Eight years pressure to inform
Eight years pressure to inform

A County Fermanagh man has been forced to flee the Six Counties after refusing to work as a Special Branch informer.

Aidan Ferguson said he fears that persistant attempts to recruit him as an informer will lead to him being killed by republican armed groups.

“This has been going on for eight years and I’ve finally had enough,” he said.

“I feel I’ve no other choice but to go public.”

The doorman said that over the past eight years Special Branch had repeatedly pressurised him to work as an informer.

“I’d walk out the back of my house and see them standing on a nearby rock,” he said.

“I couldn’t go anywhere without them stopping me and threatening me with some driving or assault charge.

“They told me they wanted me to join the dissidents and said I should try and get my hands on guns and explosives.

“I became so depressed my doctor feared I would take my own life.

“My priest and my solicitor have all tried to get the Special Branch off my back but I feel I’ve no choice other than to go public now and to leave northern Ireland for good.”

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