[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Stormont has served politicians, not the people

teabiscuits.jpg What has Stormont delivered for working-class nationalists? Zilch.

Published September 19, 2015

Political policing is not a ‘legacy issue’

fennellsns.jpg Local Republicans and residents’ groups analysis of the PSNI, MI5 and repressive state apparatus and legislation is the correct one.

Published September 12, 2015

Stormont is a failed political experiment

stormontstatue2.jpg Since the current Stormont is now more unpopular than the old one, many might wonder why Sinn Fein is trying to preserve it.

Published September 12, 2015

Ireland’s record on migrants has been shameful

faminerefugees.jpg How quickly we forget. When it suits. Are we about to disgrace ourselves again?

Published September 5, 2015

There is nothing more Sinn Fein can do

gerryadamsardfheis.jpg The PSNI Chief’s claim that the IRA exists - even in the benign way he paints it - is wrong: the IRA is gone and is not coming back, writes Gerry Adams.

Published August 29, 2015

If IRA didn’t exist, unionists would need to invent it

iramasks.jpg There was a joke in 1997. What’s the difference between the Stickies and the Provos? Answer: 25 years.

Published August 29, 2015

The last obscenity

maghaberrybig.jpgg Maghaberry is an injustice that undermines the very fabric of our society.

Published August 22, 2015

The deaths of Gerard Davison and Kevin McGuigan

davisonmcguigan.jpg Are the Provisional IRA about to re-commence their armed campaign? Do unionist politicians really think so?

Published August 22, 2015

A two-tier policing and justice system

pregnantailmarch.jpg It would appear as if a two tier police and justice system - one rule for Irish Republicans and another, much more lenient one, for the pro British community - is in force today in the north of Ireland.

Published August 15, 2015

Who dares confront touchy billionaire Denis O’Brien?

denisobriencartoon.jpg A closer look at the five legal attacks of Denis O’Brien, in chronological order, and the broader issues they raise about inequality and power in Ireland.

Published August 8, 2015

The myth of demilitarisation

britslurgan.jpg Britain has not in fact demilitarised but simply returned to levels of troop deployment consistent with her needs during ‘peacetime’

Published August 8, 2015

End the appeasement of loyalist gang bosses

uprg.jpg Local councils, Stormont and the British government subsidise the UDA and UVF by employing their bosses and local henchmen.

Published July 25, 2015

Orange Order bigotry must be opposed

loyalistsardoyne2015.jpg For just how much longer must the beleaguered nationalist community in the north be expected to succumb to unwanted loyalist bonfires and being forced to indulge unwelcome, uninvited anti-Catholic Orangemen?

Published July 18, 2015

Stormont’s gravest crisis

adamsstormont.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, writing for Leargas, warns that the 1998 Good Friday peace Agreement ‘hangs by a thread’.

Published July 11, 2015

Who will dare say out loud ‘the emperor has no clothes’?

kennyeu.jpg Everything from the lives of ordinary Greeks to the foundations of the European Union must be sacrificed to a toxic fantasy, to which Ireland has made a special contribution.

Published July 4, 2015

MI5 has primacy on policing

mi5parker.jpg MI5 retains the ability to dictate the terms on which its activities might be examined

Published June 27, 2015

An agreement in the rear-view mirror

stormonthousedeal.jpg The Stormont House Agreement is now history. It joins the long list of documents gathering dust in the archives like the 1995 Frameworks Document, large chunks of the 2001 Weston Park Agreement and the 2010 Hillsborough Agreement.

Published June 20, 2015

‘A compassionate and inclusive future’

markthomson.jpg Mark Thompson of Relatives for Justice has criticised the DUP for attempting to exclude republicans from the 'reconciliation' process.

Published June 6, 2015

Who fears to speak of Easter Week?

fennellspeech.jpg New York lawyer and long-time republican activist Martin Galvin on the recent arrest and internment-by-remand of Ardoyne republican Dee Fennell.

Published May 30, 2015

Reaching out

charlesadamstea.jpg Tuesday’s meeting is part of the necessary process which must now address in a more substantial way than ever before the issue of reconciliation and healing.

Published May 23, 2015


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