suffered even more devastating losses, dropping 75% of their support.

It was a good election for the parties of the left, including Sinn Fein, who are now set to be the largest party in the opposition. Although securing a lower share of the first preference than hoped, the increase in lower-order preferences ensured a crop of new seats for Sinn Fein, bringing their strength in the Dail from 14 seats to 23.

While a mathematical possibility, it is difficult to see how either Fine Gael with 50 seats, or Fianna Fail with 44 seats, could be in a position to cobble together an alternative without the support Sinn Fein, something which all sides have so far ruled out. The clearest government would come from Fine Gael and Fianna Fail setting aside their historical rivalries, borne out of the civil war and cemented over the last 90-odd years.

Fianna Fail’s poll rebound, just five years after its worst ever election result in 2011, came as a surprise to political commentators. Most had believed their revival would be in the distant future, if at all. Although still a long way from the majorities they commanded before the economic meltdown they presided over just eight years ago, the party is now in a position to make a return to government after just one term in opposition.

Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin has already started a campaign to get more support than Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny in the vote for taoiseach next Thursday. At a meeting of the Fianna Fail parliamentary party, Mr Martin told his TDs that there are no red-line issues for the party in the negotiations with other parties and groups about the formation of government. He presented them with a range left-leaning negotiating positions which bear no resemblance to the party’s election manifesto -- reforming the Dail, tackling homelessness and scrapping Irish Water.

Sinn Fein TD, Aengus O Snodaigh, said it is “a bit rich” of Fianna Fail to call for Dail reform given its 12 years of inaction on the subject when it was in government. The party’s deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald, said even if Fianna Fail proposed a programme for government Sinn Fein could support, it couldn’t trust that the programme would be implemented.

“If Fianna Fail think that they are going to cod anybody, that they, the party who initiated water charges, have suddenly come to some conversion in their views, they are not going to convince anyone of that, and likewise Fine Gael,” she said.

Sinn Fein has itself begun talks with independent TDs. Party leader Gerry Adams said that the big story after the election is the ongoing realignment of Irish politics and the massive stride forward for Sinn Fein, independents and other parties.

“Sinn Fein fought this election with a plan for a fair recovery and alongside those standing on the Right2Change platform, secured a substantial increase in support. We have new candidates elected right across the state,” he said.

“What we are witnessing is the ongoing fundamental realignment of Irish politics which took a step forward in this election. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael no longer command a majority of support. These parties cannot and will not deliver the changes required in health and housing. They will not stand up for the interests of citizens and will set aside the election slogans and promises and revert to type.

“It is now clear that a progressive alternative exists, and has grown in electoral strength. Sinn Fein will work with those elected on the Right2Change platform and other progressives, to determine how best to use our increased mandates to fairness, growth, jobs and investment in public services.”

He described the discussions between Fine Gael and Fianna Fail as a “sham fight”. He said the people who were homeless on Friday will remain homeless under these two parties and that the hospital trolley scandal will not be resolved under such a coalition.

“I actually think the big thing that’s happened in the election is the realignment continues. It’s a work in progress and it’s painfully slow but it’s continuing,” he added.

“The two big parties which dominated politics here weren’t able to muster as much as 50% when they used to just be supreme over everything. The other parties, including ourselves, the smaller parties, the independents, the Right2Change candidates, formed the other side of it.”

Several prominent Fine Gael candidates, some seen as extremely loyal to the Taoiseach, have admitted Mr Kenny’s days as leader of Fine Gael could be numbered. Senior outgoing Fine Gael TDs were incensed by they called an “utterly f**ked up” election campaign. Former Fine Gael TD Alan Shatter said he hoped there would be another election within 18 months. “We all got lost in fiscal space,” said. “That was the most bizarre commencement of a campaign that I have seen in my 30 years in politics.”

Meanwhile, Sinn Fein’s deputy first minister in Belfast, Martin McGuinness, was blunt about criticicsm of the leadership of Gerry Adams after he became the focus of political attacks by the media.

“Some of the people who criticised Gerry Adams couldn’t lace his boots as a politician.. He led us to a dramatic performance in 2011 from four to 14 seats, and is now leading us to another dramatic performance with a 50% rise in our seats. It is absolutely not the time for Adams to step aside,” McGuinness said.

