Frazer, McCann to contest elections
Frazer, McCann to contest elections

A campaigner against the IRA tonight announced he will be standing in next month's Assembly Elections.

Willie Frazer of the victims group FAIR will contest the Newry and Armagh constituency in the November 26 poll as a unionist candidate.

Mr Frazer claimed a ``wave of local support'' had convinced him to put his name forward.

``There has been undeniable alienation from the political process in this area,'' he said. ``Unionists in Newry and Armagh have never experienced the so-called peace dividend.''

Sinn Féin's Conor Murphy has been joined by Pat O'Rawe and Davy Hyland on his party's ticket in Newry and Armagh.

In Derry, veteran civil rights campaigner Eamon McCann is to contest the elections on an independent socialist manifesto.

Meanwhile, a number of Ulster Unionists have dropped out of the campaign across the North, apparently suspecting that they would not win a seat.

However, Sinn Féin has been adding to its ticket.

It has confirmed that it will field four candidates in the Mid-Ulster Constituency for the Assembly Elections.

Joining the two sitting MLA's, Francie Molloy and Martin McGuinness MP will be 34 year-old mother of five Geraldine Dougan and 22 year-old History and Politics graduate Cora Groogan.

Speaking after endorsement of the Candidates by the Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle, the constituency MP, Martin Mc Guinness said:

``I am delighted to welcome Geraldine and Cora on to the Sinn Féin team that will fight this election. They both come from strong republican families and have contributed to the lives of their community in their own particular way.

``Geraldine, a long time resident of Maghera, as well as having to busy herself with the everyday requirements of raising a family of 5 children aged between 9 and 15 is also active in the campaign for pre-school education provision and an avid GAA supporter. She is also a member of the Sinn Féin Mid-Ulster Women's Forum.

``Cora, from the Ballinascreen area is a 22 year-old Queens University History and Politics Graduate. She is also a Past Deputy President of Queens Student Union with a particular interest in combating Student Poverty. She was Chair of Queens Sinn Féin Cumann and Organiser of Ogra Shinn Féin in the Six-counties.

``The qualities that these two Candidates bring to the ticket in Mid-Ulster will undoubtedly assist the continued growth of Sinn Féin's political strength and enable us to provide even stronger representation for the electorate of Mid-Ulster.''

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