No betrayal of our voters - Adams
No betrayal of our voters - Adams


With the final result in the 26 County general election not expected until Monday at the earliest, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has dismissed any idea that his party would support one of the traditionally dominant right-wing parties in Irish politics, Fine Gael or Fianna Fail.

“We aren’t going to go in there (to government) and betray our electorate and betray the other people who need a progressive government,” Mr Adams said.

“We are not going to go in and prop up a regressive and negative old conservative government, whatever the particular party political complexion.”

The fracturing of traditional centre-right politics in the general election has a parallel in the widespread disaffection with the once dominant regimes in Spain, Portugal and Greece.

A total of 148 TDs have been returned to the Dublin parliament, with 10 seats remaining to be filled. Fine Gael have 47 seats, with 43 for Fianna Fail and 22 for Sinn Fein. Labour has six seats, the Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit group have five while the Independent Alliance have four. Sixteen Independent deputies have been elected, the Social Democrats have three seats, and the Green Party have two.

Rechecks and recounts will resume tomorrow morning in Dublin South Central and Dublin South West. Full recounts are to take place in Dublin Bay North and in Wexford. Counting will also resume in Longford-Westmeath.

There were further advances for for Sinn Fein in Dublin Fingal, where trade union activist Louise O’Reilly was elected as a TD for the first time, and in Cork South-Central, where the youthful Donnchadh O Laoghaire took a breakthrough seat. There were also victories in electing a second seat in Mr Adams’s constituency of Louth/East Meath, as well as the retention of an embattled seat in Kerry for veteran republican Martin Ferris.

However, there was disappointment for Padraig MacLochlainn in l who lost out in the new five-seat constituency of Donegal, although party colleague Pearse Doherty and republican independent Thomas Pringle were both re-elected.

With support for establishment parties at a record low, prospects for a new coalition government are in deep disarray, and weeks of protracted negotiations are on the cards.

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has so far ruled out resigning or re-running the poll. His party suffered devastating losses of about 30 seats, while its Labour Party partner was humiliated by the prospect of retaining no more than 6 seats.

Labour deputy leader Alan Kelly bluntly told Fianna Fail and Fine Gael to “cop themselves on now” and form a government.

The outgoing environment minister appeared visibly high after rescuing his deeply troubled political career by holding onto his seat in Tipperary, one of only six sitting Labour TDs to survive out of an original coterie of 37.

Kelly, who is chiefly identified with the housing and homelessness crisis in the 26 County state, said it was rubbish for the country’s two biggest parties to suggest there are massive issues between them.

“It’s 2016 lads, it is 100 years since the Rising. Civil war politics are over,” he said. “Fianna Fail and Fine Gael need to ‘cop themselves on’ now and form a new government for the next five years.

“All of this pretending that there are massive issues between them is rubbish. They need to come together, work together and put a government in place for the good of the people.”

He was at odds with his party leader, Joan Burton who insisted the Labour Party would vote for Enda Kenny as Taoiseach. This means he is assured of the votes of at least 59 TDs when parliament meets for the first time, still at least 20 seats short of a majority.

Outgoing Fine Gael health minister Leo Varadkar ruled out the ‘grand coalition’. He said: “It is up to the Opposition to see if they can form a government. We’ve been rebuffed.”

His cabinet colleague Richard Bruton signalled less reluctance, and referred to the importance of the “national interest”, which often indicates a willingness to make a compromise. “We need a stable government,” he said. “One that can implement a coherent economic plan.”

Significantly, Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin also promised to “work in the national interest”. He said Fianna Fail had in the past taken “electorally and politically costly” decisions in the interests of the country. “That has happened in the past and that is what is going to happen again,” he added. “The country comes first in all our deliberations in this regard.”

But Fianna Fail veteran and former defence minister Willie O’Dea was defiantly opposed to a grand coalition, as was deputy leader Eamon O Cuiv. The Fianna Fail frontbencher said they fought the election on the basis they would not do a deal, adding: “I believe your word is your bond.”

Sinn Fein fought the election alongside those standing on the Right2Change platform, which saw candidates elected right across the state, although well short of the numbers needed to form a government.

