[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Govts must accept their responsibilities

adamsstormont.jpg Understanding why there is a crisis doesn’t require a lot of deep political analysis. It’s pretty obvious.

Published December 20, 2014

Blame for debacle lies at feet of Villiers

villiers.jpg The responsibility for yesterday’s debacle at Stormont lies scattered around the feet of our clueless proconsul.

Published December 13, 2014

DUP swivel-eyed loons are afraid of equality

dupthree.jpg Unionism emerged in the 19th century as an attempt to avoid living on equal terms with the rest of the people on this island. So it remains.

Published November 29, 2014

Assessing armed actions

iragunsalute.jpg A discussion document circulated by the Irish Republican Socialist Party to their members.

Published November 22, 2014

Rise of SF is unnerving the political establishment

pollsftops2.jpg Ireland is on the cusp of enormous political change. Our homegrown political establishment, who have defended their interests against all comers since the foundation of the state, suddenly find themselves wrong-footed and floundering.

Published November 15, 2014

The state and the media

waterprotest.jpg The battle against the Water Tax is largely a battle for the hearts and minds of the people. Indeed the same can be said for the wider struggle for meaningful Irish political, economic and social freedom.

Published November 8, 2014

Hart in wrong place if he’s hoping for a deal

garyhart.jpg What’s Gary Hart doing here? Why now? The answer is that the timing has more to do with the US mid-term elections next week than the Mexican stand-off at Stormont.

Published November 1, 2014

The case of the emperor’s thumb

cahillmicrophones.jpg I was on RTE’s Prime Time last night. It was of course about the Mairia Cahill case and it was what you might call a learning experience.

Published October 25, 2014

Reneging on deals is just no way to do business

duptalks2.jpg This week in the Assembly we witnessed the latest example of DUP bad faith.

Published October 18, 2014

The truth about the past is withheld

topsecretbig.jpg The British government has no intention of allowing the truth to be told about its forces’ role in the conflict.

Published October 4, 2014

No-one can claim victory in war still being fought

psniplastic2.jpg I’d never really thought to analyse the question ‘who won the war?’ because by my assessment the war is far from over.

Published October 4, 2014

Why not another referendum?

queencameron.jpg In the aftermath of the Scottish referendum result the British political establishment were quick to deem it a ‘victory for democracy’. And in the same breath they definitively stated that the issue of Scottish independence was now settled for a generation or even permanently. Hmmm.

Published September 27, 2014

Irish nationalism must catch up with Scotland

scotlandrally.jpg A look at the significance to Ireland of the Scottish independence referendum by Colum Eastwood MLA of the SDLP.

Published September 20, 2014

There are no short cuts to freedom

psniestate.jpg A republican analysis of the Scottish independence referendum by the Republican Network for Unity.

Published September 20, 2014

Hope springs in Scotland

scotland.jpg If the vote is No, the debate about Scotland’s future in the UK will only intensify.

Published September 13, 2014

IMF deal would be another humiliation for Dublin govt

michaelnoonangrumpy.jpg Irish politicians, the people who are supposed to represent our interests and fight our corner, appear happy to collude in a charade over the cost of bailing out the EU's banking system.

Published September 13, 2014

Ceasefire promises were disingenuous

ceasefire2.jpg The view of the Republican Network for Unity on the 20th anniversary of the Provisional IRA ceasefire

Published September 6, 2014

An urgent need for action

adamsconfused.jpg The IRA cessation opened up the space for the development of the peace process.

Published August 30, 2014

Moderate unionists driven out by bigots

peterrobinsonbig.jpg For every incident that happened this year or last year you can cite one exactly the same or worse 50 years ago.

Published August 30, 2014

Women’s bodies not considered their own

abortionprotest.jpg To allow hundreds of distressed young women to make a lonely journey across the Irish Sea every year because they have been denied proper care in their own country is shameful.

Published August 23, 2014


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