Water is a human right
Water is a human right


An introduction to the Right2Water campaign and its petition.


Who are we? If you believe that water is a human right then we are you!

The provision of sufficient water and sanitation is an essential public service and a human right recognised by the United Nations. It should be freely available to all regardless of wealth or income.

All citizens need clean drinking water and quality sanitation. Right2Water.ie is a public campaign by activists, citizens, community groups, political parties/individuals and trade unionists who are calling for the Government to recognise and legislate for access to water as a human right. We are demanding the Government abolish the planned introduction of water charges.

Why we’re against water charges

Water charges will discriminate against working people and the unemployed in favour of the wealthy and are another regressive tax taking vital money out of the pockets of people and out of our economy. Our public water system is already paid for through general taxation which is progressive and we wish it to remain that way.

The campaign

The Right2Water campaign has started with a petition and we aim to collect 50,000 signatures before the forthcoming budget. However, that’s not the end of it. Our intention is to raise awareness of this vital issue and to ensure that water charges remain in the public consciousness ahead of Ireland’s next General Election and in the upcoming bye-elections. We will be contacting all political parties and Independent TD’s in the coming months seeking a commitment that they will legislate for the removal of water charges should they be elected into any future government.

Just one week since the Right2Water online petition was launched, over 35,000 people have asked the Irish Government to abolish domestic water charges and respect our human right to water.

The news comes as the Right2Water campaign makes final preparations for Saturday’s National Demonstration in Dublin. Demonstrators are being asked to wear blue to symbolise our Right2Water and to create what the campaign calls a ‘river of people’ coming together to demand that domestic water charges be reversed.

The groundswell of support for the campaign is reflected in the fact that two new organisations - the Communication Workers Union and Spectacle of Defiance and Hope - have joined Right2Water in the past few days. Organisers are expecting families to travel to Dublin from all parts of the country for Saturday’s demonstration.

The demonstration will assemble at the Garden of Remembrance at 2 pm, and from there proceed via D’Olier Street and Westmoreland Street to the GPO, where a rally will be held. In addition to a small number of speakers, there will be live entertainment.

The petition

We are calling on the Irish Government to abolish domestic water charges and respect our human right to water.

Access to water is recognized as a human right by the United Nations. The Irish Constitution supports the distribution of vital community resources, like water, on the needs of the common good.

I believe the introduction of water charges infringes on both of these rights.

Abolish water charges and ensure water is provided to all citizens, irrespective of their income.


* The petition can be signed online at https://www.right2water.ie/actnow

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