[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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British occupation will never be acceptable

ceasefirecavalcade.jpg Anti-Imperialist Action offer their critique of the Provisional IRA ceasefire, which began on August 31, 1994, 27 years ago this week.

Published September 4, 2021

Joe Whitty

joewhitty.jpg Nineteen-year-old Irish republican Joe Whitty died on hunger-strike on the 2nd September 1923, 98 years ago this week.

Published August 27, 2021

Thomas McElwee

thomasmcelwee2.jpg An account of the life of Thomas McElwee, the ninth hunger striker in the 1981 protest to die, 40 years ago this week.

Published August 14, 2021

New tribute to hunger strikers

beechmountmural.jpg A new community-organised 1981 Hunger Strike mural in the Beechmount area of Belfast was unveiled last weekend as part of 40th anniversary commemorations.

Published August 7, 2021

The funerals of Kevin Lynch and Kieran Doherty

kevinlynchfuneral.jpg A look back at a dark week forty years ago when two Irish republican hunger-strikers succumbed within 24 hours of each other.

Published July 31, 2021

A date must be set for an Irish border poll

irishborderpoll.jpg The time to set a firm date for a referendum on Irish unity is now. The legal requirement for a border poll as envisioned in the 1998 Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement needs to be embraced and facilitated by the Irish and British governments.

Published July 24, 2021

‘The amnesty’ - what they said

johnsonkids.jpg A round-up of comments and reactions in the wake of the British announcement of its intention to introduce legislation to end investigations into state killings related to the conflict in the north of Ireland.

Published July 17, 2021

Martin Hurson

martinhurson600.jpg An account from 1981 of the background to Martin Hurson’s fast to the death, after forty-six days on hunger strike, 40 years ago this week.

Published July 10, 2021

Joe McDonnell

joemcdonnellmural.jpg An account of the brave life of Joe McDonnell, who died on hunger strike against the criminalisation of republican prisoners, 40 years ago this week.

Published July 3, 2021

Recalling the ‘corridor of hate’

holycross600.jpg Catholic children attending the Holy Cross primary school in north Belfast came under extended attacks from loyalist missiles, ranging from urine to blast bombs, beginning twenty years ago this week. The PSNI did nothing to stop the attacks. The following is a recent interview with one of the victims.

Published June 26, 2021

Change, sharing power and building for the future

mcdonaldspeaks.jpg The former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson once famously said that a week was a long time in politics – if ever that was evident it was here in the north over the past seven days.

Published June 26, 2021

Ireland can never be shared with British imperialism

fagancommemoration.jpg An oration delivered by a Pádraig Ó Fearghail on behalf of Anti Imperialist Action at the recent commemoration to Fenian and ‘Invincibles’ member, Michael Fagan, in Collinstown, County Westmeath

Published June 19, 2021

Partition: 100 years of language rights denied

dreamdeargprotest.jpg For more than six centuries, British policy in Ireland has been aimed at the destruction of the Irish language.

Published June 5, 2021

‘They they won’t let us move on’

harryduffyfamily.jpg A statement from Linda Duffy, daughter of Harry Duffy, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of her father’s death.

Published May 29, 2021

Global day of action for Palestine

gazabombed21.jpg A ceasefire has been announced to end Israeli shelling in Gaza and attacks on other Palestinian areas ahead of a global day of action on Saturday, May 22. A number of events are taking place in Ireland.

Published May 22, 2021

Francis Hughes

francishughes.jpg The second republican to join the H-Block hunger-strike for political status, a fortnight after Bobby Sands, was twenty-five-year-old Francis Hughes, from Bellaghy in South Derry. He died 40 years ago this week.

Published May 15, 2021

Centenary of partition – century of failure

partitionarmy.jpg The violent imposition of partition one hundred years ago this week was a crime against the Irish people. The continuation and maintenance of partition perpetuates that crime. The democratic will of the Irish people cannot be expressed so long as partition remains.

Published May 8, 2021

Bobby Sands

sandscages150.jpg Bobby Sands died on 5 May, 1981, 40 years ago this week. This article for IRIS recounts how he became inspired to join the Irish republican struggle and to lead the 1981 hunger strike against the criminalisation of political prisoners.

Published April 30, 2021

The story of the Catalpa

catalpa600.jpg Of all the wonderful escapes and rescues of Irish political prisoners from British dungeons down through the years none was as remarkable as the rescue of six Fenian prisoners from the penal settlement of Western Australia in 1876, 145 years ago this week.

Published April 24, 2021

Inside a British jail in Ireland

kieranmccool.jpg An account of the workings of the brutal Maghaberry prison regime by Kieran McCool, who was arrested in a raid in Derry last month.

Published April 17, 2021


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