Family flees sectarian attacks
Family flees sectarian attacks

A nationalist family in Derry city’s Waterside says they’re being hounded out of their home by repeated sectarian attacks.

The family’s Currynierin property was petrol bombed on April 30 by loyalist youths who reportedly made off in the direction of the Tullyally estate. Other homes and businesses in the area were also targeted by the mob.

A father of two, who did not want to be identified, said his family was “sick” of 13 years of attacks at their Conway Park home.

“At about 10.30 p.m., my wife heard a banging noise . . . I looked out the window and saw a young fella standing at my fence. I opened the door and he threw a petrol bomb straight at me and it hit the wall three feet away from me.

“I went out after them and another two petrol bombs were thrown at me on the roadside. There was a gang of about 16 to 20 youths standing on the main road.”

No one was injured in the attack.

The resident, who claims to have had thousands of pounds worth of damage

caused to his property over the years, added: “It’s because we’re Catholics, it’s sectarian hatred and, because we’re the first house coming into the estate, we’re an easy target. The stress is unbelievable.”

There have also been reports of increased tension at interfaces in Belfast.

In south Belfast and in north Belfast, loyalists have used crossbows to fire bolts at nationalists.

Two women survived uninjured when a bolt was fired through the window of a home on Stewart Street in the Markets area, while a boy survived a similar ‘drive by’ attack by a hooded man on a motorbike in Cliftonville Avenue.

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