Civil war parties in race for first place as count continues
Civil war parties in race for first place as count continues


Fine Gael and Fianna Fail are in a dead heat in the race for Dail seats as counting has reached the half-way point in the 26 County election, with 19 out of 40 constituencies completed.

Fianna Fail is edging ahead of Fine Gael with 30 seats to their 29. Sinn Fein now has 14, AAA-PBP has four seats, Labour has four, Social Democrats three, Green Party 2, and there are 16 independents.

Candidates of the Right2Change alliance secured more than one in five votes, continue to make gains at the expense of Fine Gael and Labour, who have lost around 16 seats each. Sinn Fein is likely to increase its seats total from 14 in 2011 to over 20, having already reached its strength from five years ago. It secured an additional breakthrough overnight with Carol Nolan’s unexpected capture of the last seat in Offaly, and it held the threatened seat in Cork East in the form of another new general election candidate, Pat Buckley.

Counting continued into the early hours of Sunday morning in many places, including Wexford, where Sinn Fein’s Johnny Mythen lost out on the last seat by just 52 votes to Government chief whip, Paul Kehoe. However, a full recount has been ordered, to begin Monday morning.

There have been serious voting irregularities in Dublin Bay North, where 700 votes were ruled inadmissible by the returning officer because they hadn’t received the required stamp at the polling station. Independent TD Tommy Broughan has expressed concern about these invalid votes and said it was possible there could be a recount, but that he would wait and see how the rest of the count progresses.

A recount is taking place Dublin South Central constituency where People Before Profit’s councillor Brid Smith is just 35 votes ahead of Fianna Fail’s Catherine Ardagh, and in Dublin South West. A recount is also taking place in Dublin South West after Independent candidate Katherine Zappone unexpectedly surged ahead of Fine Gael’s Anne-Marie Dermody in the 16th and final count by 152 votes.

A number of high profile candidates have lost their seats including Fine Gael’s former minister for justice Alan Shatter (Dublin-Rathdown), Labour’s Minister for Communications Alex White (Dublin South) and his party colleague, Joe Costello (Dublin Central). Renua Ireland leader Lucinda Creighton (Dublin Bay South) also lost her seat where her former Fine Gael party is on course to get two seats.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has conceded the coalition parties will not have the numbers to form the next government. Mr Kenny said he would wait for the final outcome and then assess the options available to him. “I need to call my colleagues together, my parliamentary colleagues, my colleagues in government and talk about a number of issues,” he said.

Shortly after noon, Sinn Fein Gerry Adams was returned in Louth, where the party is hoping for a second seat. Speaking to local radio (pictured), he described the election as “a satisfying result for Sinn Fein - though the ongoing tsunami of negativity from other parties and media did have some effect”.

The following are the results so far, by constituency:

Carlow Kilkenny (Seats:5) (Complete)

Aylward, Bobby (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Deering, Pat (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Fitzgerald, David (FG) Eliminated Count 9
Funchion, Kathleen (SF) ELECTED Count 10
Gilligan, Keith (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mac Liam, Conor (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Manning, Paddy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McGuinness, John (FF) ELECTED Count 7
McKee, Patrick (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Murnane-O’Connor, Jennifer (FF) 8373
Noonan, Malcolm (Green) Eliminated Count 6
Phelan, Ann (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Phelan, John Paul (FG) ELECTED Count 10
Wallace, Adrienne (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Walsh, Noel G (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Cavan- Monaghan (Seats:4)

Callaghan, Micheal (Green) 1251
Conlan, Sean (Ind.) 1665
Durkan, Mike (FF) 2909
Humphreys, Heather (FG) ELECTED Count 1
McDermott, Mick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Mee, Jimmy (Ind.) Eliminated 88
O Caolain, Caoimhghin (SF) 10060
O’Connell, Aoife (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Reilly, Joe (FG) 6566
Reilly, Kathryn (SF) 6066
Smith, Brendan (FF) 8775
Smith, Emmett (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Smyth, Mary (Ind.) 1589
Smyth, Niamh (FF) 6268
Wilson, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4

Clare (Seats:4)

Breen, Pat (FG) 6583
Cahill, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Carey, Joe (FG) 6071
Colleran-Molloy, Clare (FF) Eliminated Count 6
Dooley, Timmy (FF) ELECTED Count 7
Hakizimana, Andre Sibo (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Harty, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 9
Howard, Mary (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Lynch, Ian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McDonagh, Michael (FF) 4726
McNamara, Michael (Labour) Eliminated Count 11
Moran, Noeleen (SF) Eliminated Count 10
Mulqueen, Dermot (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Norton, Ann (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
O’Brien, Niamh (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smith, Fergal (Green) Eliminated Count 5

