[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Stature of ten men unassailed

blanketman.jpg Out of the five demands the only thing the British were offering to the hunger strikers after four men had died was that they could wear ordinary clothes, “provided these clothes were approved by the prison authorities.”

Published September 28, 2009

New SDLP leader must heal division with Sinn Fein

sdlpsf.jpg There is only one certainty to emerge from several days of media interviews with Mark Durkan about his leadership of the SDLP and that is he does not want to continue to lead the party.

Published September 24, 2009

A plank in the DUP election platform

duplogo.jpg Peter Robinson made a speech last week calling for decisions to be taken by a weighted-majority vote in Stormont.

Published September 21, 2009

Might Sinn Fein merge with Labour?

laboursf.jpg Gerry Adams would be well advised to seek a much closer formal alliance with the Irish Labour Party rather than move away from Left politics.

Published September 17, 2009

The true cost of violence in Ireland

britishlegion.jpg They talk about the violence of the past 40 years - as if what people suffered in Ireland’s northeast before the 1960s was not violence.

Published September 14, 2009

A message to the elites

lisbonposterwsm.jpg There are plenty of good reasons to vote ‘No’, again, on Lisbon - far more than there are reasons to vote ‘Yes’.

Published September 10, 2009

Three good reasons to spurn Lisbon once again

lisbon2.jpg The deceivers and manipulators are out again.

Published September 7, 2009

Baggott’s reputation will quickly be put to the test

mattbaggott.jpg The past, present and future of policing in the six counties emerged unexpectedly in the north’s media last week.

Published September 3, 2009

Pushing back regressive policing

censorship.jpg When Suzanne Breen wrote after the verdict in her case, declaring it a triumph for press freedom across Europe, it can hardly be said she was exaggerating.

Published August 31, 2009

Final solution is no longer possible

bombayst.jpg Forty years after the attacks on homes and people in 1969, we are hearing new descriptions of what happened.

Published August 27, 2009

Craven Commission again fails to protect the weak

paradescommission.jpg The Parades Commission’s decision to allow Friday’s Orange Order march through Rasharkin without restriction was disgraceful.

Published August 27, 2009

A decadent police

psniraids.jpg A new residents group has been set up to ‘give support to a community who have suffered ongoing abuse from the police.&rsquo

Published August 20, 2009

Unionist wild men played a part in starting Troubles

paisleyold.jpg Few people know that about a fortnight before the Battle of the Bogside the RUC’s Belfast Commissioner requested that British troops be deployed against unionist mobs on the Shankill Road.

Published August 20, 2009

9th of August

august1971.jpg Anthony McIntyre on internment morning, 38 years ago.

Published August 14, 2009

A revealing glimpse into Dodds’s world

nigeldodds.jpg ´A statement this week is a revealing glimpse into Dawdsland, a place of denial and distorting mirrors.

Published August 7, 2009

Felon setting

tonycatney.jpg Tony Catney believes he is the victim of a smear campaign being orchestrated by his former colleagues in Sinn Fein.

Published July 31, 2009

Emergency surgery to save an economic Frankenstein

colmccarthy.jpg The time is fast approaching when working class people will need to stand up and fight for a better society.

Published July 24, 2009

Order must change how it conducts its affairs

ardyonemarch.jpg The one organisation that cannot escape a major share of responsibility for the outbreak of violence in Belfast’s Ardoyne on Monday night past is the Orange Order.

Published July 17, 2009

Reshuffle magnifies shortage of political talent

dupexecutive.jpg The most obvious conclusion of Peter Robinson's reshuffle is the astonishing mediocrity of the personnel available in the DUP assembly party.

Published July 10, 2009

Spot the difference

At one level, the north of Ireland has changed markedly over the past ten years. But for real change, you need to look deeper.

Published July 3, 2009


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