[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Gilmore’s vacuous talk suits his invisible role

eamongilmorebig.jpg Eamon Gilmore made a speech in Cambridge at the weekend to the British-Irish association. It made depressing reading for a number of reasons.

Published September 20, 2013

Bloody Sunday secrets taken to the grave

edwardloden.jpg The death last week of retired British army officer Edward Loden - murdered by intruders at his son’s home in Nairobi - means that we may never fully know how or on whose instructions the initial cover-up of the Bloody Sunday killings was organised.

Published September 13, 2013

Time for the DUP to know that actions have consequences

peterrobinsonbig.jpg Why did Peter Robinson, and him in Florida, send a letter that threatens the very existence of the Stormont institutions?

Published September 6, 2013

Haass should know who he’s dealing with

richardhaassbig.jpg In traditional unionist fashion the DUP has ridden the past year's wave of violence to hold back progress.

Published August 30, 2013

Unionist mindset same as in 1968

loyalistrioterwoman.jpg When you strip it down to fundamentals, last weekend demonstrated exactly the same unionist attitudes and mindset as they held in 1968.

Published August 17, 2013

Laying claim to the Volunteers of Tyrone

westtyronememorial.jpg An article by Sean Bresnahan on the upcoming Tyrone event to commemorate two IRA volunteers who died in 1973.

Published August 9, 2013

Anniversary of Internment 2013

internment.jpg Internment or Detention Without Trial is nothing new to Irish people and has been used every few decades throughout our Nation’s occupation.

Published August 2, 2013

Why an impunity inquiry is needed

politiciansbusinessmontage.jpg As Ireland’s only corruption trial collapsed this week with a businessman and three implicated councillors cleared, Fintan O’Toole explains why an inquiry is needed into why a regime of impunity on corruption and fraud persists in the 26 County state.

Published July 26, 2013

Orange Order’s day of reckoning has come

loyalistwatercannon.jpg When Richard Haass arrives to try to square the circle he will need to realise that the only way to bring the Orange Order to heel is to hit them where it hurts - in their pockets.

Published July 19, 2013

The neglected commemoration of the 1913 Dublin lockout

jimlarkinbig.jpg Commentators and media are already looking toward the centenary of the 1916 Rising, but there has been much less comment so far on the centenary of the 1913 Dublin Lockout.

Published July 12, 2013

A tale of two enclaves

suffolk.jpg For understandable reasons most of the publicity about petrol bombs flying over interface fencing is focused on east Belfast’s Short Strand. It’s not the only place where there is tension, of course.

Published July 5, 2013

The accused

livingstonemcintyre.jpg The worm has turned and ‘Big Liv’ stands vindicated, able to point the finger at those who conspired to unjustly secure a worthless conviction.

Published June 28, 2013

Immoral diplomacy

g8putincameronobama.jpg Anyone who believes David Cameron that he chose an island outside Enniskillen in an island called Ireland to stage the G8 had only to listen to PSNI chief superintendent Alan McCrum who said Enniskillen is really hard to get to.

Published June 21, 2013

Why we must protest

brianleeson.jpg By hosting the G8 summit in occupied Ireland, the British government are attempting to portray our country as a peaceful colony – a success story for modern day capitalism and imperialism.

Published June 14, 2013

SDLP’s uncertainty principle is baffling

alasdairmcdonnellbig.jpg What you’ve watched in the last fortnight is the political equivalent of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in physics.

Published June 7, 2013

Politicians need to grow up

alanshattercar.jpg A look at Dáil politics in a week in which 26-County Justice Minister Alan Shatter survived a motion of no confidence, despite a lingering controversy over low-level Garda corruption and the news that he was permitted to pass through a Garda checkpoint after failing to provide a sample of his breath.

Published May 31, 2013

Two years interned - no British justice

marianpriceposter2.jpg This week marks the entry into the third year Marian Price is interned without trial and is incarcerated on the word of a British Secretary of State.

Published May 24, 2013

Force feeding in Guantanamo Bay

guantanamobig.jpg Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams on reports that hunger strikers have been hospitalised and are being force-fed at Guantanamo Bay.

Published May 17, 2013

Brazen exhibition of political charlatanry

robinsonmcguinnessdocument.jpg The ten-year plan for tackling sectarian divisions in the North presented last week by the First and Deputy First Ministers was a 'snow job', according to Brian Feeney.

Published May 17, 2013

Micheal Martin: a far-seeing bird?

martinbodenstown.jpg Micheal Martin reminds me of the Skibbereen Eagle. Not in appearance, more in tone and self-image.

Published April 26, 2013


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