Messages issued by three republican political organisations on the occasion of the New Year 2012.
New Year’s message from Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams TD
Bliain úr faoi mhaise daoibh go léir. [Happy New Year to you all]
As we embark on a new year, the Irish people face major challenges. The policy of austerity being pursued by conservative governments in Dublin and London and by the European Union is strangling the Irish economy and causing severe hardship for Irish families.
Economic circumstances have meant that thousands of our young people left Ireland in 2011. Unfortunately many more are preparing to emigrate in 2012. A whole generation is leaving. Mass emigration wasn’t acceptable in the 1950s or 1980s and it is not acceptable today.
Despite promising change, the new Fine Gael/Labour Government has continued to implement the failed policies of the previous Fianna Fáil-led administration, which seek to make ordinary citizens bear the burden of the economic and fiscal crisis while protecting the interests of those who caused it.
Money needed to run vital public services such as health and education is being paid to unsecured bondholders. Sinn Féin will continue to lead the campaign against this obscene policy including the handover of €1.2billion in January and the payment of €3.1 billion on the promissory note on 31st March next. We will also continue to oppose the unfair Household Charge.
Seasann Sinn Féin leis na gnáth theaghlaigh ar fud na hÉireann atá faoi ualach throm mar gheall ar an ghéarchéim eacnamaíoch. Leanfaidh Sinn Féin ar aghaidh ag tabhairt ceannasaíocht pholaitiúil agus ag cur ar fáil roghanna malartacha ar chuid polasaithe déine Bhaile Átha Cliath, Londain agus an AE.
The new government has failed to stand up for Ireland in Europe. We face the prospect of more powers over decisions affecting all our lives being handed to an increasingly centralized and undemocratic EU working to the direction of France and Germany. Sinn Fein will resist this.
The recent deal struck by 26 EU leaders in Brussels will not solve the Eurozone crisis. It will make matters worse. It will mean more austerity budgets, will block economic growth, lead to greater poverty and unemployment and continue to destabilise the single currency. Irish citizens must have their say on any Agreement with such far-reaching consequences. The Government must commit clearly to a referendum on this issue.
The decision by the Tory led Government in London to slash £4bn from the block grant to the North underlines the need for fiscal powers to be transferred to the northern Executive. Sinn Féin in the Executive will continue to promote growth and jobs and to protect frontline public services.
Big challenges remain. Tackling sectarianism and building a shared future are priorities for Sinn Féin. Outstanding aspects of the Good Friday and St Andrews Agreements must be implemented including a Bill of Rights. Much progress has been made on the important issue of policing in recent years. This needs to be consolidated and built upon.
An as an Irish republican party whose primary political objective is a united Ireland, Sinn Féin will ensure that the issue of Irish unity is on the political agenda in the year ahead. Sinn Féin is also committed to delivering for citizens in the here and now, North and South. In 2012 we will continue to provide a coherent opposition in the Dáil and to deliver on an agenda of equality, progress and change in government in the North.
Despite all the difficulties we face as a people, 2012 does offer hope and opportunity. The Irish people have faced severe difficulties in the past and we have come through them. We can build a better Ireland. Working together we can bring about the change that is needed for economic recovery and a united Ireland built on the foundations of equality and social justice. That will be the focus of Sinn Féin in the year ahead.
For now I want to wish everyone a happy and peaceful New Year
Ádh mór agus dea-ghuí do chách. [Good luck and best wishes to all.]
Ráiteas Athbhliana 2012 éirígí
Tapaíonn éirígí deis na hAthbhliana chun aitheantas agus ómós a thabhairt dóibh siúd go léir a thacaaigh leis an streachailt ar son Éire shaor in 2011. Agus an Bhliain Úr linn, ba mhian le éirígí a dtiomantas a athmhaíomh do shárú fhorghabháil na Breataine ar na Sé Chondae agus an chórais shoch-eacnamaíochta chaipitligh atá ar dhá thaobh na teorann.
Do na milliúin daoine ar fud na hÉireann, cuimhneofar ar Éirinn 2011 mar bhliain de chiorruithe, déine, dífhostaíocht, eisimirce, bochtanas agus éadóchas. Agus an ghéarchéim chaipitleach dhomhanda ag dul in olcas, thromaigh an lucht ceannais sa dá stát a n-ionsaí ar na daoine is laige sa tsochaí, ag cinneadh go n-íocfadh an mórán as saint an bheagáin.
Chuir pleidhcí fonnmhara i dTeach Laighean agus Stormont orduithe frith-shóisialta de chuid a máistrí i mBeirlín, Washington agus Londain i bhfeidhm go sona. Lena mbeart tá éagóir déanta ag na riaracháin sa dá stáitín teipthe ar mhuintir na hÉireann; ag ualú na glúine seo agus glún le teacht le díobháil agus fiacha gan áireamh. Ar mhaithe le scothaicme ceannais na n-airgeadaithe, forbróirí réadmhaoine, baincéirí agus polaiteoirí.
