[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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The truth of the Good Friday Agreement

gfasigned.jpg As we approach 25 years since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) it is worth reflecting and challenging some of the false narratives that have been peddled since then.

Published April 13, 2023

A tribute to Sean Brown

brownheaney.jpg A tribute to sectarian murder victim Sean Brown written by the famed poet Seamus Heaney in 1997.

Published April 6, 2023

Liam Lynch

liamlynch.jpg Liam Lynch, chief of staff of the Irish Republican Army, died one hundred years ago this week. He was killed whilst trying to escape an encirclement by pro-Treaty forces in south Tipperary.

Published April 6, 2023

A First Minister for all

oneillnpc.jpg The remarks of Sinn Féin First Minister-elect Michelle O’Neill at the National Press Club in Washington DC last week.

Published March 23, 2023

Sliocht Róisín - Ireland’s Heroes

sliochtcover.jpg ‘Sliocht Róisín’ is an independent project aimed at recording in print all Republican casualties 1916-24. The preface to Volume 1, 1916-19, by historian and author Lorcan Collins.

Published March 23, 2023

Dromboe martyrs remembered

dromboemartyrs1200.jpg An official wreath-laying ceremony took place in Donegal on Sunday to commemorate the killing of four anti-Treaty IRA men - including south Derry man, Séan Larkin - by Free State soldiers close to Stranorlar on March 14 1923.

Published March 16, 2023

Luke Burke and Michael Grealy

burkegrealy.jpg Luke Burke and Michael Grealy, known as Mullingar’s ‘two forgotten martyrs’, were executed on 13 March, 1923. An oration delivered by Peter A Rogers in Keady on Sunday for the Luke Burke Centenary Commemoration.

Published March 16, 2023

The Gibraltar and Milltown killings

milltownattack.jpg On of the most significant months of the conflict took place 35 years ago. In this article written for the tenth anniversary, Laura Friel looked back at the Gibraltar and Milltown killings.

Published March 9, 2023

The Irish Flag

irishflagmeaghar.jpg The National Flag of Ireland, often referred to as the tricolour, was first flown 175 years ago this week

Published March 9, 2023

Ballyseedy centenary

ballyseedymonument.jpg A number of commemorations are taking place in the coming weeks to mark the centenary of Civil War events, including an atrocity against Republicans in Kerry known as one of the worst of the conflict.

Published March 2, 2023

The truth behind the Orange Order

orangemarch1200.jpg A lot of myths, distortions and downright lies surround the Orange Order, most of them generated by the Order and its apologists.

Published February 2, 2023

An injustice to one, is an injustice to all!

jacksonmural.jpg On Bloody Sunday, we march for all those everywhere who have lost family and friends and had their children’s hopes of happiness shattered by the armoured cars and tanks and guns of imperial armies.

Published January 26, 2023

Francis Liggett

francisliggett.jpg A large crowd gathered on Wednesday evening in the New Lodge area of Belfast for the commemoration of Francis Liggett, a 24-year-old newlywed Volunteer shot dead by undercover British soldiers, fifty years ago this week.

Published January 19, 2023

Government handling of refugees is a disaster

dublinarrival.jpg ‘Reality and common sense’ must play a part in any discussion of the Dublin government’s failure to manage the migration and refugee issue, according to Aontú.

Published January 19, 2023

The Leixlip Five

leixlipfive.jpg This week 100 years ago, five brave IRA Volunteers were executed by the Free State authorities. A leaflet distributed at the time praised the heroism of the republican prisoners.

Published January 12, 2023

State papers round-up

statepapers1200.jpg Despite heavy pro-establishment spin by government officials in the release of ‘declassified’ state papers in Dublin and Belfast, and complete censorship in London, some other interesting details did emerge.

Published January 5, 2023

New Year Statements 2023

2023.jpg A round-up of messages issued by republican organisations to mark the New Year.

Published January 5, 2023

Tribute to the Grey Abbey Martyrs

greyabbeyoconnor.jpg Mary Lou McDonald’s grand-uncle was one of the Grey Abbey Martyrs killed by the Free State 100 years ago. The Sinn Fein leader delivered a speech at the Heritage Centre in Kildare town last weekend to mark the anniversary.

Published December 22, 2022

Liam Mellows

liammellows1200.jpg An essay on the life and sacrifice of rebel and martyr Liam Mellows, by Anti-Imperialist Action.

Published December 15, 2022

Seamus Grew and Roddy Carroll

grewcarroll.jpg Seamus Grew and Roddy Carroll were killed 40 years ago this week as the car they were driving was fired on by the RUC at Armagh in what has become known as ‘The Mullacreevie Park Massacre’.

Published December 8, 2022


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