[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Men of no property

ardoyneroadblocked.jpg No one spoke to the Ardoyne protestors to find out why they saw fit to block the road.

Published July 19, 2010

The twelfth

ardoynetwelfthmarch.jpg The Orange marching season always provides its fair share of problems.

Published July 16, 2010

Orange marches and pigswill

orangemarch.jpg It's absolutely unbelievable what happens here over the Twelfth period.

Published July 12, 2010

Hunger striker helped others laugh through tough times

joemcdonnell.jpg It does not happen very often that the publication of this column coincides with the anniversary of one of the 10 men who died on hunger strike in the H-Blocks in 1981.

Published July 8, 2010

Why we can’t let parade rules trample over civil rights

nicraposter.jpg There will be a civil rights march in Derry on October 5.

Published July 6, 2010

Robinson ditched by NIO and DUP will follow suit

peterrobinsonshook.jpg As a political figure Peter Robinson has been terminally weakened.

Published July 1, 2010

Bloody Sunday’s architects

sundayreportrelatives.jpg The Saville report has underscored the difficulty of “truth and reconciliation” inquiries.

Published June 28, 2010

Saville missed the failures of leadership

marksaville.jpg The Bloody Sunday operation emerged at the intersection between the political and the military, in a grey space which left plenty of room for manoeuvre by individuals.

Published June 24, 2010

Not a bad day for the British army

sundayreportguildhall.jpg Derry is still dizzy from the eruption of joy which greeted the Saville report’s recognition on Tuesday that all of the Bloody Sunday wounded and dead were unarmed civilians gunned down by British paratroopers for no good or legitimate reason.

Published June 21, 2010

Saville’s truth brings hope

sundayguildhallthumbsup.jpg A thumbs-up sign, shortly after 3.30pm, squeezed through the narrowest of gaps in an upstairs window in Derry’s Guildhall, was the first indication in almost 40 years that something of huge significance was happening for the relatives of those murdered on Bloody Sunday.

Published June 17, 2010

A 38-year wait for the truth

bloodysundayinquiry.jpg On Tuesday, the Bloody Sunday Inquiry will publish its 5,000-page report into the mass killing of protesters in 1972, an event that was unique among Troubles atrocities and that changed the North profoundly.

Published June 14, 2010

Freedom flotilla

corriefreedomflotilla.jpg The Flotilla was an heroic effort to highlight the imprisonment of one and a half million people by the Israeli state and the humanitarian crisis that the siege has created.

Published June 11, 2010

Double standards and simple solutions

forensicteam.jpg Has any politician - unionist, nationalist or republican - stood up and said UVF decommissioning was clearly a fraud?

Published June 4, 2010

Prison lessons have not been learnt

maghaberryprotest.jpg Prison reform which was painfully won by people, most of whom in normal society would not have been in prison at all, must not have to be struggled for again because of the unwillingness of those in authority to recognise reality inside prisons, or out of them.

Published May 31, 2010

The unhappy fate of unionist leaders

robinsonempey.jpg The disintegration of British union supporters in Ireland has come not from their opponents outside but from their friends inside.

Published May 27, 2010

Maghaberry And David Ford

boundhandsbutterfly.jpg A conversation came back to me on learning of the visit by British micro-minister for Justice David Ford to Maghaberry Prison

Published May 25, 2010

New proconsul has much to learn

owenpaterson.jpg We have had some pretty ropey proconsuls here in the last thirty-eight years. The signals from the latest one are not good.

Published May 20, 2010

Release Saville report now

freederrysunday.jpg It is crucial that the new Northern Ireland Secretary of State Owen Paterson ensures that the Saville Inquiry findings into Bloody Sunday are published without any further delay.

Published May 17, 2010

It was just like the old days in Fermanagh/South Tyrone

gildernewelectionshouldered.jpg To help Bobby Sands, republicans came in from all over Ireland; they did the same for Michelle Gildernew.

Published May 14, 2010

Things may never be the same again

electionquestion.jpg The British electorate has not so much spoken as seemingly held its political nose, by delivering its most remarkable election result since 1929.

Published May 10, 2010


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