Rinne stát na Breataine iarracht a chumhacht mhailíseach a mhéadaú in Éirinn in 2011. Sna Sé Chondae lean póilíneacht pharaimíleata na Breataine lena feachtas ciaptha agus imeaglaithe ar an phobal náisiúnach go ginearálta agus ar ghníomhaithe poblachtacha go háirithe. Baineadh úsáid as sciuirdeanna tí, stad agus cuardach, baitíní agus piléir phlaisteacha chun imeaglú agus ionsaí a dheánamh ar dhaoine atá go fóill ag cur i gcoinne na forghabhála. Thug na gníomhaíochtaí seo de chuid an PSNI tuilleadh fianaise ar nádúr doleasaithe phóilíniú na Breataine in Éirinn. Glaonn éirígí orthu siúd a dúirt go raibh a leithéid de leasú indéanta glacadh le réaltacht an scéil agus a dtacaíocht a aistharraingt ó phóilíneacht pharailmíleata na Breataine agus córas dlí na Breataine.
Sa bhliain ina dearnadh cuimhne ar an tríochadú bliain ó chinn Stailc Ocrais 1981 ar fud na cruinne, lean rialtas na Breataine ag iarraidh caitheamh le cimí polaitiúla poblachtacha mar choirpigh, a raibh an agóid intuartha agus inchosanta ag na cimí céanna mar thoradh air. Athdhearbhaíonn éirígí a dtacaíocht leis na cimí ar agóid i bPríosún Mhaigh gCabraí in 2012 agus éilíonn ar na riaracháin i Stormont agus Westminster stádas polaitiúil iomlán a thabhairt dóibh gan mhoill.
Sna Sé Chondae Fichead bhí éirígí ar thús cadhnaíochta ag eagrú chur i gcoinne do chuairt stáit Elizabeth Windsor. Bhrúigh an cur i gcoinne sin rialtas Átha Cliath chun an obráid shlándála is mó le linn cuimhne a chur i bhfeidhm, ina measc bhí cur faoi ghlas chuid mhaith de Bhaile Átha Cliath ar feadh seachtaine. D’ainneoin áibhéil na meán chorparáideach agus an stáit, dhaingnigh máirseáil Windsor trí chathair bhán nádúr mínormálta an chaidrimh idir an Bhreatain agus Éire. Lean na daoine bhí páirteach sna hagóidí sráide agus i bhfeachtas leathan an chur i gcoinne do chuairt Windsor coiscéim Connolly agus Markievicz, a bhí i mbun cur i gcoinne don chuairt dheireanach chuig Baile Átha Cliath ag monarc Briotanach. Moltar iad as a gcalmacht agus a smacht in aghaidh neart saighdte.
Go hidirnáisúnta thug an streachailt in éadan tíorántacht an impiriúlachais, na margaí agus an nua-liobrálachais talamh leis le bliain anuas. Bhuail na milliúin daoine ar fud na cruinne na sráideanna le dúshlán a thabhairt dá scothaicmí ceannais, ag solathár fíordhóchas do fhéidearthacht na haistroda domhanda. Sna Stáit Aontaithe, san Eoraip, sa MheánOirthear agus eile thug oll-léirsithe agus gníomh stailce spléachadh de na féidearthachtaí ar féidir le hollghluaiseacht dhomhanda ar son ceartais a tháirgeadh. Ag aithint an ghá le freagra sóisialach domhanda ar fhadhb chaipitleach dhomhanda, tapaíonn éirígí an deis le beannachtaí dlúthpháirtíochta na hAthbhliana a chur chucu siúd go léir atá ag troid in éadan éadulaingthe, leithcheala agus dúshaothraithe.
Leis an Bhreatain i gceannas ar na Sé Chondae agus an IMF/EU/ECB i gceannas ar na Sé Chondae Fichead tá Éire trína chéile anois faoi fhorghabháil eachtrannach den chéad uair le beagnach céad bliain. An rud nár féidir a bhaint amach le tancanna agus gunnaí, tá sé déanta anois le conraí agus tarrthálacha. Ta clár na gcomh-fhorghabhálacha seo soiléir – cruthú ord polaitiúil, sóisialta agus eacnamaíochta nualiobrálach atá éagórach – ord ina mbeidh líon síorardaithe cumhachta agus maoine cruinnithe i láimhe líon síorlaghdaithe daoine.
