The 50th anniversary of the Bloody Sunday massacre takes place later
this month, and the city of Derry is hosting two programmes of events to
commemorate the 14 who were killed by British soldiers and address
the continuing refusal of the British authorities to offer truth and justice
for the victims.
Published January 20, 2022

Political representatives and other dignitaries took part in an official
state ceremony at Dublin Castle to mark the centenary of the start of
the withdrawal of British forces from the 26 Counties, 100 years ago
this week. Aontú leader Peader Tóibín on why he didn’t take part.
Published January 20, 2022

A round-up of the state papers which have been selected for release for
the New Year from archives in Belfast, Dublin and London.
Published December 30, 2021

Sunday, December 12 marked the 101st anniversary of the Egyptian Arch
ambush in Newry. An account by local republicans of a fateful night in which three IRA volunteers,
William Canning, Peter Shields and John Francis O’Hare, lost their lives.
Published December 18, 2021

The victim impact statement delivered by Stephen
Travers at Belfast High Court on Monday, 13 December, at the conclusion
of the legal action against the British state for its role in the
Miami Showband massacre.
Published December 18, 2021

One of the most important meetings of an Irish Cabinet took place on
December 3, 100 years ago this week, when the negotiations which led to
the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the partition of Ireland were being
Published December 3, 2021

An opinion piece by Belfast republican Seán Ó Murchú and his take on the
current situation facing republican prisoners this December.
Published December 3, 2021

December is the month for remembering republican political prisoners. This is the current up to date Irish republican prisoner list for 2021, with addresses and tips for writing to prisoners.
Published November 26, 2021

A tribute by Republican Sinn Féin to Dan Hoban, a
lifelong republican and a former internee in the Curragh internment
camp, where he was married.
Published November 20, 2021

Saoradh held its annual conference in Newry recently with empty seats at
the top table to represent those members of its National Executive who
have been interned.
Published November 20, 2021

The full text of the prepared address to the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2021 by Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD.
Published November 6, 2021

An account by Des Dalton of the first days of the Anglo-Irish treaty negotiations one hundred years ago, which led to the partition of Ireland.
Published October 23, 2021

A statement issued on behalf of the family of vulnerable adult John Patrick Cunningham on the passing of former British soldier Dennis Hutchings.
Published October 23, 2021

The full text of the speech delivered by Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald in response the annual Budget plans for the 26 County state set out by the coalition government in Dublin.
Published October 16, 2021

An opinion piece by republican activist Pete Cavanagh on the recent wave of suppression of civil rights of republicans in Derry by the British Crown Forces and their supporters.
Published October 9, 2021

A documentary marking the 40th anniversary of the end of the 1981 hunger strike is to premiere online this weekend.
Published October 1, 2021

Despite being tortured by the Redcoats, Anne Devlin, a housekeeper and confidante of Robert Emmet, refused to inform on the United Irishmen. An account of her life by Anti-Imperialist Action on the anniversary of her death, 160 years ago this week.
Published September 25, 2021

A three-metre tall statue of Irish revolutionary Roger Casement has been installed on the south Dublin coast near the place of his birth. Using cranes at Dún Laoghaire Baths, the bronze sculpture of Casement was placed high on a plinth.
Published September 18, 2021

The Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association call for the direct opening of visits, both social and legal in Maghaberry and Hydebank gaols.
Published September 11, 2021

The family of 14 year-old schoolgirl, Annette McGavigan, who was shot dead in Derry by the British Army in 1971, have written the following open letter to the British Direct Ruler Brandon Lewis accusing his government of treating them shamefully.
Published September 4, 2021
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