[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Pattern of systemic inequality must be reversed

At the annual meeting of Lisburn council, SDLP councillors abandoned a long standing principle of their party - the principle of power-sharing.

Published July 11, 2007

PPS is undermining public confidence in justice

If ever there was a case for a speedy transfer of policing and justice powers to the north’s executive then it is shining out of the statement last week from the Public Prosecution Service (PPS).

Published July 4, 2007

English politicians care little about Six Counties

There was quite a revealing and disappointing moment for British secretary of state Peter Hain at the end of last week’s Question Time on the London-based BBC.

Published June 27, 2007

The DUP’s double standards are nauseating

How would anyone in the DUP, no matter how sanctimonious they may sound, know anything about policing and justice, let alone democratic standards?

Published June 18, 2007

UDA gangsters shouldn’t have it all their own way

It is quite obvious that, apart from everything else, the UDA are just far too emotionally unstable to be in charge of lethal weapons.

Published June 11, 2007

SF must learn quickly from election results

It is a mighty task but republicans have had setbacks more serious than last week’s election results.

Published June 4, 2007

Taking it on the chin

From the ecstasy of March to the agony of May, 2007 is turning out to be quite the rollercoaster year for republicans.

Published May 29, 2007

Assembly is merely a twig on the NIO branch

The Northern Ireland Office hasn't gone away, you know.

Published May 21, 2007

Face of Ireland changed in just 16 minutes

On Tuesday everyone in Stormont was entitled to feel proud.

Published May 15, 2007

Politics and the daily grind

Some tales from the Celtic Tiger as you consider your options and as the country winds itself up to go to the polls.

Published May 8, 2007

The writing is on the wall for ‘Britishness’

Tomorrow’s election results in Scotland are going to increase the isolation of unionists in Ireland even more.

Published May 2, 2007

Photocalls do not reflect street-level reality

The Paisley-Adams deal represents not a compromise or accommodation between the ideologies that had defined the two men’s parties but the willing negation of each.

Published April 27, 2007

Choosing prestige over power?

David Trimble joining the British Conservative Party is a sad event.

Published April 21, 2007

The people have spoken

There are still commentators who can’t accept that Sinn Féin and the DUP are carrying out the wishes of the voters.

Published April 15, 2007

Alternative Ulster

Strange parallels between those who thought the political process could never be reconciled are beginning to emerge.

Published April 10, 2007

Making headlines for the right reasons

The unthinkable, indeed unbelievable is happening before our very eyes.

Published April 5, 2007

An omen of good days to come

It is difficult to decide which captures best the ground-breaking nature of the event - the photo or the statements.

Published March 30, 2007

It’s time PSNI was accountable for its actions

In the past week we’ve had two very serious incidents involving the PSNI and the British Army.

Published March 24, 2007

A good news election story for republicans

With a brilliant election result behind him Gerry Adams will lead northern republicans southwards with the intention of building on his success.

Published March 18, 2007

DUP chokes on its own history

Elections are supposed to provide answers. When the people speak, the politicians are supposed to respond accordingly. Not so in the North.

Published March 13, 2007


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