[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Durkan ensured SDLP will never share power

Did he really say that? After initial disbelief, that was the first question a lot of people asked when they read reports of Mark Durkan’s weekend speech to the British-Irish Association (BIA).

Published September 12, 2008

Allister has the DUP running scared

The current impasse at Stormont is the price everyone here has to pay for the DUP’s exercise in political dishonesty in spring 2007.

Published September 5, 2008

British human rights record still among worst

Every three years members of the United Nations are required to submit a report on human rights in their state.

Published August 29, 2008

Whose Law?

The stalemate politics that has characterised the Six County assembly since its inception following the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 has continued during the recent spate of ‘functionality’ since the St Andrews Agreement.

Published August 22, 2008

Teaching Bush a bloody lesson

There’s an uncanny symmetry in the history of Russia’s treatment of Georgia and Britain’s treatment of Ireland over the centuries.

Published August 15, 2008

Sarkosy proved ‘No’ voters were right

When Mr Sarkozy the French President said Irish people must vote again on the Lisbon Treaty, he underlined how right Irish people were to vote against it.

Published August 8, 2008

Lost lives

No matter the motives for the current politically engineered Historic Enquiry, it will lack any credibility while the British continue to suppress the Stephens reports and while those who added to the pain and suffering of the bereaved, are not held to account.

Published August 1, 2008

Truth and lies

Evidence is now emerging that the bombing of McGurks Bar, like many atrocities in the early years of the conflict, may have been part of a policy of assassination by British intelligence services.

Published July 25, 2008

PSNI is failing to protect vulnerable Catholics

Inaction has thus far characterised the PSNI’s policing operation in defending Catholics in Stoneyford and in other parts.

Published July 18, 2008

Who should pay for the recession?

Why is the most objectively fair response to our economic difficulties the least acceptable to the economic and political establishment?

Published July 11, 2008

What price the Orange Card?

Are the people of the Six Counties to be again left high and dry due to the selfish interests of yet another British politician?

Published July 4, 2008

All is not well at Stormont

The £6 million for Irish language broadcasting is the clearest signal yet that all is not well with the power-sharing arrangements at Stormont.

Published June 27, 2008

Crisis? What crisis?

There is an obvious and simple way that the EU can respond to Ireland’s rejection of the Lisbon Treaty: continue as it was.

Published June 19, 2008

Ireland can once more save Europe from the Dark Ages

Welcome to the most surreal week in the history of Irish politics.

Published June 12, 2008

‘Nasty party’ is Paisley’s legacy

He’s gone, the oul curmudgeon, and good riddance.

Published June 6, 2008

Britain firing blanks at loyalists

The British administration intends to do nothing to recover weapons held by unionist paramilitaries.

Published May 30, 2008

Arrogance, smugness and the Brits

Nobody knows for certain how much misery and bother has been caused through the ages by the insufferable smugness of the British ruling class.

Published May 23, 2008

Irish government is unionism's new best friend

Paisley's big hearty handshake with Bertie at Farmleigh House last year was the beginning of what will inevitably be a lengthy dalliance.

Published May 16, 2008

A split’s not always first thing on agenda

When friends and comrades disagree the fall-out is always specially painful, even terrible. But never hopeless.

Published May 8, 2008

Ex-prisoners should enjoy same rights as others

It is time former prisoners from the conflict took their place in society with the same rights and entitlements as everyone else.

Published May 2, 2008


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