Gerry Adams said Sinn Fein met its own expectations in the election. His party will return to the Dail with 22 or 23 seats, more than 50% greater than it had after the last general election. Mr Adams said the poll had demonstrated a sea change in politics in the 26 Counties.

He said: “You can always do better, I would love that we were going into government with a majority - that takes time. These other parties have more depth, have more structures, have more organisation, have more resources...

“The message out there - and this is an ongoing process, this is very much a work in progress - is that people want change. The big conservative parties that ran this place for a very long time can’t summon between them any more than 50 per cent of the vote. The left parties, the progressive parties, the independents, the Sinn Fein party, all have garnered the rest of all of that.”

Parties will have until March 10 - when the Dail is scheduled to resume - to forge a power-sharing deal or ask the President to hold a new election.


Total seats (148 out of 158 filled, 80 needed for majority)

Fine Gael 47
Fianna Fail 43
Sinn Fein 22
Labour 6
Social Democrats 3
Green 2
Others 20


Carlow Kilkenny (Seats:5) (Complete)

Aylward, Bobby (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Deering, Pat (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Fitzgerald, David (FG) Eliminated Count 9
Funchion, Kathleen (SF) ELECTED Count 10
Gilligan, Keith (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mac Liam, Conor (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Manning, Paddy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McGuinness, John (FF) ELECTED Count 7
McKee, Patrick (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Murnane-O’Connor, Jennifer (FF) 8373
Noonan, Malcolm (Green) Eliminated Count 6
Phelan, Ann (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Phelan, John Paul (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Wallace, Adrienne (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Walsh, Noel G (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Cavan- Monaghan (Seats:4) (Complete)

Callaghan, Micheal (Green) Eliminated Count 5
Conlan, Sean (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Durkan, Mike (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Humphreys, Heather (FG) ELECTED Count 1
McDermott, Mick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Mee, Jimmy (Ind.) Eliminated 88
O Caolain, Caoimhghin (SF) ELECTED Count 9
O’Connell, Aoife (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Reilly, Joe (FG) Eliminated Count 10
Reilly, Kathryn (SF) Eliminated Count 8
Smith, Brendan (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Smith, Emmett (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Smyth, Mary (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Smyth, Niamh (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Wilson, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4

Clare (Seats:4) (Complete)

Breen, Pat (FG) ELECTED Count 12
Cahill, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Carey, Joe (FG) ELECTED Count 12
Colleran-Molloy, Clare (FF) Eliminated Count 6
Dooley, Timmy (FF) ELECTED Count 7
Hakizimana, Andre Sibo (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Harty, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 9
Howard, Mary (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Lynch, Ian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McDonagh, Michael (FF) Eliminated Count 6
McNamara, Michael (Labour) Eliminated Count 11
Moran, Noeleen (SF) Eliminated Count 10
Mulqueen, Dermot (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Norton, Ann (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
O’Brien, Niamh (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smith, Fergal (Green) Eliminated Count 5

Cork East (Seats:4) (Complete)

Ahern, Barbara (FF) Eliminated Count 10
Barry, Tom (FG) Eliminated Count 5
Bradford, Paul (Renua) Eliminated Count 7
Buckley, Pat (SF) ELECTED Count 10
Bullman, Paddy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Cannon, Ross (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Curtin, Ken (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 2
Harty, Natasha (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Leonardi Roche, Ciara (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Linehan Foley, Mary (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McCarthy, Kieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McCarthy, Noel (FG) Eliminated Count 8
O’Keeffe, Kevin (FF) ELECTED Count 9
Sherlock, Sean (Labour) ELECTED Count 9
Stanton, David (FG) ELECTED Count 9

Cork North-Central (Seats:4) (Complete)

Barry, Mick (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 7
Gould, Thomas (SF) Eliminated Count 7
Kelleher, Billy (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Keohane, Ger (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Kiely, Thomas (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Lynch, Kathleen (Labour) Eliminated Count 11
Moran, Oliver (Green) Eliminated Count 6
Murphy, Dara (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Murphy, Mick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
O’Brien, Jonathan (SF) ELECTED Count 8
O’Leary, Julie (FG) Eliminated Count 10
O’Leary, Paddy (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
O’Loughlin, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Tynan, Ted Worker Eliminated Count 5