The last seats of the election to be filled were only resolved after six days of counting and arguing over the validity of votes in Longford-Westmeath. A decision to invalidate 30 votes from earlier counts turned the tables on Fine Gael’s James Bannon and also served to eliminate Sinn Fein’s Paul Hogan. The resulting win for Labour’s Willie Penrose by just five votes salvaged his party’s speaking rights in the Dail, but put a capstone on Fine Gael’s disastrous election.

The following is a complete rundown of the results from across the country:



Total seats (compared to 2011 result)

Fine Gael 50 (-16)
Fianna Fail 44 (+23)
Sinn Fein 23 (+9)
Labour 7 (-26)
AAA-PBP 6 (+6)
Social Democrats 3 (+3)
Green 2 (+2)
Others 23 (-1)


Carlow Kilkenny (Seats:5) (Complete)

Aylward, Bobby (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Deering, Pat (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Fitzgerald, David (FG) Eliminated Count 9
Funchion, Kathleen (SF) ELECTED Count 10
Gilligan, Keith (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mac Liam, Conor (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Manning, Paddy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McGuinness, John (FF) ELECTED Count 7
McKee, Patrick (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Murnane-O’Connor, Jennifer (FF) 8373
Noonan, Malcolm (Green) Eliminated Count 6
Phelan, Ann (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Phelan, John Paul (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Wallace, Adrienne (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Walsh, Noel G (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Cavan-Monaghan (Seats:4) (Complete)

Callaghan, Micheal (Green) Eliminated Count 5
Conlan, Sean (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Durkan, Mike (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Humphreys, Heather (FG) ELECTED Count 1
McDermott, Mick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Mee, Jimmy (Ind.) Eliminated 88
O Caolain, Caoimhghin (SF) ELECTED Count 9
O’Connell, Aoife (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Reilly, Joe (FG) Eliminated Count 10
Reilly, Kathryn (SF) Eliminated Count 8
Smith, Brendan (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Smith, Emmett (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Smyth, Mary (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Smyth, Niamh (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Wilson, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4

Clare (Seats:4) (Complete)

Breen, Pat (FG) ELECTED Count 12
Cahill, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Carey, Joe (FG) ELECTED Count 12
Colleran-Molloy, Clare (FF) Eliminated Count 6
Dooley, Timmy (FF) ELECTED Count 7
Hakizimana, Andre Sibo (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Harty, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 9
Howard, Mary (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Lynch, Ian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McDonagh, Michael (FF) Eliminated Count 6
McNamara, Michael (Labour) Eliminated Count 11
Moran, Noeleen (SF) Eliminated Count 10
Mulqueen, Dermot (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Norton, Ann (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
O’Brien, Niamh (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smith, Fergal (Green) Eliminated Count 5

Cork East (Seats:4) (Complete)

Ahern, Barbara (FF) Eliminated Count 10
Barry, Tom (FG) Eliminated Count 5
Bradford, Paul (Renua) Eliminated Count 7
Buckley, Pat (SF) ELECTED Count 10
Bullman, Paddy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Cannon, Ross (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Curtin, Ken (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 2
Harty, Natasha (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Leonardi Roche, Ciara (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Linehan Foley, Mary (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McCarthy, Kieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McCarthy, Noel (FG) Eliminated Count 8
O’Keeffe, Kevin (FF) ELECTED Count 9
Sherlock, Sean (Labour) ELECTED Count 9
Stanton, David (FG) ELECTED Count 9

Cork North-Central (Seats:4) (Complete)

Barry, Mick (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 7
Gould, Thomas (SF) Eliminated Count 7
Kelleher, Billy (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Keohane, Ger (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Kiely, Thomas (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Lynch, Kathleen (Labour) Eliminated Count 11
Moran, Oliver (Green) Eliminated Count 6
Murphy, Dara (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Murphy, Mick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
O’Brien, Jonathan (SF) ELECTED Count 8
O’Leary, Julie (FG) Eliminated Count 10
O’Leary, Paddy (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
O’Loughlin, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Tynan, Ted Worker Eliminated Count 5

