Gallagher is part of the Fianna Fail machine even if the
tracks of his party membership have been covered with a floor mat upon
the face of which ‘independent’ is brightly stencilled.
Published October 26, 2011

At the very least you would have expected Cameron to reflect in his
attitude and demeanour the reality that in front of him was a grieving
family whose father and husband was killed by those in the British
government's pay.
Published October 20, 2011

Two contrasting views about how republicans can attempt to come to terms
with political change.
Published October 14, 2011

A carefully constructed a narrative about the origins of the 26-County state is being challenged.
Published October 7, 2011

The IRA is an intrinsic part of this nation’s history; of its political
Published September 30, 2011

The events of the past week suggest the party is over for Fianna Fail.
Published September 24, 2011

Martin McGuinness has been my friend for almost 40 years. He is a
remarkable and gifted human being and a great leader and a patriot. It
will be a great honour for me to propose Martin McGuinness to contest
Presidential election on a broad, republican, citizen-centred platform.
He will make an excellent President of Ireland.
Published September 18, 2011

To risk being pedantic: if no other good comes from the supergrass trial
that began in Belfast yesterday, at least the practice of referring to
informers as ‘informants’ will have been dropped.
Published September 11, 2011

The question is, why is he still there? After two official reports tore
to shreds his management of the Police Ombudsman’s Office and its core
functions and exposed the shambles that the office has been for the past
two years, Al Hutchinson should have been booted out immediately.
Published September 11, 2011

The people of the 26-County State seem dazed and confused, unable to
come to terms with what is happening to them, writes Fintan O’Toole
Published September 6, 2011

A British cabinet minister has appointed a secret commission with the power to revoke the parole of political prisoners just for being accused.
Published August 30, 2011

Without street pressure and political lobbying the Justice Ministry
would have kept Brendan Lillis hidden deep within the bowels of the
British penal establishment.
Published August 24, 2011

As the figure for arrests heads towards 3,000 and the British media
follow the progress through the courts of the people charged, David
Cameron has seized on the rioting, murder and arson as a golden
opportunity to advance his personal agenda.
Published August 19, 2011

To the extent that the British move at all it is
invariably sideways. In dealing with prisoners their attitude has
always been one of ‘as late as, as little as.’
Published August 13, 2011

In recent
days, largely as a result of the persistence of his indefatigable
partner Roisin, the case of Brendan Lillis has at last managed to break
into the mainstream media.
Published July 24, 2011

The distinction between ‘legal’ union flags and ‘illegal’ loyalist
flags, as raised by the Ballyclare riots, is a pure Orange herring.
Published July 19, 2011

The humanitarian
grounds for releasing Brendan Lillis far outweigh the political considerations that
are feeding into his ongoing imprisonment.
Published July 19, 2011

The ongoing detention of the republican activist Marian Price two months
after her arrest raises serious concerns about how life sentence
licenses are being used as a weapon of political policing.
Published July 14, 2011

On Saturday, the Sinn Fein Lord Mayor
of Belfast laid a laurel wreath at the City Hall cenotaph, to the annoyance of unionists.
Published July 8, 2011

No-one in any part of the political or police system should take peace
for granted.
Published July 3, 2011
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