[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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‘Clarified’ Lisbon Treaty the very same

lisboncover.jpg Despite the predictable media hype, and bogus claims of doing down the Brits, nothing has changed in terms of the Lisbon Treaty, writes Aengus O Snodaigh, Sinn Féin Dail spokesman on European affairs.

Published June 26, 2009

Time for a realignment in Irish politics

tricolourploughflags.jpg Almost one-third-of-a-million people voted for Sinn Féin candidates across Ireland in the recent EU elections - the exact figure, 331,797 people.

Published June 19, 2009

Time for DUP to tell their people the truth

mcguinnessrobinsonchuckle.jpg The current DUP position where they work with Sinn Féin, or profess to work alongside them, while saying they are smashing them, simply invites ridicule.

Published June 12, 2009

Electorate assesses value of its vote

politicalleaders.jpg This Thursday and Friday the people of Ireland go to the polls in a rare all-Ireland plebiscite - an election to the European parliament.

Published June 4, 2009

Consigning Irish children to a regime of torture

industrialschool.jpg The Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Child Abuse, published this week, left no one in any doubt that children in the Twenty-Six County state were never treated equally

Published May 29, 2009

Elections - an exercise in participatory democracy

eirigiaf.jpg Members of the small republican political party eirigi agreed at its annual conference to 'tactically contest elections at a time of our choosing'.

Published May 22, 2009

Bobby Sands and Margaret Thatcher

thatchersands.jpg Two personalities from opposite ends of the political spectrum, who helped shape their respective worlds and are inextricably linked through decisions they took over 30 years ago had anniversaries last week.

Published May 15, 2009

Give them absolutely nothing

censorship.jpg Would society really be better off had Suzanne Breen not spoken to the Real IRA?

Published May 8, 2009

Supergrasses: They’re Back!

court.jpg The British state is increasing its erosion of civil liberties for Irish citizens.

Published May 1, 2009

Pseudo groups are locked into political fantasy world

ciragraffiti.jpg Three very distinct and separate voices were heard across the Irish media last weekend.

Published May 1, 2009

‘Get off our backs’

Veteran Derry republican Gerry McCartney argues that the recent killings of two British soldiers and a PSNI officer by dissident republican groups will do nothing to achieve Irish unity.

Published April 24, 2009

Easter Sunday in Duleek

duleekeaster.jpg It is difficult not to feel a surge of emotion racing through the veins when reflecting on what the men and women of 1916 gave up in order to make a stand against a malign foreign power.

Published April 17, 2009

Force of argument is way forward

risingflag.jpg The 1916 Rising was the end product of more than a century of protest, largely peaceful, since the brutal suppression by the British government of the 1798 Rebellion.

Published April 10, 2009

Can intelligence services be trusted?

mi5.jpg There is a connection between the civil action brought by relatives of Omagh bomb victims and the arrests in relation to the killing of the two soldiers in Antrim and the PSNI officer in Lurgan.

Published April 3, 2009

Intimidation of Shell to Sea campaigners

harrington.jpg Over the course of recent weeks the state has intensified its intimidation of Shell to Sea campaigners.

Published March 27, 2009

Who is McGuinness to talk of treachery?

treason.jpg Many years ago I looked up to Martin McGuinness. Most within the ranks of the Provisional IRA did likewise.

Published March 19, 2009

A quantum shift

iramarching.jpg Anyone who is surprised that “the dissidents” are still actively fighting will have had their head in the sand for the past number of years. And, of course, they are certainly not reading this.

Published March 13, 2009

Society needs to make decisions about core values

26counties.jpg The partition of Ireland not only divided the territorial integrity of the nation and its people, it also led to the underdevelopment of politics on a left-right axis.

Published March 6, 2009

UVF/PSNI collusion sentences fail to convey horror

aaronhill.jpg Last week’s case demanded deterrent custodial sentences and not someone jauntily walking free making contemptuous gestures to cameramen.

Published February 27, 2009

Finucane an indictment of British collusion

patfinucane.jpg Armed only with his sharpened legal brain Pat Finucane was a formidable obstacle for those in the British government and military.

Published February 20, 2009


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