[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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A sinister hush over collusion evidence

One of the biggest scandals to hit these islands in recent years did not even merit a mention on our main radio or TV stations.

Published May 13, 2006

Things changed forever after Bobby Sands' death

There was nothing normal about our lives in the H-blocks during the years 1976-1981 so why should our thinking and actions be assessed according to a 'normal' system of measurement.

Published May 8, 2006

It takes lots of courage to break ranks

Brian Kennaway's new book The Orange Order: A Tradition Betrayed is causing quite a stir, mainly among Protestants, unionists and Orangemen

Published May 3, 2006

A few bad apples don’t make a bad barrel

The IMC has failed to report that almost 70 active members of a certain paramilitary organisation have been convicted of criminal offences.

Published April 28, 2006

Values of Rising need to be renewed

There needs to be a debate about what it really does mean to be Irish.

Published April 24, 2006

Shootings ‘cult of silence’ must end

Until Easter Sunday Neil McConville was the only person the PSNI had shot dead.

Published April 21, 2006

Rising played pivotal part in Irish history

Shortly before 1pm on Easter Monday 1916, outside Dublin's GPO, the British empire started to crumble.

Published April 18, 2006

1916 and all that...

To justify or to sympathise or, at the minimum, to understand, 1916, is to justify, sympathise or understand the IRA’s armed struggle in the North.

Published April 14, 2006

Who killed Denis Donaldson?

Few in the media or among mainstream political parties have dared to consider British involvement.

Published April 9, 2006

Sham assembly just like old times

Tomorrow’s performance by Blair and Ahern promises to be a perfect example of “the triumph of hope over experience”,

Published April 5, 2006

‘Feudal lord’ has illusions above his station

If ever there was a politician on the make, it’s Peter Hain.

Published April 3, 2006


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Note that only twenty search results are displayed, in chronological order.