Cork East (Seats:4) (Complete)

Ahern, Barbara (FF) Eliminated Count 10
Barry, Tom (FG) Eliminated Count 5
Bradford, Paul (Renua) Eliminated Count 7
Buckley, Pat (SF) ELECTED Count 10
Bullman, Paddy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Cannon, Ross (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Curtin, Ken (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 2
Harty, Natasha (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Leonardi Roche, Ciara (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Linehan Foley, Mary (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McCarthy, Kieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McCarthy, Noel (FG) Eliminated Count 8
O’Keeffe, Kevin (FF) ELECTED Count 9
Sherlock, Sean (Labour) ELECTED Count 9
Stanton, David (FG) ELECTED Count 9

Cork North-Central (Seats:4)

Barry, Mick (AAAPBP) 8041
Gould, Thomas (SF) 3773
Kelleher, Billy (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Keohane, Ger (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Kiely, Thomas (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Lynch, Kathleen (Labour) 3723
Moran, Oliver (Green) Eliminated Count 6
Murphy, Dara (FG) 5264
Murphy, Mick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
O’Brien, Jonathan (SF) 6231
O’Leary, Julie (FG) 3841
O’Leary, Paddy (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
O’Loughlin, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Tynan, Ted Worker Eliminated Count 5

Cork North-West (Seats:4) (Complete)

Collins, Aine (FG) Eliminated Count 7
Creed, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Dennehy, Nigel (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Fitzgerald, Jason (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Griffin, Shirley (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Manning, Cormac (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Moynihan, Aindrias (FF) ELECTED Count 9
Moynihan, Michael (FF) ELECTED Count 9
O’Flynn, Diarmuid (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
O’Riordan, Steven (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Shea, John Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
O’Donnell, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Sullivan, Jerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Cork South-Central (Seats:4)

Bogue, Lorna (Green) 2064
Buttimer, Jerry (FG) 6419
Coveney, Simon (FG) 7965
Finn, Mick (Ind.) 2378
Harris, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Hourihane, Elizabeth (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenneally, Ciaran (Renua) Eliminated Count 6
Lynch, Ciaran (Labour) 2417
Martin, Micheal (FF) ELECTED Count 1
McGrath, Michael (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Mohally, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O Cadhla, Diarmuid (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
O Laoghaire, Donnchadh (SF) 6986
O’Connell, Jim (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Ryan, Fiona (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 8

Cork South-West (Seats:3)

Coleman, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Collins, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 5
Daly, Jim (FG) ELECTED Count 5
Harrington, Noel (FG) 6433
Heaney, Theresa (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
McCarthy, Michael (Labour) Eliminated Count 2
McCarthy, Rachel (SF) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy O’Mahony, Margaret (FF) ELECTED Count 5
O’Mahony, Johnny (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Pettit O’Leary, Fiona (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Powell, Gillian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Donegal (Seats:5)

Doherty, Gary (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Doherty, Pearse (SF) 10300
Flanagan, Paula (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Gallagher, Pat ‘The Cope’ (FF) 10198
Harte, Patrick (FG) Eliminated Count 6
Jackson, Tim (Ind.) 3580
Kennedy, Niamh (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Mac Lochlainn, Padraig (SF) 5742
McBrearty Jnr, Frank (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
McConalogue, Charlie (FF) ELECTED Count 1
McGarvey, Ian (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
McHugh, Joe (FG) 8412
Mooney, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Nic Fhearraigh, Cordelia (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Pringle, Thomas (Ind.) 6220
Shiels, Dessie (Ind.) 3724)

Dublin Bay North (Seats:5)

Broughan, Tommy (Ind.) 5361
Bruton, Richard (FG) 9792
Clarke, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Cooney, Donna (Green) 1024
Flanagan, Terence (Renua) 3205
Guerin, Jimmy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Haughey, Sean (FF) 8007
Heney, Deirdre (FF) 3360
Lyons, John (AAAPBP) 4409
MacDonncha, Micheal (SF) 3527
McGrath, Finian (Ind.) 5878
Mitchell, Denise (SF) 5039
O Conarain, Prionsias (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O Muiri, Naoise (FG) 2868
O Riordain, Aodhan (Labour) 5675
O’Brien, Michael (AAAPBP) 2236
O’Callaghan, Cian (Soc. Dem.) 3864
O’Neill, Damien (Ind.) 1446
Power, Averil (Ind.) 4911
Regan, Stephanie (FG) 1857)

