IRA New Year statement
IRA New Year statement
The following is the full text of the annual New Year statement by the Provisional IRA.


The leadership of Oglaigh na hEireann sends New Year greetings to our friends and supporters at home and abroad. We send best wishes especially to republican prisoners and their families and we commend those presently working for their early release.

We salute the discipline and commitment of IRA Volunteers, particularly following the momentous decisions by the Army leadership this year.

We remain wedded to our republican objectives. We are confident that these objectives will be achieved.

We fully support and commend everyone working for these goals, especially our comrades in Sinn Fein.

We send greetings to the republican activist base which has been so steadfast in the face of severe provocations this last 12 months.

We appeal for continued unity and determination in the year ahead. We are mindful that 2006 marks the 25th anniversary of the Hunger Strikes and 90th anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic in 1916.

We look forward to popular celebrations and commemorations of these events.

There is an onus on all political leaders to play their part in achieving the essential political progress desired by all the people of Ireland.


P O Neill,
Irish Republican Publicity Bureau, Dublin.

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