Republicans urged to ‘report sinister approaches’
Republicans urged to ‘report sinister approaches’

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement has urged all republicans, regardless of which movement they are affiliated with, to make contact with a solicitor and publicise any approach made by British or 26-County intelligence services immediately.

The statement issued this week follows a reported incident when a member of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement in Derry was stopped by PSNI police for the second time in a matter of weeks and pressure was put on him to ‘help them save lives’.

The 32CSM member was stopped by traffic police on the Limavady road in Derry after leaving a political meeting on Thursday of last week.

One of the PSNI men who had attempted to recruit him previously entered his vehicle, and referred to the man’s ongoing custody battle.

“He stated that they wanted me to ‘help them out’ and when I made it clear I wasn’t interested they referred to my children and the fact that it would be awful if all my work in getting my children in court was in vain and made it abundantly clear that they would be able to pull strings in any future court applications to make sure I would lose them.

“I took this as not only a threat but also the fact that the supposed upholders of the law were attempting to blackmail me.

“They also made reference to my financial situation and that they could and would ‘ruin me.’ They asked if I thought I was squeaky clean and when I said I was they said ‘Wait until we go over your affairs with a microscope’ and then we’ll see.”

He said the PSNI men asked for information on other cumann members and offered money and a contact number.

“When I got home I immediately telephoned a fellow member of the 32csm and we arranged to meet and contacted the local newspaper and my solicitor to say what happened.

“I find it ironic that as a member of a political organisation, doing absolutely nothing illegal, that the supposed upholders of the law broke the law themselves with the attempt to blackmail me into breaking the law”.

* The PSNI this week continued a series of raids in republican areas of Belfast and Tyrone. It also said it had found “crude but viable” explosive devices following a bomb alert on a railway line in south Belfast on Friday of last week.

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