Cork North-West (Seats:4) (Complete)

Collins, Aine (FG) Eliminated Count 7
Creed, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Dennehy, Nigel (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Fitzgerald, Jason (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Griffin, Shirley (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Manning, Cormac (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Moynihan, Aindrias (FF) ELECTED Count 9
Moynihan, Michael (FF) ELECTED Count 9
O’Flynn, Diarmuid (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
O’Riordan, Steven (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Shea, John Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
O’Donnell, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Sullivan, Jerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Cork South-Central (Seats:4) (Complete)

Bogue, Lorna (Green) Eliminated Count 10
Buttimer, Jerry (FG) Eliminated Count 10
Coveney, Simon (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Finn, Mick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Harris, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Hourihane, Elizabeth (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenneally, Ciaran (Renua) Eliminated Count 6
Lynch, Ciaran (Labour) Eliminated Count 9
Martin, Micheal (FF) ELECTED Count 1
McGrath, Michael (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Mohally, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O Cadhla, Diarmuid (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
O Laoghaire, Donnchadh (SF) ELECTED Count 10
O’Connell, Jim (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Ryan, Fiona (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 8

Cork South-West (Seats:3) (Complete)

Coleman, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Collins, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 5
Daly, Jim (FG) ELECTED Count 5
Harrington, Noel (FG) Eliminated Count 5
Heaney, Theresa (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
McCarthy, Michael (Labour) Eliminated Count 2
McCarthy, Rachel (SF) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy O’Mahony, Margaret (FF) ELECTED Count 5
O’Mahony, Johnny (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Pettit O’Leary, Fiona (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Powell, Gillian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Donegal (Seats:5) (Complete)

Doherty, Gary (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Doherty, Pearse (SF) ELECTED Count 8
Flanagan, Paula (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Gallagher, Pat ‘The Cope’ (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Harte, Patrick (FG) Eliminated Count 6
Jackson, Tim (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Kennedy, Niamh (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Mac Lochlainn, Padraig (SF) Eliminated Count 13
McBrearty Jnr, Frank (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
McConalogue, Charlie (FF) ELECTED Count 1
McGarvey, Ian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McHugh, Joe (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Mooney, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Nic Fhearraigh, Cordelia (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Pringle, Thomas (Ind.) ELECTED Count 13
Shiels, Dessie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10

Dublin Bay North (Seats:5) (Complete)

Broughan, Tommy (Ind.) ELECTED Count 15
Bruton, Richard (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Clarke, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Cooney, Donna (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Flanagan, Terence (Renua) Eliminated Count 9
Guerin, Jimmy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Haughey, Sean (FF) ELECTED Count 15
Heney, Deirdre (FF) Eliminated Count 11
Lyons, John (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 13
MacDonncha, Micheal (SF) Eliminated Count 10
McGrath, Finian (Ind.) ELECTED Count 15
Mitchell, Denise (SF) ELECTED Count 15
O Conarain, Prionsias (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O Muiri, Naoise (FG) Eliminated Count 7
O Riordain, Aodhan (Labour) Eliminated Count 15
O’Brien, Michael (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 6
O’Callaghan, Cian (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 12
O’Neill, Damien (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Power, Averil (Ind.) Eliminated Count 14
Regan, Stephanie (FG) Eliminated Count 4

Dublin Bay South (Seats:4) (Complete)

Andrews, Chris (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Creighton, Lucinda (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Flynn, Mannix (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Gorman, William DJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Humphreys, Kevin (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Keigher, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Lynch, Glenna (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 4
Mac Stiofain, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mooney, Annette (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy, Eoghan (FG) ELECTED Count 7
O’Callaghan, Jim (FF) ELECTED Count 8
O’Connell, Kate (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Ryan, Eamon (Green) ELECTED Count 8
Tierney, Eoin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Dublin Central (Seats:3) (Complete)