Dublin Bay South (Seats:4)

Andrews, Chris (SF) 3774
Creighton, Lucinda (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Flynn, Mannix (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Gorman, William DJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Humphreys, Kevin (Labour) 4205
Keigher, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Lynch, Glenna (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 4
Mac Stiofain, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mooney, Annette (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy, Eoghan (FG) 6567
O’Callaghan, Jim (FF) 4575
O’Connell, Kate (FG) 5399
Ryan, Eamon (Green) 4529
Tierney, Eoin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Dublin Central (Seats:3) (Complete)

Burke, Christy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Costello, Joe (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Donohoe, Paschal (FG) ELECTED Count 11
Fitzpatrick, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 9
Gannon, Gary (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 11
Gilbourne, Jacqui (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Gorman, William DJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Guinan, Kerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
McDonald, Mary Lou (SF) ELECTED Count 6
McKay, Cormac (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Dwyer, Diana (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
O’Sullivan, Maureen (Ind.) ELECTED Count 11
Perry, Cieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Ryan, Eilis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smyth, Ian Noel (Green) Eliminated Count 4

Dublin Fingal (Seats:5)

Clifford-Lee, Lorraine (FF) 3359
Daly, Clare (Ind.) ELECTED Count 4
DeBrun, Marcus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Farrell, Alan (FG) 7514
Fuller, Roslyn (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Kelleher, Terry (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Martin, Barry (AAAPBP) 2412
Molloy, Gerry (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Murphy, Tony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
O’Brien, Darragh (FF) ELECTED Count 1
O’Brien, Joe (Green) Eliminated Count 7
O’Reilly, Louise (SF) 5228
O’Connell, Fergal (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Reilly, James (FG) 4666
Ryan, Brendan (Labour) 6009)

Dublin Mid-West (Seats:4) (Complete)

Akpoveta, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Curran, John (FF) ELECTED Count 12
Fitzgerald, Frances (FG) ELECTED Count 1
Gogarty, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 10
Healy, Christopher (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Hennessy, Lorraine (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Keating, Derek (FG) Eliminated Count 11
Kenny, Gino (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 12
Khan, Haroon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kivlehan, Tom (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Leonard, Clare (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McNally, Anne-Marie (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 12
O Broin, Eoin (SF) ELECTED Count 1
Timmons, Francis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Tuffy, Joanna (Labour) Eliminated Count 9

Dublin North-West (Seats:3)

Carney Boud, Cathleen (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Conroy, Caroline (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Dignam, Jimmy Worker Eliminated Count 2
Ellis, Dessie (SF) ELECTED Count 7
Hughes, Bernie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Keegan, Andrew (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Lyons, John (Labour) 2750
McAuliffe, Paul (FF) 4750
McKay, Cormac (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Rock, Noel (FG) 4642
Shortall, Roisin (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1

Dublin Rathdown (Seats:3)

Daveron, Alan (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Madigan, Josepha (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Martin, Catherine (Green) ELECTED Count 6
Mathews, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Nic Cormaic, Sorcha (SF) Eliminated Count 3
Ross, Shane (Ind.) ELECTED Count 2
Shatter, Alan (FG) 5905
White, Alex (Labour) Eliminated Count 4
White, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 5

Dublin South-Central (Seats:4)

Ardagh, Catherine (FF) 5441
Bradley, Neville (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Byrne, Catherine (FG) 6130
Byrne, Eric (Labour) 3297
Collins, Joan (Ind.) 6195
Coyne, Liam (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 5
Devine, Maire (SF) Eliminated Count 6
Gargan, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Hand, Paul (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Murray, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O Halmhain, Oisin (Green) Eliminated Count 3
O Snodaigh, Aengus (SF) 6639
Smith, Brid (AAAPBP) 4374)

Dublin South-West (Seats:5)

Brophy, Colm (FG) ELECTED Count 16
Burke, Declan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Crowe, Sean (SF) ELECTED Count 15
Dermody, Anne-Marie (FG) Eliminated Count 16
Duff, Mick (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Duffy, Francis Noel (Green) Eliminated Count 5
Fay, Sandra (AAAPBP) 3241
Fitzpatrick, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated 2812
Holland, Sarah (SF) Eliminated Count 9
Kearns, Pamela (Labour) Eliminated Count 14
Lahart, John (FF) ELECTED Count 11
Maloney, Eamon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Mc Mahon, Ronan (Renua) Eliminated Count 10
Murphy, Paul (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 12
O’Donovan, Deirdre (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
O’Gorman, Frank (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Quigley, Kieran (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Sinclair, Stephen (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Summerville-Molloy, Joan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Warren, Karen (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Zappone, Katherine (Ind.) ELECTED Count 16

