Intimidation threat over GAA facilities
Intimidation threat over GAA facilities

A unionist group in Antrim has threatened ‘another Harryville’ if plans for development of facilities by St. Comgall’s Gaelic Athletics club proceed.

An Antrim paper last wee said that it was in receipt of the loyalist leaflet.

Sinn Féin’s Mitchel McLaughlin described the language in the leaflet “ as extremely inflammatory and dangerous” but said it was even more concerning that according to the report, a DUP Councillor and candidate in the Assembly elections has publicly endorsed “all the comments” made within the leaflet.

“I don’t have to remind readers of the fatal consequences of similar comments by some unionist spokespersons which in the past have contributed to creating the atmosphere leading to the murder of GAA members in County Antrim and other areas of the North,” he said.

“Is this the type of atmosphere that the DUP is intent on perpetuating or will they come out of their time warp and join the rest of us in modern day politics based in equality.”

Meanwhile, a Catholic family living close to a north Belfast interface has come under sectarian attack.

Windows were broken in the upper Serpentine Road property early yesterday. A man carrying a weapon was seen escaping towards the hardline unionist White City area.

Brendan Regan has lived in the house since 1973 and his 15-month-old granddaughter was staying overnight when the attack happened.

He said his home had been targeted numerous times during sectarian violence in the area in the past.

The last serious incident took place three years ago when paint bombs were thrown, he said, while another incident took place six months ago.

The windows were broken at around 3am and Mr Regan saw the person responsible from an upstairs window.

“I hope it’s not the start of things again,” the father-of-three said.

“He was wearing a hood and was sauntering back to White City with a long-shafted hammer or something similar in his hand.

“I phoned the police and it took them 10 minutes to get here.

“I met them at the gate and told them he had gone into White City and they sped in but didn’t see anyone so he must have gone into a house.”

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