Burke, Christy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Costello, Joe (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Donohoe, Paschal (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Fitzpatrick, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 9
Gannon, Gary (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 11
Gilbourne, Jacqui (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Gorman, William DJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Guinan, Kerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
McDonald, Mary Lou (SF) ELECTED Count 6
McKay, Cormac (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Dwyer, Diana (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
O’Sullivan, Maureen (Ind.) ELECTED Count 11
Perry, Cieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Ryan, Eilis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smyth, Ian Noel (Green) Eliminated Count 4

Dublin Fingal (Seats:5) (Complete)

Clifford-Lee, Lorraine (FF) Eliminated Count 9
Daly, Clare (Ind.) ELECTED Count 4
DeBrun, Marcus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Farrell, Alan (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Fuller, Roslyn (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Kelleher, Terry (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Martin, Barry (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 8
Molloy, Gerry (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Murphy, Tony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
O’Brien, Darragh (FF) ELECTED Count 1
O’Brien, Joe (Green) Eliminated Count 7
O’Reilly, Louise (SF) ELECTED Count 10
O’Connell, Fergal (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Reilly, James (FG) Eliminated Count 10
Ryan, Brendan (Labour) ELECTED Count 10

Dublin Mid-West (Seats:4) (Complete)

Akpoveta, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Curran, John (FF) ELECTED Count 12
Fitzgerald, Frances (FG) ELECTED Count 1
Gogarty, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Healy, Christopher (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Hennessy, Lorraine (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Keating, Derek (FG) Eliminated Count 11
Kenny, Gino (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 12
Khan, Haroon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kivlehan, Tom (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Leonard, Clare (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McNally, Anne-Marie (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 12
O Broin, Eoin (SF) ELECTED Count 1
Timmons, Francis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Tuffy, Joanna (Labour) Eliminated Count 9

Dublin North-West (Seats:3) (Complete)

Carney Boud, Cathleen (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Conroy, Caroline (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Dignam, Jimmy Worker Eliminated Count 2
Ellis, Dessie (SF) ELECTED Count 7
Hughes, Bernie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Keegan, Andrew (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Lyons, John (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
McAuliffe, Paul (FF) Eliminated Count 9
McKay, Cormac (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Rock, Noel (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Shortall, Roisin (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1

Dublin Rathdown (Seats:3) (Complete)

Daveron, Alan (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Madigan, Josepha (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Martin, Catherine (Green) ELECTED Count 6
Mathews, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Nic Cormaic, Sorcha (SF) Eliminated Count 3
Ross, Shane (Ind.) ELECTED Count 2
Shatter, Alan (FG) Eliminated Count 5
White, Alex (Labour) Eliminated Count 4
White, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 5

Dublin South-Central (Seats:4) (Complete)

Ardagh, Catherine (FF) Eliminated Count 10
Bradley, Neville (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Byrne, Catherine (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Byrne, Eric (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Collins, Joan (Ind.) ELECTED Count 8
Coyne, Liam (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 5
Devine, Maire (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Gargan, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Hand, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Murray, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O Halmhain, Oisin (Green) Eliminated Count 3
O Snodaigh, Aengus (SF) ELECTED Count 7
Smith, Brid (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 11

Dublin South-West (Seats:5) (Complete)

Brophy, Colm (FG) ELECTED Count 16
Burke, Declan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Crowe, Sean (SF) ELECTED Count 15
Dermody, Anne-Marie (FG) Eliminated Count 16
Duff, Mick (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Duffy, Francis Noel (Green) Eliminated Count 5
Fay, Sandra (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 13
Fitzpatrick, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated 2812
Holland, Sarah (SF) Eliminated Count 9
Kearns, Pamela (Labour) Eliminated Count 14
Lahart, John (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Maloney, Eamon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Mc Mahon, Ronan (Renua) Eliminated Count 10
Murphy, Paul (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 12
O’Donovan, Deirdre (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
O’Gorman, Frank (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Quigley, Kieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Sinclair, Stephen (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Summerville-Molloy, Joan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Warren, Karen (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Zappone, Katherine (Ind.) ELECTED Count 16

Dublin West (Seats:4) (Complete)

Burton, Joan (Labour) ELECTED Count 5
Casey, Dermot (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Chambers, Jack (FF) ELECTED Count 5
Clare, TJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Coppinger, Ruth (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 5
Donnelly, Paul (SF) Eliminated Count 4
McGuinness, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Noone, Catherine (FG) Eliminated Count 2
O’Gorman, Roderic (Green) Eliminated Count 4
O’Brien, Jo (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Varadkar, Leo (FG) ELECTED Count 3

