Sinn Féin attacks FG/Labour/Green alliance
Sinn Féin attacks FG/Labour/Green alliance

Sinn Féin Representative for Dublin South East Daithi Doolan has described Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny’s call for voters to give their transfers to Labour and the Greens as another sad example of the ‘coalition of the confused’.

The campaign for the local and European election in June is well underway. The voting agreement could play a significant role in the outcome of the elections, which are being held under the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system.

Kenny’s call echoes remarks by the Labour Party leader Pat Rabbitte and are likely to herald a new ‘rainbow’ grouping to contest the next 26 County general election as a potential rival coalition government to the current Fianna Fail/Progressive Democrat combination.

“One of the most important issues facing voters on June 11th is the citizenship referendum,” Mr Doolan said. Sinn Féin, Labour and the Greens have committed themselves to actively campaigning against this racist proposal. Fine Gael supports it.

“When it comes to the issue of neutrality the position of the ‘coalition of he confused’ is even more mismatched.

“I appeal to Labour and Green voters to look beyond traditional voting patterns and consider giving your transfers to Sinn Féin...

“We are quite prepared to work with others who share our vision of a fair and equitable society that provides real solutions not broken promises.”

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