Fulton’s role revealed
Fulton’s role revealed

Details of some of the activity of a former British double agent inside the IRA have been published on the internet.

The agent known as Kevin Fulton confirmed his role after what was thought to be a leaked intelligence document apeared on a US anti-censorship website.

But he expressed anger that details of his role have been uncovered, and alleged that British security forces were attempting to set up him up for assassination by unionist paramilitaries.

The information concerns the discovery by the RUC police to a UVF counterfeiting workshop in north Belfast.

Mr Fulton alleged that the unionist paramilitaries’ went to republicans to get equipment they needed.

“I always targeted republicans as I had an inroad into them,” he said.

“But when the loyalists started dealing with them, I was able to help police take them out in a successful operation.”

According to a secret statement reported to have come from a detective inspector in the PSNI who acted as Mr Fulton’s handler, the agent provided details on the copying operation in September 1999.

“The workshop was used to copy CDs and audio tapes on behalf of loyalist paramilitaries,” the document on cryptome.org states.

“During a search of the premises, a CD copying machine and CD copies were found and two persons were arrested. In total, property in excess of #50,000 was recovered.

“Mr Fulton was paid #2,500 for this information and continued to provide information in respect of counterfeiting copying and the cloning of mobile phones.”

Mr Fulton’s unheeded warning of an imminent dissident republican attack reamins at the centre of a controversy over the police over the 1998 Omagh bomb attack. linked the counterfeiting to the Ulster Volunteer Force.

The agent, who is living in hiding in England, is locked in a lengthy court battle with the British government over demands for a new security package.

He said he was alarmed that details of his work against loyalists had been made public.

“I am shocked at all this,” he said.

“This must have been leaked by the authorities to do either myself or my former handlers harm within the Protestant community, because that is something no-one knew about.

“I will now be taking this up with my legal representatives.”

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