[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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More guns than votes

bobbysandsdrawing.jpg Each time a republican activist is labelled a criminal, particularly by those who were republicans in the era of Bobby Sands, it is a sleight on the enormous sacrifice made by him and his comrades.

Published May 8, 2010

Making it quite clear

davidcameron.jpg Sometimes a politician says something and an issue that’s been swirling around in the public consciousness suddenly takes on a clear, sharp form.

Published May 4, 2010

Tactical voting is part of the electoral landscape

manifestolaunch.jpg Tactical voting is part of the electoral landscape of the six counties and when done for progressive reasons it strengthens the nationalist democratic forces for progress and weakens the undemocratic forces of unionism.

Published April 29, 2010

Ireland is ripe for an alternative

doleq.jpg Imagine, for a moment, that we are in the 1890s. It is not as big a stretch as it might seem.

Published April 26, 2010

Tactical voting will have a ripple effect

ballotbox.jpg If, as a result of vote-splitting or diffused voting, a disproportionate number of unionist MPs are elected you can be sure that this will be flaunted to demoralise the nationalist people.

Published April 22, 2010

Nothing but a date

prisonerbars.jpg It cannot be easy being a republican political prisoner in the North these days.

Published April 19, 2010

Acrobatics will win no new votes for Sir Reg

empeysad.jpg Elections here always throw up the worst excesses of tribalism among unionists.

Published April 15, 2010

Violence and after

iragraffiti.jpg The bomb that went off near the MI5 headquarters in Holywood last night didn’t do much damage but it does bring into focus a number of issues.

Published April 12, 2010

McKee floored puny Robinson

seamusmckee.jpg For years at election time Robinson was the DUP’s Wizard of Oz. Now, when the party needs him most he’s exposed as a diminutive political figure behind a curtain.

Published April 8, 2010

A time to remember with pride

forgottenten.jpg I too, this Sunday, will remember with pride those IRA members I knew who died young so that we could live in a united and free country.

Published April 2, 2010

Culture of ‘moving on’ sets us back years

namaodds.jpg Every single aspect of State policy, every red cent of available cash and of discretionary borrowing, is shaped by a demented, obsessive drive to save banks, at least two of which are beyond saving.

Published March 29, 2010

Truth & Justice: Foreign concepts to the 6-County state

truthandjustice.jpg While nationalist politicians are proclaiming desperately the dawn of yet another new beginning in the affairs of the Six County state, their touted future justice minister, the British government and its police force are quietly going about the work of solidifying the status quo in occupied Ireland

Published March 25, 2010

People can become the architects of the future

gerryadamsflat.jpg it is precisely at the point when all seems lost that people, about to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task facing them, are liberated by their own strength and that of others.

Published March 22, 2010

No political home for advocates of a just society

laurelandhardy.jpg All the parties in the Dail are willing to go into government with either Fianna Fail or Fine Gael, knowing one or other of these parties will be the major party of government and will set the agenda for that government.

Published March 15, 2010

Trial of Gerry McGeough brings back echoes of the old days

gerrymcgeoughbw.jpg The trial of Gerry “McGeough raises a number of issues.

Published March 11, 2010

A moment to savour for Sinn Fein

stormontpandjsf.jpg A crucial juncture has been reached by Sinn Fein, amazingly in partnership with the DUP.

Published March 11, 2010

Why MI5 is free to operate here

mi5.jpg Once devolution is complete, the north, as far as accountability is concerned, will be a limbo-land for spooks to cavort in.

Published March 8, 2010

Crossing the line

dennys.jpg If you are going to invoke a tragedy on the scale of the famine to flog your products, why stop at Ireland's greatest one?

Published March 4, 2010

Cooking the Bloody Sunday report

shaunwoodward.jpg The British government's attempts to change the findings of a judge in order to conceal evidence of its security services’ wrongdoing has ramifications for the victims of the Bloody Sunday massacre and their families.

Published March 1, 2010

Orange Order must stop being aloof from change

orangeorderflag.jpg The Orange Order acts as if it has no responsibility for the decades of conflict, as if it is as harmless an organisation as the girl guides or the boy scouts.

Published February 25, 2010


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