Cork North-West (Seats:4) (Complete)

Collins, Aine (FG) Eliminated Count 7
Creed, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Dennehy, Nigel (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Fitzgerald, Jason (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Griffin, Shirley (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Manning, Cormac (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Moynihan, Aindrias (FF) ELECTED Count 9
Moynihan, Michael (FF) ELECTED Count 9
O’Flynn, Diarmuid (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
O’Riordan, Steven (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Shea, John Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
O’Donnell, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Sullivan, Jerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Cork South-Central (Seats:4) (Complete)

Bogue, Lorna (Green) Eliminated Count 10
Buttimer, Jerry (FG) Eliminated Count 10
Coveney, Simon (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Finn, Mick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Harris, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Hourihane, Elizabeth (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenneally, Ciaran (Renua) Eliminated Count 6
Lynch, Ciaran (Labour) Eliminated Count 9
Martin, Micheal (FF) ELECTED Count 1
McGrath, Michael (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Mohally, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O Cadhla, Diarmuid (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
O Laoghaire, Donnchadh (SF) ELECTED Count 10
O’Connell, Jim (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Ryan, Fiona (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 8

Cork South-West (Seats:3) (Complete)

Coleman, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Collins, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 5
Daly, Jim (FG) ELECTED Count 5
Harrington, Noel (FG) Eliminated Count 5
Heaney, Theresa (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
McCarthy, Michael (Labour) Eliminated Count 2
McCarthy, Rachel (SF) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy O’Mahony, Margaret (FF) ELECTED Count 5
O’Mahony, Johnny (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Pettit O’Leary, Fiona (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Powell, Gillian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Donegal (Seats:5) (Complete)

Doherty, Gary (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Doherty, Pearse (SF) ELECTED Count 8
Flanagan, Paula (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Gallagher, Pat ‘The Cope’ (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Harte, Patrick (FG) Eliminated Count 6
Jackson, Tim (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Kennedy, Niamh (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Mac Lochlainn, Padraig (SF) Eliminated Count 13
McBrearty Jnr, Frank (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
McConalogue, Charlie (FF) ELECTED Count 1
McGarvey, Ian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McHugh, Joe (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Mooney, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Nic Fhearraigh, Cordelia (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Pringle, Thomas (Ind.) ELECTED Count 13
Shiels, Dessie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10

Dublin Bay North (Seats:5) (Recount underway)

Broughan, Tommy (Ind.) 5361
Bruton, Richard (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Clarke, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Cooney, Donna (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Flanagan, Terence (Renua) Eliminated Count 9
Guerin, Jimmy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Haughey, Sean (FF) 8007
Heney, Deirdre (FF) Eliminated Count 11
Lyons, John (AAAPBP) 4409
MacDonncha, Micheal (SF) Eliminated Count 10
McGrath, Finian (Ind.) 5878
Mitchell, Denise (SF) 5039
O Conarain, Prionsias (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O Muiri, Naoise (FG) Eliminated Count 7
O Riordain, Aodhan (Labour) 5675
O’Brien, Michael (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 6
O’Callaghan, Cian (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 12
O’Neill, Damien (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Power, Averil (Ind.) 4911
Regan, Stephanie (FG) Eliminated Count 4

Dublin Bay South (Seats:4) (Complete)

Andrews, Chris (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Creighton, Lucinda (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Flynn, Mannix (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Gorman, William DJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Humphreys, Kevin (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Keigher, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Lynch, Glenna (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 4
Mac Stiofain, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mooney, Annette (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy, Eoghan (FG) ELECTED Count 7
O’Callaghan, Jim (FF) ELECTED Count 8
O’Connell, Kate (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Ryan, Eamon (Green) ELECTED Count 8
Tierney, Eoin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Dublin Central (Seats:3) (Complete)

