Sinn Féin figure targeted
Sinn Féin figure targeted

Unionist paramilitaries are plotting an attack on a prominent republican in County Antrim, it has emerged.

Paddy Murray, chairman of the Sinn Féin cumann in Antrim town, has been informed by police that a UVF gang was watching him.

"They said they had been watching me using a car park in the town. I only use three car parks in the town but I'm not too sure which one it is. They informed me that I need to change my movements," he said.

Mr Murray, originally from west Belfast, is a former republican prisoner.

He moved to Antrim after his release under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement in 2000, where he now lives with his three children.

"I'm very frustrated and annoyed ... These people are allegedly on ceasefire," he said, pointing out that he had been targeted repeatedly in the town and at his own home.

"The police arrested two carloads of fellas last October and found they had details about me in the car. They were able to tell me that the UVF had knowledge about me. When I drive into Antrim town the car is stoned on regular occasions, even if there are kids in the car. I have to be overly vigilant," he said.

Mr Murray said he had been refused protection under the Key Persons Protection scheme.

He said he believed he had been singled out due to the emergence of Sinn Féin in south Antrim at the last election, when Martin Meehan came close to winning an Assembly seat.

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