[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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The bombing of Britton’s pub

brittonspub.jpg There are many questions which need answers about the bomb at Britton’s pub and other loyalist attacks in the border area of Fermanagh during the early 1970s.

Published October 26, 2023

To hell or to Connacht

gazarubblekid.jpg What we are witnessing now in Palestine is the final stage of the Zionist project of colonisation of this part of the Middle East.

Published October 26, 2023

MI5’s serial killer

mckeague.jpg It has long been claimed that John McKeague, a notorious loyalist terrorist, serial killer and child molester, was a British agent. This is now confirmed, writes the Phoenix.

Published October 12, 2023

The fearless death of Robert Emmet

robertemmet1200.jpg On this day, 220 years ago, a 25-year-old Irish republican Robert Emmet was taken from his cell in Kilmainham Jail and sent to die at a gallows erected on Thomas Street.

Published September 21, 2023

Republicans ‘must take the initiative’

mackeyoration.jpg The main oration from the recent Alan Ryan commemoration, read by national chairman of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement Francie Mackey.

Published September 14, 2023

‘A new dawn is breaking’

hscommemcork.jpg Thousands gathered on Grand Parade in Cork to commemorate Irish republican hunger strikers at Sinn Féin’s 42nd annual Hunger Strike Commemoration, which was addressed by the North’s First Minister-designate, Michelle O’Neill.

Published August 31, 2023

Petition to name Galway bridge after local rebel

morriseybridge.jpg A petition has been launched to name Galway’s latest bridge after one of the county’s forgotten republican heroes.

Published August 17, 2023

MI5 is dictating judicial direction

saoradhwindow.jpg If ever there was a reminder needed that the British judicial system work in tandem with MI5 then this week was it, as they flex their muscles when it comes to dealing with Republicans.

Published August 10, 2023

Don’t patronise Sinéad O’Connor

sineadeire.jpg Routinely described alive and now dead as “troubled”, the key point about Sinead O’Connor is missed.

Published August 10, 2023

Don’t call a spade a shovel

ardoynemarch1200.jpg It is difficult to tell whether certain sections of society in the 26 counties are naïve, disingenuous or deliberately intent on deceiving the public in relation to the nature and purpose of the Orange Order.

Published July 20, 2023

What compels young men to die?

martinhursoncolour.jpg This poem was written by hunger strike martyr Martin Hurson at Easter 1981, just before he himself joined the protest against the criminalisation of the armed struggle.

Published July 13, 2023

Neutrality is at the heart of Irish sovereignty

connollystatue2.jpg A contextual background to the recent protests opposing the efforts of the Dublin government to bring the 26 Counties into international military alliances.

Published July 6, 2023

The bedrock of Irish republicanism endures

sinnottscross.jpg An analysis read by Francis Mackey, national chairman of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement, at this year’s commemoration to mark the 102nd anniversary of the Sinnott’s Cross ambush.

Published June 29, 2023

‘The Three Volunteers’ – Carty, Crowley and Loughran

threevolunteers.jpg Sean Bresnahan of the Thomas Ashe Society in Omagh reflects on the lives of Paddy Carty, Dermot Crowley and Sean Loughran – The Three Volunteers – who died on active service for the Republic outside Omagh 50 years ago this week.

Published June 29, 2023

New mural recasts Bloody Sunday campaign

innocentmural.jpg Derry’s Bloody Sunday families have unveiled a new mural highlighting the only victim not to be completely exonerated by the second public Inquiry into the massacre.

Published June 22, 2023

National Famine Commemoration Day

faminemdhdonegal.jpg Speaking in Milford, Donegal, President Michael D Higgins delivered an address for the official commemoration of the Great Hunger by the 26 County state. President Higgins’ address in full.

Published May 25, 2023

A tale of two bail systems

maghaberryprotest1808.jpg Inequality in the treatment of republicans and loyalists when it comes to receiving bail was highlighted this week when a loyalist charged with possession of an assault rifle and large quantities of drugs and cash, and two others accused of forcing a young Catholic family to flee their home, were all quickly released on bail.

Published May 11, 2023

We’ve been celebrating the anniversary of the wrong ‘98

unitedirishmen1200.jpg They have been commemorating the wrong anniversary. Instead of celebrating the partition of Protestants and Catholics into two separate groups in the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, would it not be more appropriate to commemorate one of the few historical occasions when political unity overcame sectarian division?

Published May 11, 2023

Sinn Féin and their new King

lundymaskey.jpg Like any other Republican I would rather stand on a terraced street in silence with an unbowed and unbroken Republican family as they remember their husband, father and grandfather than stand in the presence of the enemy that murdered him as they crown their next leader.

Published May 4, 2023

Carrickmore Easter Sunday

caoimheniloingsigh.jpg The speech delivered by Caoimhe Ní Loingsigh at the Easter commemoration in Carrickmore organised by the Tyrone National Graves Association and the 1916 Societies.

Published April 27, 2023


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