Burke, Christy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Costello, Joe (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Donohoe, Paschal (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Fitzpatrick, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 9
Gannon, Gary (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 11
Gilbourne, Jacqui (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Gorman, William DJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Guinan, Kerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
McDonald, Mary Lou (SF) ELECTED Count 6
McKay, Cormac (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Dwyer, Diana (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
O’Sullivan, Maureen (Ind.) ELECTED Count 11
Perry, Cieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Ryan, Eilis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smyth, Ian Noel (Green) Eliminated Count 4

Dublin Fingal (Seats:5) (Complete)

Clifford-Lee, Lorraine (FF) Eliminated Count 9
Daly, Clare (Ind.) ELECTED Count 4
DeBrun, Marcus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Farrell, Alan (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Fuller, Roslyn (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Kelleher, Terry (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Martin, Barry (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 8
Molloy, Gerry (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Murphy, Tony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
O’Brien, Darragh (FF) ELECTED Count 1
O’Brien, Joe (Green) Eliminated Count 7
O’Reilly, Louise (SF) ELECTED Count 10
O’Connell, Fergal (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Reilly, James (FG) Eliminated Count 10
Ryan, Brendan (Labour) ELECTED Count 10

Dublin Mid-West (Seats:4) (Complete)

Akpoveta, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Curran, John (FF) ELECTED Count 12
Fitzgerald, Frances (FG) ELECTED Count 1
Gogarty, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Healy, Christopher (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Hennessy, Lorraine (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Keating, Derek (FG) Eliminated Count 11
Kenny, Gino (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 12
Khan, Haroon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kivlehan, Tom (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Leonard, Clare (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McNally, Anne-Marie (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 12
O Broin, Eoin (SF) ELECTED Count 1
Timmons, Francis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Tuffy, Joanna (Labour) Eliminated Count 9

Dublin North-West (Seats:3) (Complete)

Carney Boud, Cathleen (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Conroy, Caroline (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Dignam, Jimmy Worker Eliminated Count 2
Ellis, Dessie (SF) ELECTED Count 7
Hughes, Bernie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Keegan, Andrew (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Lyons, John (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
McAuliffe, Paul (FF) Eliminated Count 9
McKay, Cormac (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Rock, Noel (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Shortall, Roisin (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1

Dublin Rathdown (Seats:3) (Complete)

Daveron, Alan (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Madigan, Josepha (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Martin, Catherine (Green) ELECTED Count 6
Mathews, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Nic Cormaic, Sorcha (SF) Eliminated Count 3
Ross, Shane (Ind.) ELECTED Count 2
Shatter, Alan (FG) Eliminated Count 5
White, Alex (Labour) Eliminated Count 4
White, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 5

Dublin South-Central (Seats:4) (Recount underway)

Ardagh, Catherine (FF) 5441
Bradley, Neville (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Byrne, Catherine (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Byrne, Eric (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Collins, Joan (Ind.) ELECTED Count 8
Coyne, Liam (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 5
Devine, Maire (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Gargan, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Hand, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Murray, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O Halmhain, Oisin (Green) Eliminated Count 3
O Snodaigh, Aengus (SF) ELECTED Count 7
Smith, Brid (AAAPBP) 4374

Dublin South-West (Seats:5) (Recount underway)

Brophy, Colm (FG) ELECTED Count 16
Burke, Declan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Crowe, Sean (SF) ELECTED Count 15
Dermody, Anne-Marie (FG) Eliminated Count 16
Duff, Mick (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Duffy, Francis Noel (Green) Eliminated Count 5
Fay, Sandra (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 13
Fitzpatrick, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated 2812
Holland, Sarah (SF) Eliminated Count 9
Kearns, Pamela (Labour) Eliminated Count 14
Lahart, John (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Maloney, Eamon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Mc Mahon, Ronan (Renua) Eliminated Count 10
Murphy, Paul (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 12
O’Donovan, Deirdre (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
O’Gorman, Frank (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Quigley, Kieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Sinclair, Stephen (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Summerville-Molloy, Joan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Warren, Karen (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Zappone, Katherine (Ind.) ELECTED Count 16

Dublin West (Seats:4) (Complete)