Dublin West (Seats:4)

Burton, Joan (Labour) ELECTED Count 5
Casey, Dermot (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Chambers, Jack (FF) ELECTED Count 5
Clare, TJ (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Coppinger, Ruth (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 5
Donnelly, Paul (SF) Eliminated Count 4
McGuinness, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Noone, Catherine (FG) Eliminated Count 2
O’Gorman, Roderic (Green) Eliminated Count 4
O’Brien, Jo (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Varadkar, Leo (FG) ELECTED Count 3

Dun Laoghaire (Seats:4)

Bailey, Maria (FG) ELECTED Count 7
Boyd Barrett, Richard (AAAPBP) ELECTED Count 6
Cronin, Frank (Renua) Eliminated Count 1
Devlin, Cormac (FF) Eliminated Count 5
Hanafin, Mary (FF) 6478
Hunt, Carol (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Mitchell-O’Connor, Mary (FG) ELECTED Count 7
O’Brien, Shane (SF) Eliminated Count 2
Smyth, Carrie (Labour) Eliminated Count 6
Smyth, Ossian (Green) Eliminated Count 4
Whitehead, Raymond (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Galway East (Seats:3) (Complete)

Canney, Sean (Ind.) ELECTED Count 6
Cannon, Ciaran (FG) ELECTED Count 7
Connaughton, Paul (FG) Eliminated Count 7
Fahy, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Higgins, Lorraine Eliminated Count 4
Keaveney, Colm (FF) Eliminated Count 5
Melia, Aengus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Ni Chronin, Mairead (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Rabbitte, Anne (FF) ELECTED Count 6
Roche, Anne Marie (SF) Eliminated Count 3

Galway West (Seats:5)

Charity, James (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Connolly, Catherine (Ind.) 4877
Connolly, John (FF) 3855
Cubbard, Mike (Ind.) Eliminated Count 7
Daveron, Nicola (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Feeney, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Grealish, Noel (Ind.) 7187
Healy-Eames, Fidelma (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Hoade, Mary (FF) Eliminated Count 8
Holohan, Tommy (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Kyne, Sean (FG) 6136
Naughton, Hildegarde (FG) 4567
Nolan, Derek (Labour) Eliminated Count 9
O Clochartaigh, Trevor (SF) 5755
O Cuiv, Eamon (FF) ELECTED Count 9
O Tuathail, Niall (Soc. Dem.) 3455
O’Mahony, John (FG) 4734
O’Neill, Ruairi (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Roddy, Tommy (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Sheridan, Seamus (Green) Eliminated Count 6

Kerry (Seats:5)

Brassil, John (FF) 8156
Corcoran, Donal (Renua) 716
Deenihan, Jimmy (FG) 6489
Ferris, Martin (SF) 9458
Finucane, Brian (AAAPBP) 981
Fitzgerald, Michael (Green) 1011
Fitzgibbon, Mary Elizabeth (Ind.) 635
Gaynor, Henry (Ind.) 147
Griffin, Brendan (FG) 9674
Healy-Rae, Danny (Ind.) 9991
Healy-Rae, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED 20378
Moriarty, Norma (FF) 4348
Murphy, Kevin (Ind.) 464
O’Donnell, Grace (FG) 776
O’Gorman, Michael (Ind.) 1236
Spring, Arthur (Labour) 4813

Kildare North (Seats:4)

Beirne, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Cronin, Reada (SF) 3205
Dunne, Gerard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Durkan, Bernard (FG) 6147
Fitzgerald, Shane (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Lawless, James (FF) 7461
Lawlor, Anthony (FG) 5406
Merriman, Ashling (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Murphy, Catherine (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1
Ni Fhalluin, Maebh (Green) Eliminated Count 6
O’Rourke, Frank (FF) 6341
O’Sullivan, Elizabeth (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Stagg, Emmet (Labour) 4087
Young, Brendan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5

Laois (Seats:3)

Connell, Thomasina (FG) 4233
Flanagan, Charlie (FG) ELECTED Count 3
Fleming, Sean (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Moore, Sinead (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Stanley, Brian (SF) ELECTED Count 3
Whelan, John (Labour) 2856)

Limerick City (Seats:4) (Complete)

