[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Conjuring truth from the tricks of memory

memory.jpg I have known Gerry Adams for almost forty years and there is no way would I ever enter him for a ‘Memory Man’ competition.

Published October 1, 2010

Wright Inquiry and State collusion

lordmaclean.jpg Last week’s finding that there had been no State collusion in the killing of Billy Wright said more about the unwillingness of the British authorities to come clean about their own role than about the circumstances of Mr. Wright’s death.

Published September 27, 2010

Anti-Catholic prejudice encouraged during Pope’s visit

popebenedict.jpg You would have thought the Pope represented a doctrine based on evil rather than one based on Christianity.

Published September 24, 2010

Occupied Ireland - No change

26counties.jpg Much has changed since the days of ‘81 in the occupied six counties in the North of Ireland.

Published September 20, 2010

Peace comes dropping slow

gazafuneral.jpg The Middle East peace talks, which formally opened in Washington on Thursday, have been given one year. It’s a tall order.

Published September 16, 2010

Organising the fightback against the Tory assault

cameronwestminstersunday.jpg The attack on the welfare state in the Six Counties is out in the open.

Published September 14, 2010

Ardoyne riots

tricolourriot.jpg This summer’s Belfast riots must have been the most anticipated for some time, being widely predicted throughout politics and the media.

Published September 9, 2010

Facing up to the reality of an economic nightmare

economiccliff.jpg As the country grinds to a halt, we should maintain some sense of decency and call a halt to the Anglo rescue.

Published September 6, 2010

Truth and justice for all

truthandjustice.jpg Elements in the intelligence agencies could be using a method of drip-feeding information into the media to undermine political progress.

Published September 2, 2010

Common criminals or political law-breakers?

prisonerbars.jpg There are ongoing attempts to criminalise Republicans still engaged in armed actions against the British state.

Published August 30, 2010

The framing of Gary Donnelly

garydonnellyprotest.jpg The PSNI, MI5 and PPS displayed stunning myopia in relation to this prosecution of anti-Stormont Republican Gary Donnelly.

Published August 27, 2010

How my dad was murdered by the British state

ballymurpymural.jpg Internment - indefinite imprisonment without trial - was reintroduced into the North of Ireland on August 9 1971 at 4am.

Published August 23, 2010

Prejudice must end against former political prisoners

coiste.jpg Coiste na nlarchimi is a national organisation dedicated to upholding the rights of former political prisoners and ensuring that society’s institutions do not discriminate formally or informally against ex-political prisoners.

Published August 20, 2010

Why label disillusioned Republicans as criminals?

dissidentgraffiti.jpg Those who pretend dissident Republicans are unimportant, dismiss them as criminals, ignore them or expect Sinn Fein to control them, have badly miscalculated.

Published August 16, 2010

SDLP displaced by Sinn Fein

ritchieadams.jpg You can discern a real shift in the position of the SDLP.

Published August 13, 2010

Sinn Fein grip on the ghettoes loosens

tricolourriot.jpg A number of explanations have been put forward for the sustained outbreak of rioting across the North of Ireland following the Orange marches

Published August 10, 2010

Gerald Donaghey, Saville and the nail bombs

geralddonaghey.jpg The Saville Report devotes more space to Gerald Donaghey - 17 years-old when shot dead on Bloody Sunday - than to any other individual.

Published August 6, 2010

WikiLeaks and British lies in Ireland

confidentialsecret.jpg The British army's role in the deaths of civilians in Afghanistan will come as no surprise to the people of Ireland.

Published August 2, 2010

Resolving contentious orange marches

gerryadamsflat.jpg It is the obstinate insistence by the loyal orders to march through Catholic areas, and their refusal to talk, that is at the heart of the perennial violence that marks the marching season.

Published July 26, 2010

Reflecting on Saville

bloodysundayredacted.jpg While welcoming the Saville verdict of unalloyed innocence I was dismayed by the lack of clarity in relation to the guilty.

Published July 22, 2010


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