Burton, Joan (Labour) ELECTED Count 5
Casey, Dermot (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Chambers, Jack (FF) ELECTED Count 5
Clare, TJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Coppinger, Ruth (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 5
Donnelly, Paul (SF) Eliminated Count 4
McGuinness, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Noone, Catherine (FG) Eliminated Count 2
O’Gorman, Roderic (Green) Eliminated Count 4
O’Brien, Jo (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Varadkar, Leo (FG) ELECTED Count 3

Dun Laoghaire (Seats:4) (Complete)
* Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett (FG) Returned automatically

Bailey, Maria (FG) ELECTED Count 7
Boyd Barrett, Richard (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 6
Cronin, Frank (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Devlin, Cormac (FF) Eliminated Count 5
Hanafin, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Hunt, Carol (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Mitchell-O’Connor, Mary (FG) ELECTED Count 7
O’Brien, Shane (SF) Eliminated Count 2
Smyth, Carrie (Labour) Eliminated Count 6
Smyth, Ossian (Green) Eliminated Count 4
Whitehead, Raymond (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Galway East (Seats:3) (Complete)

Canney, Sean (Ind.) ELECTED Count 6
Cannon, Ciaran (FG) ELECTED Count 7
Connaughton, Paul (FG) Eliminated Count 7
Fahy, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Higgins, Lorraine Eliminated Count 4
Keaveney, Colm (FF) Eliminated Count 5
Melia, Aengus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Ni Chronin, Mairead (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Rabbitte, Anne (FF) ELECTED Count 6
Roche, Anne Marie (SF) Eliminated Count 3

Galway West (Seats:5) (Complete)

Charity, James (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Connolly, Catherine (Ind.) ELECTED Count 14
Connolly, John (FF) Eliminated Count 12
Cubbard, Mike (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Daveron, Nicola (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Feeney, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Grealish, Noel (Ind.) ELECTED Count 13
Healy-Eames, Fidelma (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Hoade, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 8
Holohan, Tommy (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Kyne, Sean (FG) ELECTED Count 14
Naughton, Hildegarde (FG) ELECTED Count 14
Nolan, Derek (Labour) Eliminated Count 9
O Clochartaigh, Trevor (SF) Eliminated Count 14
O Cuiv, Eamon (FF) ELECTED Count 9
O Tuathail, Niall (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 11
O’Mahony, John (FG) Eliminated Count 13
O’Neill, Ruairi (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Roddy, Tommy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Sheridan, Seamus (Green) Eliminated Count 6

Kerry (Seats:5) (Complete)

Brassil, John (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Corcoran, Donal (Renua) Eliminated Count 6
Deenihan, Jimmy (FG) Eliminated Count 11
Ferris, Martin (SF) ELECTED Count 11
Finucane, Brian (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 8
Fitzgerald, Michael (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Fitzgibbon, Mary Elizabeth (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Gaynor, Henry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Griffin, Brendan (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Healy-Rae, Danny (Ind.) ELECTED Count 2
Healy-Rae, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 11
Moriarty, Norma (FF) Eliminated Count 9
Murphy, Kevin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Donnell, Grace (FG) Eliminated Count 5
O’Gorman, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Spring, Arthur (Labour) Eliminated Count 10

Kildare North (Seats:4) (Complete)

Beirne, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Cronin, Reada (SF) Eliminated Count 7
Dunne, Gerard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Durkan, Bernard (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Fitzgerald, Shane (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Lawless, James (FF) ELECTED Count 9
Lawlor, Anthony (FG) Eliminated Count 9
Merriman, Ashling (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy, Catherine (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1
Ni Fhalluin, Maebh (Green) Eliminated Count 6
O’Rourke, Frank (FF) ELECTED Count 9
O’Sullivan, Elizabeth (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Stagg, Emmet (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Young, Brendan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5

Kildare South (Seats:3) (Complete)

Crowe, Declan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Heydon, Martin (FG) ELECTED Count 4
Kennedy, Mary (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
McEneaney, Suzanne (Green) Eliminated Count 1
McLoughlin Healy, Fiona (FG) Eliminated Count 3
O Fearghail, Sean (FF) ELECTED 6
O’Loughlin, Fiona (FF) ELECTED 6
Ryan, Patricia (SF) Eliminated Count 5
Wall, Mark (Labour) Eliminated Count 6

