[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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There can be no return to the status quo

equalitymarch.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams on the Stormont talks process which collapsed this week.

Published July 8, 2017

Breakdown in talks an avoidable mess

brokenshiremedia.jpg As they say in Belfast, the dogs in the street could see there was no prospect of a deal to restore power-sharing.

Published July 8, 2017

DUP losing battle for Irish-free zone

achtprotest.jpg To the surprise of no-one the Stormont talks foundered on the DUP's adamantine refusal to concede an Acht na Gaelige.

Published July 1, 2017

Active abstentionism

sfmps17.jpg Is Micheal Martin now telling us that if his party ever stands candidates in the North, and they are successful, that they will take the Oath to the English Queen?

Published June 17, 2017

Election has sounded the death knell for the SDLP

2017wmelection.jpg For the first time in fifty-one years, since Gerry Fitt was elected for West Belfast in 1966, there is no northern nationalist voice at Westminster.

Published June 10, 2017

The winds of change are blowing

sf2017candswest.jpg Nationalists have come to appreciate the power and value of their vote.

Published June 3, 2017

Don’t let them break you

carolineletter.jpg An appeal to anyone who has been approached by British intelligence and has accepted their false promises of a better life to come forward and to make it known.

Published May 27, 2017

Victory to the hunger strikers

irishhungerstrikers.jpg 36 years ago the hunger strikers and the political prisoners in the H-Blocks and Armagh Women’s prison were uplifted by reports of international solidarity.

Published May 20, 2017

EU decision changes the question on Irish unity

brexitsignpost.jpg Last Saturday’s formal statement of the EU’s negotiating position is of enormous importance for Ireland north and south.

Published May 6, 2017

Brexit, demographic change and a ‘New Republic’ for all

mapfaces.jpg With Brexit looming and unionism fast becoming not only a national minority but one within its own gerrymandered statelet, what is now required is a national dialogue.

Published April 29, 2017

The North will be biggest loser in the Brexit election

electionglum.jpg The general election couldn’t come at a worse time for Northern Ireland.

Published April 22, 2017

Joint administration the only way forward

flagsjoint2.jpg The sacrifice of this generation of republicans and the families of our patriot dead transformed Ireland in a way that means that a new independent Ireland can be realised.

Published April 14, 2017

Let us learn from the past and build a New Ireland

gpostylised.jpg As we approach Easter 2017 and the 101st anniversary of the Easter Rising of 1916 are we anywhere near the ideals set out in the proclamation read out by Padraig Pearse outside the GPO? NO, most definitely not.

Published April 7, 2017

Time for DUP to accept the game’s up

doddsfosterstormont.jpg You might think she doesn’t get it but Arlene Foster knows fine well what the problems were and continue to be and she knows rightly that forming an executive is not Sinn Fein’s priority.

Published April 1, 2017

Prospect of a united Ireland is inevitable

stormontrepresentation.jpg For the first time in my lifetime, the Irish question is no longer a question of if, but of when.

Published March 24, 2017

Thinking about the unthinkable

unitedirelandflag.jpg How much of our thinking is wishful? Quite a bit, I suspect.

Published March 17, 2017

We need to manage the transition to unity - now

adamsvote.jpg If ever citizens needed proof of the power and the importance of their vote, it was this election, writes Gerry Adams.

Published March 10, 2017

Voters didn’t back Sinn Fein in order to get the DUP

fosteroneill.jpg Let’s make a couple of points clear because the media commentary in the last few days has been couched within the parameters set out by the NIO, by wishful thinking and by hand wringing from bleeding heart getalongers, the so-called ‘middle ground’ which doesn’t amount to a hill of beans north and west of Royal Avenue.

Published March 10, 2017

Last night: slam, bam, thank you, ma’am

sinnfeinelectioncroc.jpg Well, that was quite an evening/night, wasn’t it? Just when you thought politics in our NE nest had become dour and tedious, along comes yesterday. Where to start?

Published March 4, 2017

The death of Pat Finucane: just one more killing?

geraldinefinucane2017.jpg I was at the annual Pat Finucane memorial lecture last night in the Europa Hotel. In some ways it was a moving evening, in some ways disappointing and in some ways enraging.

Published February 24, 2017


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