UVF, UDA threaten nationalists
UVF, UDA threaten nationalists

Nationalists in Derry have been urged to review their safety after a joint statement from unionist paramilitaries warned of attacks on the nationalist community.

A feud within or between rival factions in Derry has been blamed for the murder of local man Darren Thomson last week. The paramilitary groups have denied such a feud.

Sinn Féin Councillor Lynn Fleming said the the UVF and UDA had again turned their attention towards nationalists in an effort to defuse tensions within their own organisations.

“This pattern has been seen over many years and has at times been excused by Unionist politicians as retaliatory actions.

“I am calling on all nationalists, especially taxi drivers who have been targeted in a concerted campaign for over a year now, to review their personal security when going about their business.”

Fleming said the PSNI was ignoring ongoing attacks on nationalist taxi drivers, the latest of which has seen a taxi attacked with an explosive device.

“While several arrests, confiscation of weapons, and house searches were carried out in an effort to halt inter-factional violence, the campaign against nationalist taxi companies has been allowed to continue unabated”, she said.

* Sinn Féin has dismissed claims of Provisional IRA involvement in a robbery in which a gang stole some four million Euros worth of cigarettes.

PSNI police yesterday said republican paramilitaries were suspected of involvement in the heist. Although Chief Constable Hugh Orde said he was “not in a position” to name the specific group behind the theft from a Gallaher’s warehouse, unionist politicians blamed the IRA.

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