Laois (Seats:3) (Complete)

Connell, Thomasina (FG) Eliminated Count 3
Flanagan, Charlie (FG) ELECTED Count 3
Fleming, Sean (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Moore, Sinead (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Stanley, Brian (SF) ELECTED Count 3
Whelan, John (Labour) Eliminated Count 3

Limerick City (Seats:4) (Complete)

Bennis, Nora (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Gaffney, James (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Hayes, Desmond J (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Hennelly, Sarah Jane (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 3
Noonan, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Dea, Willie (FF) ELECTED Count 1
O’Donnell, Kieran (FG) Eliminated Count 6
O’Sullivan, Jan (Labour) ELECTED Count 6
Prendiville, Cian (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Quinlivan, Maurice (SF) ELECTED Count 5
Riordan, Denis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2

Limerick County (Seats:3) (Complete)

Browne, Seamus (SF) Eliminated Count 4
Collins, Niall (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Heffernan, James (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 5
Keogh, Mark (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Neville, Tom (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Brien, Emmett (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
O’Donoghue, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Donovan, Patrick (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Gorman, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Storey-Cosgrave, Alexander (Green) Eliminated Count 2

Longford-Westmeath (Seats:4) (Count continuing)

Bannon, James (FG) 4649
Burke, Peter (FG) 5683
Fagan, Brian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Gerety-Quinn, Connie (FF) 3944
Healy, Stephanie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Hogan, Paul (SF) 5276
Jackson, Donal (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Magan, Manchan (Green) Eliminated Count 8
McFadden, Gabrielle (FG) Eliminated Count 10
McKervey, Noel (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Miller, James (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Moran, Kevin ‘Boxer’ (Ind.) 7585
Morgan, James (Ind.) Eliminated Count 11
Parker, Dom (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Penrose, Willie (Labour) 4822
Sexton, Mae (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
Smyth, Barbara (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Troy, Robert (FF) ELECTED Count 1

Louth (Seats:5) (Complete)

Adams, Gerry (SF) ELECTED Count 6
Bradley, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Breathnach, Declan (FF) ELECTED Count 6
Callan, Kevin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Coffey, Emma (FF) Eliminated Count 5
Connor, Anthony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Dearey, Mark (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Fitzpatrick, Peter (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Greene, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Moran, Mary (Labour) Eliminated Count 2
Munster, Imelda (SF) ELECTED Count 6
Nash, Ged (Labour) Eliminated Count 11
O’Dowd, Fergus (FG) ELECTED Count 11
O’Dowd, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Weldon, Gareth (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 9
Yore, Maeve (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4

Mayo (Seats:4) (Complete)

Calleary, Dara (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Chambers, Lisa (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Conway-Walsh, Rose (SF) Eliminated Count 9
Cowley, Jerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Farrington, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 7
Forkan, Sean (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Jordan, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Kamal Uddin, Mohammad (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenny, Enda (FG) ELECTED Count 1
Manning, Stephen (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Moran, Tom (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 7
Mulherin, Michelle (FG) Eliminated Count 10
O’Boyle, Gerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Malley, George (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Ring, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Sheehan, Margaret (Green) Eliminated Count 7

Meath East (Seats:3) (Complete)

Bonner, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Byrne, Thomas (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Doherty, Regina (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Gilroy, Ben (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Hannigan, Dominic (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Keogan, Sharon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McDonagh, Seamus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McEntee, Helen (FG) ELECTED Count 9
O Buachalla, Sean (Green) Eliminated Count 4
O’Neill, Aisling (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 7
O’Rourke, Darren (SF) Eliminated Count 9
Tyrrell, Sarah (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3

Meath West (Seats:3) (Complete)

Butler, Ray (FG) Eliminated Count 6
Cassells, Shane (FF) ELECTED Count 1
English, Damien (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Golden, Trevor (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Lawes, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Malone, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McElhinny, Tracey (Labour) Eliminated Count 3
McMenamin, Seamus (Green) Eliminated Count 5
Toibin, Peadar (SF) ELECTED Count 2

Offaly (Seats:3) (Complete)

