[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Denigrating the people of 1916

risingrebels.jpg Former taoiseach John Bruton is on a crusade to revive Redmondism in Irish politics and to denigrate the men and women who gave us the Proclamation of the Irish Republic and the 1916 Rising.

Published August 9, 2014

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto

gazaghetto.jpg There are two compelling factors that stand out in any examination of the crisis in Gaza: the persistent intransigence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Israeli unwillingness to pursue a diplomatic and political solution to the Palestinian tragedy.

Published August 2, 2014

MI5’s murky role in Kincora scandal yet to be exposed

colinwallacebig.jpg MI5’s interests will take precedence over the rights of raped children.

Published July 26, 2014

End the war on Gaza

gazakids.jpg The short ceasefire in Gaza will only be another temporary lull in the cyclical violence in that region unless a real and inclusive dialogue takes place involving all of the combatant groups.

Published July 19, 2014

If you live in the past, you can’t learn from it

nesbittrobinsonforum.jpg After this huff is over unionists will have to return to the negotiating table as they have had to do on every previous occasion when they walked away.

Published July 12, 2014

John Bruton puts Easter 1916 in its place

johnbruton.jpg Commemorations by the establishment seek to provide us with history not as it was, but as they would prefer it to have been.

Published July 5, 2014

Spectacular intellectual gymnastics and the Guildford 4

guildfordfour.jpg The responsibility for the detention and incarceration of many innocent people in England and in Ireland rests absolutely with the various police forces and judicial and political system.

Published June 28, 2014

Irish government has abdicated responsibility

gilmorevilliers.jpg You may not have noticed, because the Irish and British governments have been denying it, but something has gone seriously wrong with the British-Irish joint approach to the north.

Published June 21, 2014

People power pushed Sinn Fein to the top

mcguinnessadamselection.jpg Sinn Fein’s performance in the nationwide election a few weeks ago was not only stunning for the party it was a personal triumph of unprecedented proportions for Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams.

Published June 14, 2014

A scandal of church and state

massgrave.jpg The revelations of the mass grave of babies in Tuam is horrifying and the Taoiseach must launch a full-scale national inquiry, writes Susan Lohan, co-founder of the Adoption Rights Alliance.

Published June 7, 2014

Government given notice to quit

gilmoreresignslabour.jpg The Fine Gael/Labour government is in crisis. The election results of recent days confirm this. They have been effectively given a notice to quit by the electorate.

Published May 31, 2014

Watch the DUP take a hard right to outdo the TUV

jimallister2.jpg Allister is now a player. He can't be ignored in any attempt to create a unionist pact for the 2015 general election.

Published May 31, 2014

Bereaved have been fobbed off to conceal difficult truths

highcourt.jpg A landmark High Court ruling that the relatives of six men are to be awarded compensation for lengthy delays in holding inquests gives hope to countless others in similar situations.

Published May 22, 2014

Oh for someone with the guts to tackle the past

truthcommissioner.jpg Painful though it is to admit it, the only politician talking sense over the past week was Peter Hain.

Published May 10, 2014

Double standards at play in Gerry Adams arrest

jeanmcconvillejoanconnolly.jpg Despite a flagrant attempt to draw a line under investigations into state terror, Britain reserves the power to prosecute republicans and loyalists as the needs of the ‘peace process’ dictate.

Published May 3, 2014

On meeting monarchy

jamesconnollybig.jpg It is obviously a matter for Sinn Fein who they meet but from the outside this looks like another ‘leadership initiative’ which has nothing to do with improving the material conditions of the working class or advancing towards the Republic.

Published April 11, 2014

Culture of entitlement

kerinsout.jpg Angela Kerins has finally resigned as the CEO of Rehab in a scandal over the salaries and bonuses paid to her and other senior executives of the charity for the disabled, but those left behind must pick up the pieces.

Published April 5, 2014

Can we defeat this injustice?

ivorbellgerryadams1985.jpg With one stroke the crown has muted the Westminster outcry over its bartered OTR immunity certificates, placated unionist adherents and sent a sinister warning to potential independent republican candidates or campaigners.

Published March 29, 2014

Robinson hedged threat with sufficient waffle

obinsondowney.jpg Peter Robinson’s resignation threat shows what a savage blow the failure of the prosecution of John Downey has dealt to the political process in the north.

Published March 1, 2014

The Power of Orange Knickers

gregorycampbellflat.jpg Why doesn’t Gregory Campbell launch a campaign to lift The Power of Orange Knickers up the charts? This would be a more apt and less risible response to the success of Glasgow Celtic supporters in pushing The Roll of Honour into the BBC’s chart show.

Published February 21, 2014


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