Agus 2012 ag tosnú is mó an gá le gluaiseacht phoblachtach réabhlóideach Éireannach athspreagtha. Tá na smaointe ag croí an phoblachtachais Éireannaigh chomh ábhartha inniu agus a bhí siad nuair a tháinig siad chun cinn den chéad uair sna 1790s. Tá codarsnacht shuntasach idir fís Éire shaor rialaithe ag na daoine ar mhaithe leis na daoine agus Éire éagothrom, ghafa agus críochdheighilte an lae inniu. Is í Poblacht Shóisialach Dhaonlathach uile-Éireann nua an t-aon mhalairt inmharthana agus inbhuanaithe ar an deighilt, bhochtanas agus anord atá déanta ag an chóras reatha.
Tá tógáil gluaiseachta coiteanna a chuirfeas a leithéid de phoblacht nua faoi seoil cheana. Sa bhliain le teacht tá sé de rún ag éirígí an tógáil sin a luasú, trína bhfeachtais chur i gcoinne gníomhach do fhorghabhálacha na Breataine agus an IMF/EU/EBC a threisiú.
Molann éirígí do na poblachtóirí sin a chúlaigh ó streachailt ghníomhach chun athmhachnamh a dhéanamh ar a seasamh agus bliain úr ag tosnú. Is annamh a raibh dhúshláin ní ba mhó os comhair mhuintir na hÉireann ná na cinn atá ann faoi láthair. Tá géarghá le bhur scileanna, taithí agus croí sa tréimhse seo inár stair. Agus dóibhsean nach raibh riamh gníomhach i streachailt tugann éirígí cuireadh le bheith linn in seasamh a ghlacadh in éadan fhorghabhála agus éagóra. Le chéile is féidir linn gluaiseacht phoblachtach réabhlóideach a thógáil a bheas ábalta stát uile-Éireann nua a chruthú – ceann a ráthós i ndáiríre cearta polaitíochta, sóisialta agus eacnamaíochta chách, neamhaireach ar a n-inscne, a gcreideamh ná a gcine.
[éirígí New Year Statement 2012
éirígí takes the opportunity of the New Year to recognise and pay tribute to all those who supported the struggle for a free Ireland in 2011. As the New Year dawns, éirígí also wishes to restate its commitment to the overthrow of the British occupation of the Six Counties and the capitalist socio-economic system which exists on both sides the border.
For millions of people across Ireland 2011 will be remembered as a year of cutbacks, austerity, unemployment, emigration, poverty and despair. As the global capitalist crisis deepened the ruling class in both states intensified their attacks upon the weakest in society, determining that the many should pay for the greed of the few.
Willing fools in Leinster House and Stormont happily implemented the anti-social dictates of their respective masters in Berlin, Washington and London. By their actions the administrations in both failed statelets have committed a great wrong against the people of Ireland; burdening this and future generations with untold debts and deprivation. And all in order to protect the ruling elite of financiers, property developers, bankers and politicians.
2011 saw the British state attempt to further increase its malign influence in Ireland. In the Six Counties Britain’s paramilitary police continued with their campaign of harassment and intimidation of the nationalist community in general and republican activists in particular. House raids, stop and search, batons and plastic bullets were all used to intimidate and attack those who continue to resist the occupation. These activities by the PSNI provided yet more proof of the irreformable nature of British policing in Ireland. éirígí again calls on those who claimed that such reform was possible to accept the reality of the situation and withdraw their support for Britain’s paramilitary police and Britain’s legal system.
In a year that saw the thirtieth anniversary of the 1981 Hunger Strike remembered across the world the British government continued to attempt to treat republican political prisoners as criminals, resulting in an entirely predictable and justified protest by those same prisoners. éirígí reaffirms its support for the protesting prisoners in Maghaberrry Jail in 2012 and calls upon the administrations in Stormont and Westminster to grant them full political status immediately.
In the Twenty-Six Counties éirígí was to the fore of organising opposition to the state visit of Elizabeth Windsor. That opposition forced the Dublin government to mount the largest security operation in living memory, including the lock-down of much of Dublin city for up to a week. Despite the hype of the state and corporate media, the parading of Windsor through a sterile ghost city did little but reinforce the very abnormal nature of relations between Britain and Ireland. Those who joined the street protests and wider campaign of opposition to the Windsor visit followed in the footsteps of Connolly and Markievicz, who in their time led opposition to the last visit to Dublin by a British monarch. For their bravery and discipline in the face of ample provocation they are to be commended.
Internationally the struggle against the tyranny of imperialism, the markets and neo-liberalism gained much ground over the last twelve months. Countless millions across the globe took to the streets to challenge their respective ruling elites, providing real hope for the possibility of a global fight back. In the United States, Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere mass demonstrations and industrial action gave a glimpse of the possibilities that a global mass movement for justice could produce. Recognising the need for a global socialist solution to a global capitalist problem, éirígí takes the opportunity to send New Year’s solidarity greetings to all of those who fight against intolerance, discrimination and exploitation.