Bopp, Kate (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Corcoran-Kennedy, Marcella (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Cowen, Barry (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Fettes, Christopher (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Fitzpatrick, Eddie (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Foley, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Hannigan, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Leahy, John (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Nolan, Carol (SF) ELECTED Count 7
Ryan-Feehan, Teresa (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smollen, Ken (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2

Roscommon-Galway (Seats:3) (Complete)

Coleman, Tony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Conroy, Eddie (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Curran, Shane (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Fallon, Thomas (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Farrell, Anne (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Fitzmaurice, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 6
Hennesy, Miriam (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Hopkins, Maura (FG) Eliminated Count 8
Kelly, John (Labour) Eliminated Count 6
Kerrane, Claire (SF) Eliminated Count 7
Murphy, Eugene (FF) ELECTED Count 8
Naughten, Denis (Ind.) ELECTED Count 1

Sligo-Leitrim (Seats:4) (Complete)

Bree, Declan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Casserly, Marie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Filan, Finbarr (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Gallagher, Nigel (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 6
Guckian, Des (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenny, Martin (SF) ELECTED Count 13
MacManus, Chris (SF) Eliminated Count 12
MacSharry, Marc (FF) ELECTED Count 12
McLoughlin, Tony (FG) ELECTED Count 15
Murray, Eamonn (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Hara, Bernie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
O’Keeffe, Susan (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
O’Hora, Leslie (Green) Eliminated Count 2
O’Rourke, Paddy (FF) Eliminated Count 11
Perry, John (FG) Eliminated Count 9
Reynolds, Gerry (FG) Eliminated Count 15
Scanlon, Eamon (FF) ELECTED Count 15
Sweeney, Bernard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Tipperary (Seats:5) (Complete)

Ambrose, Siobhan (FF) Eliminated Count 2
Cahill, Jackie (FF) ELECTED Count 6
Coonan, Noel (FG) Eliminated Count 3
Dillon, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Fitzgibbon, Gearoid (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Hayes, Tom (FG) Eliminated Count 7
Healy, Seamus (Ind.) ELECTED Count 7
Kelly, Alan (Labour) ELECTED Count 7
Lowry, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 1
McGrath, Mattie (Ind.) ELECTED Count 4
Morris, Seamus (SF) Eliminated Count 4
Murphy, Marie (FG) Eliminated Count 1
Smith, Michael (FF) Eliminated Count 5

Waterford (Seats:4) (Complete)

Ahmed, Sheikh Mohiuddin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Butler, Mary (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Coffey, Paudie (FG) Eliminated Count 8
Conway, Ciara (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Cullinane, David (SF) ELECTED Count 6
Deasy, John (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Dunphy, Una (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Halligan, John (Ind.) ELECTED Count 8
O’Sullivan, Grace (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Power, Mailo (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Quilty, Edward (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Walsh, John D (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3

Wexford (Seats:5) (Recount underway)

Browne, James (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Byrne, Aoife (FF) Eliminated Count 8
Byrne, Malcolm (FF) Eliminated Count 12
Carthy, Ger (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
D’Arcy, Michael (FG) 7798
Dwyer, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Foxe, Caroline (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Hogan, Julie (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Howlin, Brendan (Labour) ELECTED Count 9
Kehoe, Paul (FG) 7696
Kelly, Leonard (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 7
Lloyd, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Moloney, Emmet (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mythen, Johnny (SF) 7260
Wadding, Deirdre (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 6
Wallace, Mick (Ind.) ELECTED Count 13
Walsh, Ann (Green) Eliminated Count 3

Wicklow (Seats:5) (Complete)

Behan, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
Brady, John (SF) ELECTED Count 2
Briggs, Sharon (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Casey, Pat (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Cronin, Avril (FG) Eliminated Count 6
Cuffe, Jennifer (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Donnelly, Stephen (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1
Doyle, Andrew (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Doyle, Anna (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Ferris, Anne (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Harris, Simon (FG) ELECTED Count 2
Hutchinson, Katrina (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Kearns, Bob (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Keddy, Charlie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Matthews, Steven (Green) Eliminated Count 4
Timmins, Billy (Renua) Eliminated Count 10

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