Why not another referendum?
Why not another referendum?


By eirigi

In the aftermath of the Scottish referendum result the British political establishment were quick to deem it a ‘victory for democracy’. And in the same breath they definitively stated that the issue of Scottish independence was now settled for a generation or even permanently. Hmmm.

The position of the unionist parties begs the question, ‘If the referendum was such a positive demonstration of democracy what has anyone to fear from another one?’

The contradictory position adopted by the unionist parties exposes the truth about the Scottish referendum, which was in fact a defeat for democracy and a victory for dirty tricks, lies, scare-mongering, threats and media manipulation.

The referendum represented the greatest threat to the ‘union’ since the creation of the Irish Free State in 1922 and the greatest threat to the political entity known as ‘Great Britain’ since 1707.

For much of the referendum campaign the political establishment was clearly complacent, believing the Scottish people would never have the nerve to shatter their precious union. It was only when the opinion polls indicated that the YES side were heading for victory that the forces of conservatism and unionism went into blind panic. The state and private media, major corporations, banks, EU bureaucrats and the entire political establishment were then mobilised in one of the most negative political campaigns in recent history.

The last fortnight of the campaign saw many people switch from YES to NO. It is abundantly clear that they did so not because they were opposed to Scottish independence but because they were afraid. Making voters change their voting intentions through a campaign of lies, fear and coercion may well be norm in Western ‘democracies’ but that doesn’t make it right or fair. And it certainly isn’t a victory for genuine democracy.

The NO camp managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and they know it. And now they hope to deny the Scottish people (and the Irish and Welsh people) such an opportunity to ever threaten the ‘union’ again.

The right of the Scottish people to freedom is based upon foundations far deeper than a referendum granted to them by an ex-Etonian schoolboy. Their right to freedom, like our own in Ireland, cannot be made or unmade by the laws of Westminster.

We offer our support and praise to those in the YES campaign who came so close to winning an historic victory. While they lost this referendum they may well have released a genie which the British establishment will now struggle to get back into the bottle. Finally we encourage them to stand firm in their demand for freedom and independence.

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