[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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A key Sinn Fein objective is emerging

martinadamskenny.jpg Jim Gibney writes that with Gerry Adams leading a significantly larger group of Sinn Fein TDs in the Dail the north will, in this centenary year of the 1916 Rising, never again be abandoned.

Published March 5, 2016

The media campaign against Sinn Fein

sindohanlon.jpg The most alarming feature of this general election has been the ferocious campaign against Sinn Fein. The State has never witnessed such a biased agenda across all media organisations against a political party.

Published February 27, 2016

A time for change

sfbattlebus.jpg Elements of the conservative media have been busy trying to spin the yarn that the election is ‘boring’. The truth is very different. In my travels across this state there is a clear desire for change. For new politics.

Published February 20, 2016

When national security undermines human rights

patfinucanebig2.jpg It's worth noting that Britain’s security elite systematically invests time and energy in long-term planning and forecasting.

Published February 13, 2016

Eight years on and it is political business as usual

michaellowrybig.jpg Nothing has changed and no one is held accountable in Ireland, and this is a government promising more of the same.

Published February 6, 2016

The fantasy history of the 1916 Easter Rising

redmondpearse.jpg Who is more reprehensible on the scales of historical judgement? The progressive militant, who sought a modern democratic republic or the conservative militant, who was ready to accept a devolved, partitioned Ireland?

Published January 23, 2016

Right to reject nonsense of a ‘shared history’

19162016.jpg The two governments, but particularly the Irish government, hoped that by developing a load of claptrap about a ‘shared history’ they could somehow exorcise the years 1912-22.

Published January 16, 2016

Remember 1916, when we had guts and self-esteem?

pearsekenny.jpg You’d have to wonder what the executed leaders of the Rising would make of Ireland's leaders of today.

Published January 9, 2016

Time for a new approach

stormonttalks2015.jpg Following the conclusion of yet another pseudo negotiation at Stormont, its purpose as ever to prop up British rule in the North, it is clear the status quo in Ireland is incapable of securing forward political progress.

Published December 30, 2015

The jailing of Claire Knowles

claireknowles.jpg Just two weeks before Christmas, a law-abiding mother, daughter, sister, grandmother and friend to many was committed to prison.

Published December 12, 2015

A fresh start?

gibneyeastwood.jpg Amid ongoing public recriminations and street protests against the ‘Fresh Start’ agreement, Jim Gibney defends Sinn Fein’s negotiators, while the SDLP’s new leader Colum Eastwood condemns them.

Published November 28, 2015

Robinson has gone before he was pushed

robinsondup.jpg Robinson's opponents in the DUP made no secret of their belief that he was an electoral liability.

Published November 21, 2015

Spies and spooks - the same old story

mi5logofancybig.jpg It is regrettable but not surprising that elements of the Irish political establishment and sections of the Irish media are willing to exploit a specious report to attack Sinn Fein.

Published November 13, 2015

Explaining yourself to the poppy fascists

poppyfascists.jpg Literally within seconds of Sienna Miller stepping into shot on the Graham Norton Show on Saturday night “eagle-eyed viewers” spotted she wasn’t wearing a poppy.

Published November 6, 2015

A strategy of confusion

collusionvictims.jpg Pauline Mellon, author of ‘The Diary Of A Derry Mother’, looks at how victims are treated in the legacy proposals of the Stormont House Agreement.

Published October 31, 2015

Latest report highlights process absurdities

backtothefuture.jpg Another week, another crisis in the peace process which passeth all understanding.

Published October 23, 2015

Equality needed for former political prisoners

prisonersreleased.jpg Former prisoners should be legally recognised as full and equal members of society like everyone else.

Published October 16, 2015

British determined to control historical inquiries

collusionbadges.jpg The British government's Northern Ireland Office snuck out its policy paper on implementing the Stormont House Agreement last week.

Published October 10, 2015

DUP made mistake in confronting Cameron with threats

cameroncricket.jpg The way the British government has handled the impasse is very instructive. They did not give in to unionist amateur dramatics, ultimatums, hissy fits or walk outs.

Published September 26, 2015

Gerry Adams and Jeremy Corbyn and what matters in politics

adamscorbyn.jpg Criticism of Corbyn’s non-singing of the British national anthem, or the clothes he wears, or his beard, are obviously superficial to the brink of ludicrous.

Published September 19, 2015


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