Dun Laoghaire (Seats:4) (Complete)
* Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett (FG) Returned automatically

Bailey, Maria (FG) ELECTED Count 7
Boyd Barrett, Richard (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 6
Cronin, Frank (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Devlin, Cormac (FF) Eliminated Count 5
Hanafin, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Hunt, Carol (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Mitchell-O’Connor, Mary (FG) ELECTED Count 7
O’Brien, Shane (SF) Eliminated Count 2
Smyth, Carrie (Labour) Eliminated Count 6
Smyth, Ossian (Green) Eliminated Count 4
Whitehead, Raymond (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Galway East (Seats:3) (Complete)

Canney, Sean (Ind.) ELECTED Count 6
Cannon, Ciaran (FG) ELECTED Count 7
Connaughton, Paul (FG) Eliminated Count 7
Fahy, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Higgins, Lorraine Eliminated Count 4
Keaveney, Colm (FF) Eliminated Count 5
Melia, Aengus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Ni Chronin, Mairead (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Rabbitte, Anne (FF) ELECTED Count 6
Roche, Anne Marie (SF) Eliminated Count 3

Galway West (Seats:5) (Complete)

Charity, James (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Connolly, Catherine (Ind.) ELECTED Count 14
Connolly, John (FF) Eliminated Count 12
Cubbard, Mike (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Daveron, Nicola (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Feeney, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Grealish, Noel (Ind.) ELECTED Count 13
Healy-Eames, Fidelma (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Hoade, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 8
Holohan, Tommy (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Kyne, Sean (FG) ELECTED Count 14
Naughton, Hildegarde (FG) ELECTED Count 14
Nolan, Derek (Labour) Eliminated Count 9
O Clochartaigh, Trevor (SF) Eliminated Count 14
O Cuiv, Eamon (FF) ELECTED Count 9
O Tuathail, Niall (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 11
O’Mahony, John (FG) Eliminated Count 13
O’Neill, Ruairi (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Roddy, Tommy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Sheridan, Seamus (Green) Eliminated Count 6

Kerry (Seats:5) (Complete)

Brassil, John (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Corcoran, Donal (Renua) Eliminated Count 6
Deenihan, Jimmy (FG) Eliminated Count 11
Ferris, Martin (SF) ELECTED Count 11
Finucane, Brian (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 8
Fitzgerald, Michael (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Fitzgibbon, Mary Elizabeth (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Gaynor, Henry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Griffin, Brendan (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Healy-Rae, Danny (Ind.) ELECTED Count 2
Healy-Rae, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 11
Moriarty, Norma (FF) Eliminated Count 9
Murphy, Kevin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Donnell, Grace (FG) Eliminated Count 5
O’Gorman, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Spring, Arthur (Labour) Eliminated Count 10

Kildare North (Seats:4) (Complete)

Beirne, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Cronin, Reada (SF) Eliminated Count 7
Dunne, Gerard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Durkan, Bernard (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Fitzgerald, Shane (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Lawless, James (FF) ELECTED Count 9
Lawlor, Anthony (FG) Eliminated Count 9
Merriman, Ashling (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy, Catherine (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1
Ni Fhalluin, Maebh (Green) Eliminated Count 6
O’Rourke, Frank (FF) ELECTED Count 9
O’Sullivan, Elizabeth (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Stagg, Emmet (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Young, Brendan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5

Kildare South (Seats:3) (Complete)

Crowe, Declan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Heydon, Martin (FG) ELECTED Count 4
Kennedy, Mary (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
McEneaney, Suzanne (Green) Eliminated Count 1
McLoughlin Healy, Fiona (FG) Eliminated Count 3
O Fearghail, Sean (FF) ELECTED 6
O’Loughlin, Fiona (FF) ELECTED 6
Ryan, Patricia (SF) Eliminated Count 5
Wall, Mark (Labour) Eliminated Count 6

Laois (Seats:3) (Complete)

