[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Foster’s disturbing attempt to demonise SF voters

arlenefosterold.jpg Arlene Foster’s characterisation of Sinn Fein as a ‘crocodile’ is very disturbing indeed for a number of reasons.

Published February 17, 2017

Brexit exposes GFA as a purely internal arrangement

gfabrexit.jpg Sean Bresnahan argues that the recent decision on Brexit by the Supreme Court in London leaves no room for doubt that the Good Friday Agreement amounts to nothing more than an exclusively internal solution.

Published February 10, 2017

Brokenshire’s legacy comments are a disgrace

brokenshireselfie.jpg You have to go back a long way to find a proconsul as directionless as the current specimen.

Published February 3, 2017

Sinn Fein seeking respect, equality and integrity

mcguinnessoneill.jpg A statement by Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill on taking over from Martin McGuinness and taking up the new position within the party of ‘Leader in the North’.

Published January 27, 2017

Republican views on the Stormont crisis

rsf1916socssaoradh.jpg The opinions of Sinn Fein’s republican opponents on the current state of politics in the north of Ireland.

Published January 27, 2017

McGuinness will be a hard man to follow

mcguinnessqueen45.jpg Martin McGuinness’s IRA career and reputation uniquely fitted him for his role as chief conciliator with the British establishment.

Published January 20, 2017

Why Brexit means Irish unity is now inevitable

aunitedirelandbook.jpg A political commentary by Kevin Meagher, former Special Adviser to the last Labour Government in Britain, about the new potential for Irish reunification.

Published January 13, 2017

Momentum building towards collapse of Stormont

stormont600.jpg Serious damage is being done to the integrity of politics and action is urgently needed to restore public confidence and trust in the north’s political system.

Published January 6, 2017

DUP arrogance damages institutions

dupstormonthugs.jpg Monday’s antics by the DUP in the Assembly have seriously damaged its credibility and that of the Executive and of the First and Deputy First Ministers office. The DUP’s actions are not acceptable and this issue is not going away, according to Gerry Adams.

Published December 24, 2016

Stormont must go

stormontprotest.jpg An analysis by the new republican political party, Saoradh, of the latest crisis within the northern Executive.

Published December 17, 2016

Political correctness won’t cut it for GAA people

crossmaglengacbrits.jpg After GAA chief Aogan o Fearghail called for scrapping the Irish flag and the national anthem from Gaelic sports, commentator Joe Brolly responded.

Published December 10, 2016

A failed prison

prisoncell.jpg After five deaths at the jail in the past year, prisons campaigner Alec McCrory raises concerns about the situation in Maghaberry.

Published November 26, 2016

Demand the release of Tony Taylor

tonytaylor600.jpg The internment of Tony Taylor strikes at the very heart of democracy and the right to a fair trial.

Published November 12, 2016

‘We will not be broken’

harassmentvigil.jpg A statement from Saoradh member, Damhnic Mac Eochaidh, read out at the demonstration against British/PSNI harassment in Belfast, and also one by 15-year-old Ailise ni Mhurchu from west Belfast, on the PSNI stop and search procedures she has endured while going to and coming from school.

Published November 5, 2016

Brexit has implications for whole of Ireland

mcguinnessnew.jpg Brexit presents enormous and unprecedented challenges to jobs and investment, to public services and to the progress and co-operation we now take for granted. It demands that we put the needs of our people and economy to the fore.

Published November 5, 2016

Brits plan to ignore human rights laws - again

theresamayquote.jpg Last week’s Tory party conference exposed once again the British establishment’s largely xenophobic view of the world outside of England.

Published October 22, 2016

Budget will re-enforce inequality

budget17noonan.jpg The spin is that last week’s Budget spreads the benefits to all. It doesn’t.

Published October 15, 2016

Brexiteers should know consequences of ignoring Ireland

brokenshire.jpg There will be consequences if the carefully worded deal in the Good Friday Agreement about how to advance Irish unity peacefully and democratically is casually set aside unilaterally by the British government.

Published October 15, 2016

Dialogue, not deflection

donegangarc.jpg Pauline Mellon on the Ardoyne parades dispute, from her blog, ‘The Diary of a Derry Mother’.

Published October 8, 2016

Have Sinn Fein been outwitted by the DUP?

fostermcguinness.jpg In setting out to free Ireland, in believing they could outwit the British, Sinn Fein have in fact set us backwards to the days of unionist domination.

Published October 1, 2016


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