Bennis, Nora (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Gaffney, James (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Hayes, Desmond J (Renua) Eliminated Count 2
Hennelly, Sarah Jane (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 3
Noonan, Michael (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Dea, Willie (FF) ELECTED Count 1
O’Donnell, Kieran (FG) Eliminated Count 6
O’Sullivan, Jan (Labour) ELECTED Count 6
Prendiville, Cian (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 4
Quinlivan, Maurice (SF) ELECTED Count 5
Riordan, Denis (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2

Limerick County (Seats:3) (Complete)

Browne, Seamus (SF) Eliminated Count 4
Collins, Niall (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Heffernan, James (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 5
Keogh, Mark (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Neville, Tom (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Brien, Emmett (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
O’Donoghue, Richard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Donovan, Patrick (FG) ELECTED Count 6
O’Gorman, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Storey-Cosgrave, Alexander (Green) Eliminated Count 2

Longford-Westmeath (Seats:4)

Bannon, James (FG) 4649
Burke, Peter (FG) 5683
Fagan, Brian (Ind.) 894
Gerety-Quinn, Connie (FF) 3944
Healy, Stephanie (Ind.) 132
Hogan, Paul (SF) 5276
Jackson, Donal (Ind.) 53
Magan, Manchan (Green) 1104
McFadden, Gabrielle (FG) 2834
McKervey, Noel (Ind.) 654
Miller, James (Ind.) 210
Moran, Kevin ‘Boxer’ (Ind.) 7585
Morgan, James (Ind.) 3329
Parker, Dom (AAAPBP) 506
Penrose, Willie (Labour) 4822
Sexton, Mae (Ind.) 1646
Smyth, Barbara (Ind.) 296
Troy, Robert (FF) ELECTED Count 1

Louth (Seats:5)

Adams, Gerry (SF) ELECTED Count 6
Bradley, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Breathnach, Declan (FF) 9099
Callan, Kevin (Ind.) 3541
Coffey, Emma (FF) 3422
Connor, Anthony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Dearey, Mark (Green) 3187
Fitzpatrick, Peter (FG) 6408
Greene, Patrick (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Moran, Mary (Labour) Eliminated Count 2
Munster, Imelda (SF) 8829
Nash, Ged (Labour) 4945
O’Dowd, Fergus (FG) 6814
O’Dowd, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Weldon, Gareth (AAAPBP) 3462
Yore, Maeve (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4

Mayo (Seats:4)

Calleary, Dara (FF) 9402
Chambers, Lisa (FF) 8231
Conway-Walsh, Rose (SF) 6414
Cowley, Jerry (Ind.) 3479
Farrington, Michael (Renua) Eliminated Count 7
Forkan, Sean (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Jordan, Peter (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Kamal Uddin, Mohammad (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenny, Enda (FG) ELECTED Count 1
Manning, Stephen (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Moran, Tom (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 7
Mulherin, Michelle (FG) 7841
O’Boyle, Gerry (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
O’Malley, George (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
Ring, Michael (FG) 11275
Sheehan, Margaret (Green) Eliminated Count 7

Meath East (Seats:3) (Complete)

Bonner, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 8
Byrne, Thomas (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Doherty, Regina (FG) ELECTED Count 9
Gilroy, Ben (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Hannigan, Dominic (Labour) Eliminated Count 8
Keogan, Sharon (Ind.) Eliminated Count 6
McDonagh, Seamus (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McEntee, Helen (FG) ELECTED Count 9
O Buachalla, Sean (Green) Eliminated Count 4
O’Neill, Aisling (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 7
O’Rourke, Darren (SF) Eliminated Count 9
Tyrrell, Sarah (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3

Meath West (Seats:3) (Complete)

Butler, Ray (FG) Eliminated Count 6
Cassells, Shane (FF) ELECTED Count 1
English, Damien (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Golden, Trevor (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Lawes, Alan (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Malone, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
McElhinny, Tracey (Labour) Eliminated Count 3
McMenamin, Seamus (Green) Eliminated Count 5
Toibin, Peadar (SF) ELECTED Count 2

Offaly (Seats:3) (Complete)

Bopp, Kate (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Corcoran-Kennedy, Marcella (FG) ELECTED Count 6
Cowen, Barry (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Fettes, Christopher (Green) Eliminated Count 2
Fitzpatrick, Eddie (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Foley, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Hannigan, Joe (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Leahy, John (Renua) Eliminated Count 5
Nolan, Carol (SF) ELECTED Count 7
Ryan-Feehan, Teresa (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Smollen, Ken (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2