Connell, Thomasina (FG) Eliminated Count 3
Flanagan, Charlie (FG) ELECTED Count 3
Fleming, Sean (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Moore, Sinead (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Stanley, Brian (SF) ELECTED Count 3
Whelan, John (Labour) Eliminated Count 3

Limerick City (Seats:4) (Complete)

Bennis, Nora (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Gaffney, James (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Hayes, Desmond J (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Hennelly, Sarah Jane (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 3
Noonan, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Dea, Willie (FF) ELECTED Count 1
O’Donnell, Kieran (FG) Eliminated Count 6
O’Sullivan, Jan (Labour) ELECTED Count 6
Prendiville, Cian (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Quinlivan, Maurice (SF) ELECTED Count 5
Riordan, Denis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2

Limerick County (Seats:3) (Complete)

Browne, Seamus (SF) Eliminated Count 4
Collins, Niall (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Heffernan, James (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 5
Keogh, Mark (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Neville, Tom (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Brien, Emmett (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
O’Donoghue, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Donovan, Patrick (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Gorman, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Storey-Cosgrave, Alexander (Green) Eliminated Count 2

Longford-Westmeath (Seats:4) (Complete)

Bannon, James (FG) Eliminated Count 14
Burke, Peter (FG) ELECTED Count 15
Fagan, Brian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Gerety-Quinn, Connie (FF) Eliminated Count 13
Healy, Stephanie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Hogan, Paul (SF) Eliminated Count 15
Jackson, Donal (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Magan, Manchan (Green) Eliminated Count 8
McFadden, Gabrielle (FG) Eliminated Count 10
McKervey, Noel (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Miller, James (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Moran, Kevin ‘Boxer’ (Ind.) ELECTED Count 13
Morgan, James (Ind.) Eliminated Count 11
Parker, Dom (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Penrose, Willie (Labour) ELECTED Count 15
Sexton, Mae (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
Smyth, Barbara (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Troy, Robert (FF) ELECTED Count 1

Louth (Seats:5) (Complete)

Adams, Gerry (SF) ELECTED Count 6
Bradley, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Breathnach, Declan (FF) ELECTED Count 6
Callan, Kevin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Coffey, Emma (FF) Eliminated Count 5
Connor, Anthony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Dearey, Mark (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Fitzpatrick, Peter (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Greene, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Moran, Mary (Labour) Eliminated Count 2
Munster, Imelda (SF) ELECTED Count 6
Nash, Ged (Labour) Eliminated Count 11
O’Dowd, Fergus (FG) ELECTED Count 11
O’Dowd, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Weldon, Gareth (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 9
Yore, Maeve (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4

Mayo (Seats:4) (Complete)

Calleary, Dara (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Chambers, Lisa (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Conway-Walsh, Rose (SF) Eliminated Count 9
Cowley, Jerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Farrington, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 7
Forkan, Sean (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Jordan, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Kamal Uddin, Mohammad (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenny, Enda (FG) ELECTED Count 1
Manning, Stephen (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Moran, Tom (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 7
Mulherin, Michelle (FG) Eliminated Count 10
O’Boyle, Gerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Malley, George (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Ring, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Sheehan, Margaret (Green) Eliminated Count 7

Meath East (Seats:3) (Complete)

Bonner, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Byrne, Thomas (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Doherty, Regina (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Gilroy, Ben (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Hannigan, Dominic (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Keogan, Sharon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McDonagh, Seamus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McEntee, Helen (FG) ELECTED Count 9
O Buachalla, Sean (Green) Eliminated Count 4
O’Neill, Aisling (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 7
O’Rourke, Darren (SF) Eliminated Count 9
Tyrrell, Sarah (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3

Meath West (Seats:3) (Complete)

Butler, Ray (FG) Eliminated Count 6
Cassells, Shane (FF) ELECTED Count 1
English, Damien (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Golden, Trevor (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Lawes, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Malone, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McElhinny, Tracey (Labour) Eliminated Count 3
McMenamin, Seamus (Green) Eliminated Count 5
Toibin, Peadar (SF) ELECTED Count 2

Offaly (Seats:3) (Complete)

