[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Brown doesn’t give tuppence about this place

We’re at present in the lull before the storm - and what a storm it will be.

Published March 7, 2007

Power-sharing in North must not be stopped

By the standards of western democracy, the election in the North must be one of the most bizarre ever to have taken place.

Published March 1, 2007

Apologies are the latest cheapo wheeze

Has Peter Hain been outed for the political opportunist he is?

Published February 25, 2007

Policing no longer a tool of the British state

For centuries policing was an instrument of British state power and the armed wing of unionism. Now it can be neutralised.

Published February 20, 2007

Unionism will pay dearly if Blair is humiliated

There will be an election unless Paisley has the guts to say he will not share power with Sinn Féin.

Published February 15, 2007

Repeating the pattern of the top brass

Anybody wondering how Ronnie Flanagan came to believe he’d get away with claiming memory loss about his role in collusion should recall Mike Jackson and Bloody Sunday.

Published February 10, 2007

Reunification is solution to partition problem

Overwhelming is the word that springs to mind to describe the decision and the mood at Sinn Féin’s Ard Fheis last Sunday when more than 800 delegates backed the party leadership’s policing proposal.

Published February 5, 2007

Sit and watch intra-unionist bigot-fest

Only when the election is safely over and the DUP has consigned its UUP rival to oblivion will Paisley be able to contemplate delivering on his political obligations.

Published February 1, 2007

The wrong thing to do

Yes, there is an alternative to supporting the British Crown forces in Ireland.

Published January 27, 2007

New route to a United Ireland

The goal of a united Ireland remains absolute but the means by which it can be achieved no longer needs to involve armed actions.

Published January 22, 2007

The final step

There was no great surprise at the end of it. Who expected a different result?

Published January 17, 2007

DUP’s creative ambiguity has limited lifespan

For the first time in his 50 years in politics Ian Paisley snr is facing a reality he probably thought he would never have to face.

Published January 12, 2007

SF is up for the challenges of peace making

Evidence that the leadership of Sinn Féin is set once again to stretch republicans to the outer limits of their commitment to the peace process is very obvious.

Published January 8, 2007

DUP’s mindset is fossilised in 17th century

The current DUP leadership is a political Jurassic Park but if the mindset exhibited on the Today programme is anything to go by, then the prospect the coming men offer is back to the future.

Published January 4, 2007

Sinn Féin and Policing the North

Those with experience of Sinn Féin manoeuvring will have recognised recent signs that a policy change is in the air.

Published December 29, 2006

DUP dissenters can afford to wait a year or so

The DUP is a victim of its own success.

Published December 23, 2006

SF quite right to make policing a deal-breaker

Unionists like to claim that nationalists are a kind of sub-species who enjoy criminality and endorse lawlessness.

Published December 18, 2006

Time won’t change stark choice DUP faces

With Martin McGuinness as his co-equal deputy first minister, Ian Paisley is now shakily wearing the crown of transitional first minister.

Published December 13, 2006

Britain being made to squirm

The truth is that the British government couldn't care less what the taoiseach says about 1974-76 any more than the Russian government cares about what John Reid says about anything

Published December 7, 2006

Carry on regardless

Regardless of the pandemonium Michael Stone caused outside the Assembly, his appearance only served to distract from the confusion and mistrust inside.

Published December 1, 2006


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