[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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A response to the BBC

markthompsonbig.jpg Mark Thompson of Relatives for Justice responds to the BBC Spotlight documentary on the death of British double-agent Denis Donaldson.

Published September 24, 2016

Building Gaeilge for future generations

glornamonalily.jpg Irish history is full of examples of policies intended to deter the use of the Irish language while promoting English. But it is also full of courageous men and women who strove to defend the language and music and culture of Ireland.

Published September 17, 2016

Honest and transparent debate needed on united Ireland

unitedirelandunionists.jpg A welcome off-shoot from the recent ‘Brexit’ referendum in Britain is that talk of a United Ireland has come again to the fore of political discourse all across Ireland.

Published September 10, 2016

The most beautiful of all battles

colombiapeacehavana.jpg This week a peace agreement represents the first time that Colombia will be at peace since 1948, and includes comprehensive agreements that encompass many aspects of Colombian life.

Published August 27, 2016

Potential for building a new Ireland

martinmcguinness0716.jpg Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness says that the debate on an united Ireland has begun and can’t be stopped.

Published August 6, 2016

An end to the Union

fostermaymcguinness.jpg Once again a British politician - who has no stake in this island - is given influence over our lives by a British government whose priority interests are not ours.

Published July 30, 2016

Political process has a one dimensional unionist narrative

smashedmemorial.jpg The revelation that the 1916 memorial in Carnlough was removed in the dead of night by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is unsurprising but symptomatic of a political establishment and narrative that seeks to remove all vestiges of Irish nationalist and republican culture and history.

Published July 23, 2016

Sectarian Orange Order bonfires

bonfireunionjacks.jpg Perhaps one reason why the Northern state turns a blind eye to the naked sectarianism displayed at 11th July bonfires is the fundamentally sectarian foundations of the British Constitution.

Published July 16, 2016

Ignoring the truth over north’s position on EU

northbrexit.jpg Forthcoming negotiations are an opportunity for Sinn Fein and northern nationalists to tighten relations with the Republic in ways that benefit all the people on this island.

Published June 25, 2016

Question is now about extent of loyalist collusion

michaelmaguire.jpg Let’s hope the Police Ombudsman’s report on the Loughinisland killings becomes a model for future investigations by his office.

Published June 18, 2016

Truth alone is not enough

barneygreen.jpg It is poignantly fitting that the truth about Loughinisland has emerged at this precise time as people gather in their local pubs for the start of Euro 2016.

Published June 11, 2016

‘Brexit’ vote denies the national rights of the Irish

brexitbig2.jpg The upcoming ‘Brexit’ referendum holds significance for Ireland given Britain’s continuing claim to sovereignty over the Six Counties and her ongoing occupation of the North.

Published May 28, 2016

Writing about the hunger strike

oldhsbig.jpg 35 years ago, on May 5th 1981, Bobby Sands died on hunger strike after 66 days without food. He was the first of 10 men to die in the H Blocks of Long Kesh that terrible summer of 1981.

Published May 21, 2016

Sinn Féin must beware the left-wing surge

mcguinnessfoyle.jpg The large votes for People Before Profit candidates remain the story of the election. Left wing candidates did most damage to Sinn Féin and the SDLP.

Published May 7, 2016

Stormont elections - a mandate for British rule

stormontpoliticians.jpg Sean Bresnahan looks at the upcoming elections in the North. Sean Bresnahan is a member of the Thomas Ashe Society in Omagh and National PRO of the 1916 Societies.

Published April 30, 2016

Micheal Martin could play a role in Irish unity

martinadams.jpg A Micheal Martin speech at Bodenstown or in the Dail or at Arbour Hill would not be complete without an attack on Sinn Fein. I suppose we should take some comfort from this, writes Gerry Adams.

Published April 23, 2016

Sir Bob and the f***ing martyrs

bobgeldof.jpg Some time back there was a fashionable notion called the Tipping Point. In the old days we’d have called it the straw that broke the camel’s back. Well, I’ve reached that point with Sir Bob Geldof.

Published April 9, 2016

The Rising tide of revisionism

procbig.jpg There's a lot of balderdash talked in the last couple of weeks about the Easter Rising being 'undemocratic'. So it was as people today view democracy. However that doesn't mean the existing government in Ireland was democratic. It wasn't.

Published March 26, 2016

It’s our party and we’ll cry if we want to

kennymartin.jpg The two biggest right-wing parties have wasted weeks staging meaningless talks that can’t lead to anything. Panic? Indecision? I don’t think so.

Published March 19, 2016

Irish Unity is better for all

oneisland.jpg This year of all years presents an opportunity to challenge the misconceptions, to present the argument for a new Ireland where the Proclamation exists as reality, not an afterthought from the past.

Published March 12, 2016


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