Bopp, Kate (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Corcoran-Kennedy, Marcella (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Cowen, Barry (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Fettes, Christopher (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Fitzpatrick, Eddie (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Foley, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Hannigan, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Leahy, John (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Nolan, Carol (SF) ELECTED Count 7
Ryan-Feehan, Teresa (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smollen, Ken (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2

Roscommon-Galway (Seats:3) (Complete)

Coleman, Tony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Conroy, Eddie (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Curran, Shane (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Fallon, Thomas (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Farrell, Anne (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Fitzmaurice, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 6
Hennesy, Miriam (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Hopkins, Maura (FG) Eliminated Count 8
Kelly, John (Labour) Eliminated Count 6
Kerrane, Claire (SF) Eliminated Count 7
Murphy, Eugene (FF) ELECTED Count 8
Naughten, Denis (Ind.) ELECTED Count 1

Sligo-Leitrim (Seats:4) (Complete)

Bree, Declan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Casserly, Marie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Filan, Finbarr (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Gallagher, Nigel (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 6
Guckian, Des (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenny, Martin (SF) ELECTED Count 13
MacManus, Chris (SF) Eliminated Count 12
MacSharry, Marc (FF) ELECTED Count 12
McLoughlin, Tony (FG) ELECTED Count 15
Murray, Eamonn (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Hara, Bernie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
O’Keeffe, Susan (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
O’Hora, Leslie (Green) Eliminated Count 2
O’Rourke, Paddy (FF) Eliminated Count 11
Perry, John (FG) Eliminated Count 9
Reynolds, Gerry (FG) Eliminated Count 15
Scanlon, Eamon (FF) ELECTED Count 15
Sweeney, Bernard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Tipperary (Seats:5) (Complete)

Ambrose, Siobhan (FF) Eliminated Count 2
Cahill, Jackie (FF) ELECTED Count 6
Coonan, Noel (FG) Eliminated Count 3
Dillon, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Fitzgibbon, Gearoid (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Hayes, Tom (FG) Eliminated Count 7
Healy, Seamus (Ind.) ELECTED Count 7
Kelly, Alan (Labour) ELECTED Count 7
Lowry, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 1
McGrath, Mattie (Ind.) ELECTED Count 4
Morris, Seamus (SF) Eliminated Count 4
Murphy, Marie (FG) Eliminated Count 1
Smith, Michael (FF) Eliminated Count 5

Waterford (Seats:4) (Complete)

Ahmed, Sheikh Mohiuddin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Butler, Mary (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Coffey, Paudie (FG) Eliminated Count 8
Conway, Ciara (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Cullinane, David (SF) ELECTED Count 6
Deasy, John (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Dunphy, Una (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Halligan, John (Ind.) ELECTED Count 8
O’Sullivan, Grace (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Power, Mailo (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Quilty, Edward (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Walsh, John D (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3

Wexford (Seats:5) (Complete)

Browne, James (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Byrne, Aoife (FF) Eliminated Count 8
Byrne, Malcolm (FF) Eliminated Count 12
Carthy, Ger (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
D’Arcy, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 14
Dwyer, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Foxe, Caroline (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Hogan, Julie (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Howlin, Brendan (Labour) ELECTED Count 9
Kehoe, Paul (FG) ELECTED Count 14
Kelly, Leonard (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 7
Lloyd, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Moloney, Emmet (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mythen, Johnny (SF) Eliminated Count 14
Wadding, Deirdre (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 6
Wallace, Mick (Ind.) ELECTED Count 13
Walsh, Ann (Green) Eliminated Count 3

Wicklow (Seats:5) (Complete)

Behan, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
Brady, John (SF) ELECTED Count 2
Briggs, Sharon (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Casey, Pat (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Cronin, Avril (FG) Eliminated Count 6
Cuffe, Jennifer (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Donnelly, Stephen (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1
Doyle, Andrew (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Doyle, Anna (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Ferris, Anne (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Harris, Simon (FG) ELECTED Count 2
Hutchinson, Katrina (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Kearns, Bob (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Keddy, Charlie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Matthews, Steven (Green) Eliminated Count 4
Timmins, Billy (Renua) Eliminated Count 10

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