Roscommon-Galway (Seats:3) (Complete)

Coleman, Tony (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Conroy, Eddie (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Curran, Shane (FF) Eliminated Count 7
Fallon, Thomas (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Farrell, Anne (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Fitzmaurice, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 6
Hennesy, Miriam (Green) Eliminated Count 3
Hopkins, Maura (FG) Eliminated Count 8
Kelly, John (Labour) Eliminated Count 6
Kerrane, Claire (SF) Eliminated Count 7
Murphy, Eugene (FF) ELECTED Count 8
Naughten, Denis (Ind.) ELECTED Count 1

Sligo-Leitrim (Seats:4)

Bree, Declan (Ind.) 3250
Casserly, Marie (Ind.) 2726
Filan, Finbarr (Renua) Eliminated Count 3
Gallagher, Nigel (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 6
Guckian, Des (Ind.) Eliminated Count 4
Kenny, Martin (SF) 6356
MacManus, Chris (SF) 4747
MacSharry, Marc (FF) 8856
McLoughlin, Tony (FG) 6172
Murray, Eamonn (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
O’Hara, Bernie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
O’Keeffe, Susan (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
O’Hora, Leslie (Green) Eliminated Count 2
O’Rourke, Paddy (FF) 5447
Perry, John (FG) 4403
Reynolds, Gerry (FG) 6672
Scanlon, Eamon (FF) 5874
Sweeney, Bernard (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1

Tipperary (Seats:5)

Ambrose, Siobhan (FF) Eliminated Count 2
Cahill, Jackie (FF) 7414
Coonan, Noel (FG) Eliminated Count 3
Dillon, Michael (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Fitzgibbon, Gearoid (Green) Eliminated Count 1
Hayes, Tom (FG) 6218
Healy, Seamus (Ind.) 7452
Kelly, Alan (Labour) 7746
Lowry, Michael (Ind.) ELECTED Count 1
McGrath, Mattie (Ind.) ELECTED Count 4
Morris, Seamus (SF) Eliminated Count 4
Murphy, Marie (FG) Eliminated Count 1
Smith, Michael (FF) 6718)

Waterford (Seats:4) (Complete)

Ahmed, Sheikh Mohiuddin (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Butler, Mary (FF) ELECTED Count 1
Coffey, Paudie (FG) Eliminated Count 8
Conway, Ciara (Labour) Eliminated Count 7
Cullinane, David (SF) ELECTED Count 6
Deasy, John (FG) ELECTED Count 8
Dunphy, Una (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 5
Halligan, John (Ind.) ELECTED Count 8
O’Sullivan, Grace (Green) Eliminated Count 7
Power, Mailo (Renua) Eliminated Count 4
Quilty, Edward (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Walsh, John D (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3

Wexford (Seats:5)

Browne, James (FF) ELECTED Count 10
Byrne, Aoife (FF) Eliminated Count 8
Byrne, Malcolm (FF) Eliminated Count 12
Carthy, Ger (Ind.) Eliminated Count 9
D’Arcy, Michael (FG) 7798
Dwyer, John (Ind.) Eliminated Count 5
Foxe, Caroline (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Hogan, Julie (FG) Eliminated Count 4
Howlin, Brendan (Labour) ELECTED Count 9
Kehoe, Paul (FG) 7696
Kelly, Leonard (Soc. Dem.) Eliminated Count 7
Lloyd, David (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Moloney, Emmet (Ind.) Eliminated Count 1
Mythen, Johnny (SF) 7260
Wadding, Deirdre (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 6
Wallace, Mick (Ind.) ELECTED Count 13
Walsh, Ann (Green) Eliminated Count 3

Wicklow (Seats:5)

Behan, Joe (Ind.) 3070
Brady, John (SF) ELECTED Count 2
Briggs, Sharon (AAAPBP) 1241
Casey, Pat (FF) 6289
Cronin, Avril (FG) 2091
Cuffe, Jennifer (FF) 2990
Donnelly, Stephen (Soc. Dem.) ELECTED Count 1
Doyle, Andrew (FG) 6045
Doyle, Anna (AAAPBP) Eliminated Count 3
Ferris, Anne (Labour) 2634
Harris, Simon (FG) ELECTED Count 2
Hutchinson, Katrina (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Kearns, Bob (Ind.) Eliminated Count 2
Keddy, Charlie (Ind.) Eliminated Count 3
Matthews, Steven (Green) Eliminated Count 4
Timmins, Billy (Renua) 5510

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