[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Spat between unionists completely meaningless

unionistflag.jpg You probably didn’t notice the little spat between the DUP and UUP about meeting loyalists, but it’s worth examining as a perfect example of the parallel universe unionists live in.

Published February 13, 2009

Suspicions well grounded over collusion in report

bradleyeames.jpg So far the British government has managed to protect itself and its agencies from those seeking to probe deeper into this sinister world.

Published February 6, 2009

1919-2009 - Compare and Contrast

firstdailprot.jpg Those who paraded themselves in the Mansion House on Tuesday past have little right to claim the inheritance of the revolutionary republicans and socialists who established the First Dail.

Published January 23, 2009

Much to be optimistic about

obamahope.jpg In the face of this economic crisis the argument for stronger not weaker government intervention in the economy needs to be heard.

Published January 16, 2009

Christmas has ended - so should Gaza siege

israel.jpg The reoccupation by Israel of the Gaza Strip and the slaughter of its Palestinian inhabitants form one of the most shameful episodes, among a long list of others, for the international community since the state of Israel was set up in 1948.

Published January 9, 2009

Hunger strikers’ contribution will endure

seanmckenna.jpg It is the contribution of the hunger strikers which will endure and make the difference to peace, justice and freedom - not that offered up by Cruise O’Brien.

Published January 2, 2009

A Cabinet that keeps hitting the panic button

cowenconfused.jpg The Dublin government's reaction to recent challenges shows it may be out of its depth.

Published December 19, 2008

Vilifying the dead

rosemary.jpg If the current enquiries are anything to go by, truth is not part of Britain's agenda.

Published December 12, 2008

Assassinating Rosemary Nelson’s character

rosemarynelson2.jpg It now appears that just as she was attacked by them in life, Rosemary Nelson is now to be attacked in death.

Published December 5, 2008

Another corner turned on road to new Ireland

justice.jpg A Six-County Department of Justice could be functioning by the early months of the new year.

Published November 28, 2008

V Day

rirparade.jpg The triumphalism of the British Army regiment on public display in the heart of Belfast punched yet another gaping hole in the approved narrative of the peace process.

Published November 21, 2008

Crucial that DPP role be scrutinised

roberthamill.jpg As the families of those murdered on Bloody Sunday deal with the news that they must wait another full year to learn the outcome of the Saville Inquiry, the family of Robert Hamill must be bracing themselves for the start of the long-delayed inquiry into events surrounding his murder.

Published November 13, 2008

Army parade cannot airbrush murder legacy

rirpose.jpg The consequences for the people of this island - nationalist, unionist, republican and loyalist - of English interference in our affairs was the backdrop against which the centre of Belfast became a contested space last Sunday morning.

Published November 7, 2008

Idea that SF could ignore march is absurd

rircartoon.jpg The idea that Sinn Féin could ignore a march through Belfast city centre by a regiment in the British army is patently absurd.

Published October 31, 2008

British soldiers not welcome on Irish streets

rirblood.jpg The Royal Irish Regiment’s mercenaries from the war against Afghanistan arrived in Belfast this month to a chorus of approval from their supporters in Ireland.

Published October 24, 2008

Hiding behind the police

chrisward.jpg The presumption of innocence until proven guilty has never applied to Republicans and the Northern Bank robbery suspects were no exceptions.

Published October 17, 2008

Time for October 5th

civilrightsmarch.jpg The main trigger of the 1968 Civil Rights demands, equality, has still to be resolved.

Published October 10, 2008

PDs go down with the system they lauded

pds.jpg They were Ireland's nasty party but their arrogance prevented them ever listening to the electorate beyond their own narrow sectional interest group.

Published October 3, 2008

SDLP must stop selling nationalist rights

Nationalists must have viewed with dismay, disbelief and anger last week’s press conference with SDLP minister Margaret Ritchie sandwiched between two unionist ministers

Published September 26, 2008

Threats to DUP leadership coming from fringes

Allister is challenging the leadership of the DUP not from a solid, assured position but from the sidelines, from the fringes of unionism and he is causing them to lose their nerve.

Published September 19, 2008


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