[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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What is Peter Robinson’s vision?

There is no clue yet about how the DUP leader-designate sees the future of unionism or even if he sees a future for unionism.

Published April 25, 2008

US investment will build a sustainable future

May's investment conference is crucial as we seek to deliver on the wider objectives of equality and sustainability.

Published April 18, 2008

Does a Bill of Rights need us?

A bill of rights in any shape or form must be viewed as a progressive thing.

Published April 11, 2008

Flying the flag

Don't assume you can trust a British politician any more than a DUP one.

Published April 4, 2008

More than two sides to the story

What Jonathan Powell has said about Bloody Sunday is revealing, not what he claims Martin McGuinness said.

Published March 28, 2008

Confident unionism is showing signs of stress

Unionists are trying to perpetuate the old hostile relationship between nationalists and the police.

Published March 21, 2008

Symbolism at heart of DUP stadium turnaround

The signals that the DUP has got cold feet about a sports stadium at Long Kesh are evidence of a wider malaise in unionism.

Published March 14, 2008

Paisley walks

Ian Paisley could not have imagined being pushed out of power after just a year in office.

Published March 7, 2008

Spain could learn lessons from Irish conflict

If the conflict in Ireland can be brought to a just end so can the conflict in the Basque country.

Published February 29, 2008

Existence of informers is unpalatable fact of life

Informers, agents and spies have been a part of Irish society for as long as the British government have been occupying Ireland.

Published February 21, 2008

Just who drafts MI5’s agenda?

Does anyone believe that even when justice and policing are devolved to Stormont that local politicians will have any control over agencies such as MI5?

Published February 15, 2008

The ache that still hurts

I don’t need any British Judge to tell me what happened on Bloody Sunday.

Published February 8, 2008

The real priorities

Behind the scenes, the political parties in the North have other matters on their minds.

Published January 31, 2008

Ian Og gets his come-uppance at long last

They say the Paisleys come as a package - if you get one, you get both.

Published January 24, 2008

The trouble with war

Don’t mention the war. Don’t mention the fact that thousands of British soldiers occupied the highways and byways of this wee place for over thirty years and that all of them had a licence to kill.

Published January 17, 2008

Unionists in pool can’t let go of the sides

Fascinating to watch unionists of all shades tying themselves in knots about human rights and devolution of justice and policing

Published January 9, 2008

Papers show cooperation got us further faster

The one clear lesson which emerges from the documents allowed to be released this year is that any time Irish officials managed to persuade the British to follow a line of action it was a success.

Published January 3, 2008

When language dies

Language analysts have estimated that there are more than 6,000 languages spoken in the world today and one minority language dies every two weeks.

Published December 20, 2007

A courtesy from Pope and Queen

If Pope Benedict and Queen Elizabeth visit Ireland each of them will have a chance to offer us a courtesy which has been too long delayed.

Published December 12, 2007

Abuse of privilege should be ended

Unionists are still naming people in the British House of Commons or Lords, accusing them of crime. This is an abuse.

Published December 5, 2007


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