[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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My name is Jude, and I’m a wrong-thinker

nothinking.jpg I wish I wasn’t but I’m afraid I am. Twist and turn, duck and weave, in the end the brutal truth confronts me: I am a wrong-thinking person. How do I know? Because when people start a sentence with “All right-thinking people will...” I end up disagreeing with them.

Published March 21, 2011

The Tribulations of Brendan Lillis

brendylillis.jpg The Life Sentence Review Board is said to consider the case of Brendan Lillis on the 22nd of March. If it fails to act humanely and release him the West Belfast man may well end his days in prison.

Published March 16, 2011

When oppressed overcome fear it doesn’t come back

clenchedfist.jpg When I see popular uprisings like those that have been happening across the Middle East over the last month I am brought back in time to my teenage years and the streets of Belfast circa 1968.

Published March 10, 2011

Tipping point

sfdailteam.jpg I was never quite sure what the phrase ‘tipping point’ meant until my experience last Friday of trying to motivate people to come out and vote for Sean Crowe in the constituency of Dublin West.

Published March 6, 2011

Radical change is what we really need

endakennyelection.jpg When there’s overwhelming agreement about anything in Irish politics, it is usually wrong.

Published March 2, 2011

Two ‘outsiders’

ballotpaperimf.jpg You don’t normally hear opponents come out and say “We don’t like you, Adams – you’re from the north”. It’s more often slipped in obliquely.

Published February 25, 2011

Poll could turn out to be electoral revolution

canvasadams.jpg This election is like no other in living memory.

Published February 21, 2011

One small island

ballotbox.jpg The last exodus prompted a campaign for emigrant voting rights in the 1990s. The same is happening again.

Published February 15, 2011

The fight-back is just beginning

revolution.jpg The general election in the Twenty-Six Counties is being fought against the backdrop of two momentous events: the greatest economic crisis to face the statelet since its foundation, and the surrendering of what was left of economic sovereignty to the International Monetary Fund and the European Union.

Published February 15, 2011

Representative policing?

psnibadge.jpg The phasing out of 50:50 recruitment provisions would reduce the number of Catholics joining the PSNI and impact badly on the need to ensure that the PSNI reflects the society it polices.

Published February 11, 2011

How the Markets fell in love with Prince Charles

charlesthrone.jpg Sometimes I feel ashamed to be a Catholic and one such occasion happened last week.

Published February 7, 2011

Bombers unite community

trenchwarfare.jpg There are still individuals stuck in the trench in Belfast.

Published February 2, 2011

No civil rights without national rights

freederrysunday.jpg The narrative of an out-of-control regiment running amok might have more credibility if Bloody Sunday was an isolated incident.

Published January 29, 2011

Political pantomime now a circus of despair

joanburtonfinance.jpg It’s almost impossible to know where to begin any commentary this week - the Dail circus may see a few more surreal performances before the citizens finally move in and close it down.

Published January 25, 2011

Fianna Fail split down the middle by dithering

fiannafaillogo.jpg There’s an eerie congruence between Brian Cowen and Gordon Brown.

Published January 21, 2011

The end of Fianna Fail?

The final session of the 30th Dail began with further indignity being piled on the head of a dying government.

Published January 13, 2011

Adams didn’t trade lives for votes

hungerstrikers.jpg How could Gerry Adams have known what mileage there was in the electoral route for republicans?

Published January 9, 2011

The Tragedy of 1980

blanketman.jpg The state papers of most interest to me concern the build-up to the 1980 hunger strike, the communications within government and agencies during it, and whether the republican leadership’s analysis and depiction of what was happening has subsequently proved correct

Published January 4, 2011

Has anything really changed?

2010.jpg As 2010 draws to a close, has it been a momentous year for Irish Republicans in the Occupied Six Counties, or is it more of the same?

Published December 29, 2010

Tell us the truth about Pat Finucane

finucaneprotestor.jpg For real reconciliation, we need acknowledgement of British security services’ relationship with loyalism during the conflict

Published December 21, 2010


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