[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Unionists still believe they own the north

You could be forgiven for thinking that the only issue in Irish politics at present is whether Sinn Féin ‘will sign up to policing’.

Published November 25, 2006

Proconsul’s jiggery-pokery comes at a price

A lot of people, including the majority of the local meedja, seem to think the judge called for an inquiry into her appointment.

Published November 19, 2006

Paisley gets to say yes, again

Gerry Adams recalls the recent St Andrews negotiations and how Ian Paisley said 'Yes' for the first time in 50 years.

Published November 14, 2006

On the cusp of a historic development

If the DUP come into the St Andrews process, it will be a final acknowledgement by this most recalcitrant unionist constituency that the days of domination, inequality and discrimination are gone for ever.

Published November 9, 2006

Is it a country or a region? It’s a basket case

When unionist politicians give a knee-jerk reaction it is the mentality they reveal that still shocks.

Published November 4, 2006

BBC out of step with its own protocol

Many people were incensed that the BBC - an organisation funded by the licence-paying public - would provide an uncritical programme live glorifying the RIR.

Published October 30, 2006

Ian Og in his da's shoes?

Is the DUP really a political party, or the political wing of a religious sect, or a family business?

Published October 25, 2006

Chance to put politics of partition behind us

It is a deal in waiting and what a deal it could be.

Published October 20, 2006

How tides have turned

The St Andrews Agreement will bring about a seismic change in the North.

Published October 16, 2006

Serving Judas, Not Justice

It remains far from clear that the absence of evidence is preventing a proper resolution of the O’Hagan murder

Published October 10, 2006

The DUP is preparing for a seismic shift

There is a rustling in the unionist undergrowth to indicate that the DUP may be preparing for a sea change in its approach to power-sharing.

Published October 5, 2006

CRC article relates more to unionist thinking

The British has created a series of shop-window fronts to give the false impression, particularly to those looking from abroad, that Britain is addressing the unique problems here.

Published September 30, 2006

Ministers have lost interest in north-south links

The nature and extent of all-Ireland arrangements are likely to become political issues in the South instead of matters on which all Irish parties agree and take for granted as a national objective.

Published September 25, 2006

Renaissance Republicanism

It is hardly surprising three dozen or so Irish Republicans considered getting together in Toomebridge to have a chat about the future of their country and the role of Irish Republicanism within it.

Published September 19, 2006

Peelers Give You Trouble

With Sinn Fein's ratification of the British constabulary on the political agenda, Martin Galvin join's Danny Morrison's call for a serious debate on the future of Irish Republicanism.

Published September 15, 2006

When one doesn't mind being called a Provo

The sincerity of those dissident republicans who believe that the strategy of the Republican Movement is wrong is easily tested.

Published September 10, 2006

Public commitment or public relations

Many Republicans believe that as part of the negotiations for a return to a DUP headed Stormont, Sinn Fein will be obliged to accept not only policing boards but the British constabulary.

Published September 5, 2006

Injustice must always be opposed and exposed

Britain’s history in Ireland is one of brutality and inhumanity, often characterised through the abuse of political prisoners.

Published August 31, 2006

Diplock claim equals justice denied

The British strategy on non-jury Diplock courts seems clearly and solely directed at Sinn Féin.

Published August 27, 2006

Hunger Strike Anniversary

News of the protest against criminalization, by Republican political prisoners at Maghaberry, will strike a chord deep within the hearts and memories of many nationalists and Republicans.

Published August 22, 2006


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