With Britain in control of the Six Counties and the IMF/EU/ECB in control of the Twenty-Six Counties all of Ireland is now under an effective foreign occupation for the first time in almost a century. What could not be achieved with tanks and guns has now been realised with treaties and bailouts. The agenda of these joint occupations is clear – the creation of a deeply unjust neo-liberal political, social and economic order – an order which will see an ever increasing amount of power and wealth concentrated into the hands of an ever decreasing number of people.
As 2012 begins the need for a reinvigorated Irish revolutionary republican movement has never been greater. The ideas at the core of Irish republicanism are as relevant today as they were when they first emerged in the 1790s. The vision of a free Ireland governed by the people for the people stands in stark contrast to the partitioned, occupied and deeply unequal Ireland of today. A new all-Ireland Democratic Socialist Republic represents the only viable and sustainable alternative to the division, poverty and chaos that the current system has produced.
The building of a popular movement that will deliver such a new republic is already underway. Over the coming twelve months éirígí intends to accelerate that build, by increasing its campaigns of active opposition to the British and IMF/EU/ECB occupations.
éirígí encourages those republicans who have withdrawn from active struggle to reconsider their position as a new year begins. The Irish people have rarely faced greater challenges than those that currently confront them. Your skills, experience and heart are badly needed at this juncture in our history. And to those who have never been active in struggle éirígí extends an invite to join with us in taking a stand against occupation and injustice. Together we can build a revolutionary republican movement capable of creating a new all-Ireland state – one which will genuinely guarantee the political, social and economic rights of all, regardless of their gender, religion or race.]
Republican Sinn Féin New Year Statement 2012
Republican Sinn Féin extends fraternal New Year greetings to all of our comrades, friends and supporters both at home and abroad. The coming year will be a challenging one for working-class people in Ireland and across Europe. The threats facing us are manifold. Economically people are faced with the consequences of the austerity programme imposed on them by the EU political and financial elite. For Irish Republicans increasing repression highlights the reality of the old imperialism of British rule in Ireland.
The economic policies being pursued by the Leinster House and Stormont regimes are all part and parcel of the same finance capitalism which created the present world economic crisis. The very markers of a civilised society - the right to health, education and protection of the most vulnerable - are being sacrificed to uphold a failed and undemocratic EU. This should serve as a call to arms to all who wish to build a new world from the ashes of a failed political and economic model.
In the 26 Counties the introduction of a regressive property tax presents working people with an opportunity to find their own voice and strike the first blows of resistance against the Leinster House political class. Republican Sinn Féin is calling on people to refuse to register as a first step to refusing to pay this unjust tax.
In the Middle East people are being applauded for their courage in taking to the streets to seek political change but in the Occupied Six Counties Irish Republicans are being prosecuted for doing the same thing. In January our President Des Dalton and Vice-President Fergal Moore, along with 35 others, are being tried in Craigavon for taking part in a march in Lurgan in January 2011 calling for the release of the interned veteran Republican Martin Corry. This represents part of a pattern of repression directed against Republican Sinn Féin and all of those who refuse to accept British occupation and the partition of the historic Irish nation. The Craigavon trial is an attempt to force Republicans off the streets. We will not bow to such intimidation and reaffirm our commitment to resisting British imperialism in Ireland.
We also take this opportunity to extend greetings and solidarity to the Republican POWs in Maghaberry and Portlaoise prisons. These men are imprisoned because they refused to compromise on Ireland’s right to national freedom. We pledge our continued support to the Republican prisoners in Maghaberry prison in their ongoing struggle for the right to political status. We also renew our call for the release of Martin Corey and Marian Price, both of whom are political hostages held without trial in Maghaberry prison simply because of their political beliefs.
In 2012 Republican Sinn Féin will be launching our build-up to the centenary of the 1916 Rising with a one-day seminar in Dublin on April 21 entitled Who Fears to Speak of Easter Week. We will be appealing to all who wish, as unapologetic Irish Republicans, to commemorate the sacrifices of the men and women of Easter Week to join with us in planning for 2016. As the legitimate inheritors of the mantle of 1916 Republican Sinn Féin will commemorate 1916 not merely as an historic event but as a task yet to be completed with a living message for the Ireland of today.
As Irish Republicans we are the successors of a revolutionary tradition which stretches back to the foundation of the Society of United Irishmen 220 years ago. For this reason we make no apology for guarding the integrity of that tradition from all impostors or criminal elements who would attempt to besmirch it or misuse its noble title.
The year ahead will be difficult but it also provides many opportunities to further our goal of creating a New Ireland. ÉIRE NUA and SAOL NUA set out a vision of hope and inspiration for an Ireland which truly “cherishes all the children of the nation equally”. Our duty as revolutionaries is to confront the twin imperialisms of British occupation and EU finance capitalism and in so doing shape an Ireland worthy of the high ideals of the 1916 Proclamation.