[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Why we shouldn’t hold our breath

jigsawhandshake.jpg Republicans have been saying for years now that they’re sorry the conflict happened, that life was lost. That’s not the same as saying they think their armed campaign was a mistake.

Published March 9, 2012

Bereaved need review of bookie’s massacre

ormeauroadreport.jpg At the heart of a new report on the massacre by the UDA/UFF at the Sean Graham bookmaker’s shop on Belfast’s Ormeau Road 20 years is the deadly story of a consignment of weapons that travelled from South Africa to Belfast in 1987.

Published February 24, 2012

Getting Gerry Adams

normanbaxter.jpg Former RUC and PSNI Detective Chief Superintendant Norman Baxter may find policing in Kabul these days more congenial than policing in Belfast.

Published February 17, 2012

Long to reign over us?

queenflat.jpg Martin McGuinness may have annoyed a few people this week. And made a few others nervous. And mildly pleased a few more. Odd, how the same action can provoke such a range of reactions, isn’t it?

Published February 10, 2012

A real cop-out

disbandrucgraffiti.jpg What the PSNI management has done is to subvert both the objective and the spirit of the Patten reforms and they've been doing it for years.

Published February 10, 2012

The moral hijacking of Bloody Sunday

bloodysundayvictims.jpg On the 40th anniversary of the paratroopers’ massacre in Derry, it is remarkable how much Britain has exploited this event to its advantage.

Published February 3, 2012

No Oscars for Margaret Thatcher’s Irish legacy

margaretthatcher.jpg The recent publication of British government papers from 1981 have reminded many people of the negative role played by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at that time.

Published January 27, 2012

Unionists most to gain in Scottish ‘devo max’

scotlandmap.jpg It is going to happen. Slowly, slowly catchee monkee. Just watch Alex Salmond walking the naive and intemperate Cameran into his elephant trap.

Published January 20, 2012

Enough generalities

victimeye.jpg It's a long way from the Village area of Belfast to Stormont, but two simple actions would help considerably to tackle sectarianism.

Published January 13, 2012

Thatcher’s stance shown to be intransigent, duplicitous

margaretthatcher.jpg Papers released under the 30-year rule reveal a prime minister refusing to deal with the substance of the Irish prison protests, writes Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams TD.

Published January 6, 2012

NIO unionists vetoed hunger strike deal

hungerstikecoffin.jpg The recently-released British state papers from 1981 are certainly not infallible nor full accounts, but they do reveal the mindset that the prisoners, their families and supporters had to overcome.

Published January 6, 2012

All changed utterly in electoral revolution

2011.jpg A remarkable year in politics north and south - remarkable not least because for once there was more ‘Sturm und Drang’ south of the border than north of it.

Published December 30, 2011

Detention of pardoned Price an abuse of power

marianpriceposter.jpg The slogan says ’Free Marion Price’. Tens of thousands of motorists see it every day. It’s doubtful if any of them pay any attention. They should.

Published December 23, 2011

Free Marian Price now

marianpriceaddress.jpg The continuing imprisonment of Marian Price in Maghaberry is a scandal and would be seen more widely in this light were it not for her politics.

Published December 16, 2011

DUP bluster can’t stop SF’s winds of change

belfastcityhall.jpg Belfast’s Lord Mayor Niall O Donnghaile has done more in his six months in office to promote peace and reconciliation between the citizens of Belfast than his unionist critics have done in a lifetime.

Published December 9, 2011

Important work ahead for the Irish diaspora

diaspora.jpg The Irish scattered around the world have a vital contribution to make as we seek to reshape and re-imagine Ireland in the 21st century.

Published December 2, 2011

An opportunity missed, or thrown away?

aras11resultsf.jpg Now that the dust has settled on the election of the ninth President of Ireland, it is time to look back on the positives and negatives of that campaign for Irish republicans.

Published November 25, 2011

Partisan poppy serves to exclude nationalists

poppyfascism.jpg The decision by the new leader of the SDLP, Alasdair McDonnell, not to wear a poppy on Remembrance Sunday will be welcomed by the vast majority of northern nationalists.

Published November 17, 2011

President promoted a new inclusive Ireland

marymcaleese.jpg It was entirely consistent with President Mary McAleese’s 14 years as president of Ireland that one of her last engagements was to open a gallery named after the Falls Road-born painter Gerard Dillon in Belfast’s Culturlann.

Published November 10, 2011

Reflections on an election

martincmcguinness.jpg Martin McGuinness is a trail blazer. That much must be clear. Even to his detractors.

Published November 3, 2011


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